I'm the Mad Hatter, that means I've spent $0 for my software. `, )A.H. wrote:I was aware that this was a Premiere-biased community, but now I feel as that it's so biased that there are no alternatives.
That's probably the biggest problem I'm having with finding answers around here: every solution is based on Premiere. I find it pretty mind-boggling that almost every last person here spent over $500 ($699.99 according to Adobe.com) for a movie-making program, $500 for an image editing program, and $500 for a special effects program.
Many of us, admitted or not, are pirates. Hows yer sense of morality, matey? ARRRR!
Yeah I would. My attitude is that if you're going to be using the software to MAKE money, you should probably pay for it (if you think it's worth what they're charging). But if you're just using it for one or two lil hobby projects, nah.So now there's an even bigger question:
Should I take up BeoWulf's offer to get Premiere and After Effects for free?
It comes with Paint Shop Pro 7, which you can download from KaZaA or from the Jasc homepage...depending on how yer sense of ethics. *shrugs*P.S.:
Onideus_Mad_Hatter: What's this Animation Shop you speak of and how can I get it?