I hate upgrades.

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I hate upgrades.

Post by bladezeroX » Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:52 pm

Let me start by asking has anyone upgraded to vegas 7.0? Now i can bash, i don't know what the hell is wrong with this program but since i upgraded to 7.0 i've been able to use all the mpeg type files but at a cost. Now i can't use avi's at all and i'm not noob so this is severely pissing me off now. can anyone help me fix this so i can start making videos again.

Please and thank you

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Post by Kariudo » Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:11 pm

(have to get over the common problems first)

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Post by bladezeroX » Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:15 pm

well besides those in the flashing bold, but what common probs are you you talking about

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Post by CrackTheSky » Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:45 pm

Make sure all your clips are encoded with a lossless codec like HuffYUV or Lagarith. Editing with clips encoded with DivX, XviD, MPEG, etc. will cause all sorts of problems in editing programs.

If that's not the problem (and I very strongly suspect it is), then you'll probably need to give us more information.

And what Kariudo meant by "getting over the comomn problems first" is that people always ask this question, and the problem is most often that they're trying to edit with clips encoded in DivX or XviD.

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Post by bladezeroX » Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:29 pm

ALright heres the thing. Just upgraded to Vegas 7.0 all of a week ago prior to my swapping the program i was able to use avi files. then all of a sudden it won't allow me too, though on the plus side i have been able to use all the dvd files. Originally i had experienced this problem before with 6.0 and it turned out that it was a problem with the combined community codec that i had installed, but it was strange because i had fixed that problem with 6.0. now all of a sudden it starts to do the same thing with 7.0 but this time for what i tried there was no remedy. The problem is with lately i can't use avi's any time i try to edit any file with that extension it comes up as media offline with only the music coming. If anyone can help Please and Thnx

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Post by Kariudo » Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:02 pm

just saying that the files are avi's doesn't help.
we need to know what codec they are encoded with.

I may be jumping to conclusions...but it still might have something to do with CCCP.
go to the CCCP settings (not the ffdshow settings or Halli media splitter), list the ffdshow decoders, click next, and list all the options that are checked under halli media splitter.

when I have problems (sometimes my mkv support dies), I find that clicking re-register filters helps

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Post by bladezeroX » Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:38 pm

My Fault for being so cryptic. I meant to mention that it was only happening with CCCP, because originally when i had got vegas 6.0 it did the same thing. The funny part was till i had changed over CCCP vegas worked like a charm, then when i installed it it just stopped working. Though back then i did something to get it to work, i just can't remember what it was now. So i'll try what you were said see if it works then i'll post again if it does.

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Post by bladezeroX » Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:00 pm

tried it maybe i'm doing it wrong but it didn't work. I'll put a star by the ones that are checked in the setting menu.

Here was what was listed
FFDShow: *DivX,*Generic MPEG4, *H.264, *XviD
Haali Media Splitter: *Show Tray Icon, *Enable MP4 Support, *Enable OGM Support, *Enable TS Support

I had tried clicking avi support box with resetting and re registering the files and also found that to not work. So if you can think of anything else i would be a good help

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Post by JaddziaDax » Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:42 pm

convert your avi clips to be encoded to Lagarith (you can do this in Virtualdub Mod very easy)

if the file is too big then
1. disable the audio and
2. use these buttons to select parts you want to use:


Vegas really likey the lagarith codec...

plus its best to keep all your source footage the same kind of file anyways...

ps. ive installed 7, but i havent used it yet O.o I can still use Lagarith files in my program... (and editing with VOBs is interesting @_@)

I also refuse to install FFDShow onto my system... personal preference... and ive no clue what CCCP is, but Vegas SHOULD have no problem with Lagrith.


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