All 114 clips has been set into 5 levels categories by Fantasy Movies staff.
The 35 clips from the first category has been sent to judges to make a full ranking for them: final results will be published at Japan Expo conv on 6, 7, 8th July and some days after on Fantasy Movies Website and on this forum
Others categories will not be ranked and are just a bonus to help every participants to know it relative position to others
First, the 35 clips selected for judgement (by sorted by registration date):
Suzuna - Heaven's not enough
Alexboy - Emptiness
Criss - Start to V.E.D
_Nevermind_ - Liberty
master of chaos - Aversion
DarkSaiyajin - Les Invincibles
AtomX - Time Waits For No One
SoH - Voodoo Child
Reznic - Exo-Perfection
Valion - Nascent Malediction
Yusf - Center Forward
Yonda - Kuro To Shiro
CinKrei - Dead End
Chambeyc - Confusing love
The 35 Years Old Kid - Relique
Inertia - Ordained From Above
R_1 - Birth
Tisnak - Shinmizu
Kael - Vertigo
Dark-Krystal - Dirge
dark-kirua - Agony
Funky-kun - Breathing
Hephy - Spigel n a peur de personne
Nostromo - Magic Pad
Karolinger - Balls to the Wall
Smash Link - VII
Neolytic - Vengeance
Helios - S il vous plait dessine moi un mouton
Kambei - Lollipop
Kragdrim - Compte pas sur moi
Kostoprav - No mercy
Denionysos - Dark Side
Creed - Redemption
Shepherd - Silencio
Next, the 4 others category with indicative comments; trying to classify clips level
"You nearly made it" (Clips that could be selected):
Gaurry - Her Name
Atio - Session Days
Mr Elio - An Eye For An Eye
Bauzi - Deus Machina - The Abyss of Mankind
mtarzaim - Realities of Roy and Oland
ManOnDaMoon - Shredded
Kaito - Run!Hide!Kill!
"You have some talent" (Good clip but some mistakes prevent them to be into selection; often clips not really innovative):
naruto_dark - amv full metal alchemist
simofc90 - the last love song on this little planet
Stylish - Rivality of Violence
himitsu - Choose your Poison
callmeskippy - Hell'o
Kamahl - Final Fantasy VII AC
Clad-Sama - Tenshi Tobitatsumasu
Tristan117 - Nigecha dame da
Atemu! - Death Note AMV
Lil' Yakka - Dare To Be Yourself
Woy - Red Seed
B3rning14 - Various Society 3 : Holly Dolly
[L@DLF]Legolas - Saint Seiya Revolution 5
Siam - The Next Gen
Osi-chan - Schyzophrénie
sam - Patlabor! FEUER FREI!
Morh_Shion - Judge Grave
[Stuff] - Noir Poetry
Ken - Dices
Greggus - Dreamers
Aggressor - Have to stay
"You still have some work to do" (Good basis but need more work or experiments; some good ideas that should be worked):
Otaku - Ichigo vs Hollow
Lunaka - Believe
Ragoyoshi - No time to cry
ishisaki-kun - the cheap amv
Zifnab - Psychomatic
DussyDelf - Moe Moe
Anariion - AMV 2007
Ajira - Still loving you
Travis Uchiha - Trailer of Evangelion
Nosfe - Fight For Robin
Lorn - Vision d Aventurier
kenta-kun - Flame Haze's fight
Yukiko - Wolf's rain : a la recherche du rakuen
Didouji - The Hidden Power
Zan - The Dead Punk
inuzuka - young Stars
Varjo - Hachitarutsuki
~Ys~ - The Ring
Angel-Of-Death - End Of Hope
Hige-san - SukuBu
SaturnAlice - Realize yourself
Tijuju - Superheroes
M.A.Z - ghost world
"Try again" (Clips that have major technical troubles or are not really video editing):
DDXhunter - Syaoran's Kill
Deadly Ayaka - Destin
Phiphie - The Naruto Sweet Dreams
Stallion - Ken Chan “The Undead”
DJ-Copix - Everybody Need Heroes
Mitsume - Fightin' hearts
sword - fantasy final
poulti - dbz requiem
MoKoRna - MoKoRna's AMV
watashi-didi - final fantasy
belldandy78 - FFX & X-2 Trouble
Kaito - Phatom
Kakarotot - Hades, the director’s cut
Paco - Le couronnement de final fantasy 9
Sanaï - Sans titre
Dart1986 - Final Fantasy - Hoobastank
Coubo - final fantasy 7
supernanny - Character Pasts
Koci -
Phoenix - The dance commanders
Amdalo - Gomenasai Haruhi
Himitsuki - More than friends?
yuNa - The Story of Yuna and Tidus
die qualër - final fantasy IX bring me to life
vansekans - Haine, vengeance et trahison
The 35 first clips and the 8 clips from the first category
will be available to download on Fantasy Movies website after results publish on 8 th July.
If one of these 43 participant don't want to show his AMV on our website, please contact me I will remove it for download page.
Thanks to all clippers who participate