Also, offtopic, but...

VicBond007 wrote:To get your badges, hang around an AMV event while everyone else is queuing up and let someone who looks like they're in charge know that you'd like to pick up your AMV creator badge from Vic. Spec Ops will have a list of qualifying names and if you're on it, waltz on in, grab your badge, and go enjoy the rest of the con knowing that we're holding seats for youThe badges are good all weekend. Info Desk/Registration will have no idea what you're talking about if you ask them for one, so don't bother.
Erudito wrote:for us non-finalists, will be find out which overflow our videos will play at?
nice to know where our vids relate in the scheme of this conVicBond007 wrote:OK, for non-finalists, the entries are all dumped into one playlist sorted alphabetically by studio name.