AICon 2017 AMV comp

Announcement & discussion of Anime Music Video contests
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AICon 2017 AMV comp

Post by Jezroth » Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:42 pm

AMV Competition
Ever wanted a battle royale between Gintama and the crew of Bakemonogatari? Or see the Karasuno volleyball team play to disturbed? Well Anime Music Videos (AMV's) are just the place you can make these ideas a reality. Put your editing skills to the test and enter our competition for the chance to win prizes, get your AMV shown on the big screen and gain the adoration of anime nerds everywhere… in Tasmania.
General Rules
Note: The following rules are subject to change at any point in time. However, notification will be given on the forums to any changes made to the rules or submission deadline.
- Entries sent to previous AICon competitions are not eligible.
- All entries must be submitted by midnight Feb 24th 2017 (entries postmarked after this date will not be accepted).
- Please note that this is a PG rated convention, and as such, videos that contain excessive mature content will not
be accepted.
- No obscene language please (email if you require clarification of this rule).
- Videos must not exceed five minutes of length.
- Entrants can submit a maximum of three videos.
- Videos must not contain bumpers, title screens, credits, or any other forms of creator and/or footage/audio identification.If a video does contain
any of the previously stated identification they may either be re-encoded (decreasing the quality of the video) or disqualified from the competition
at the discretion of the AMV coordinators.
- 70% of the video must contain anime and/or video game footage.
- Videos must be of the individual’s creation, plagiarising other peoples work will not be tolerated and will result in bans from future competitions (including competitions at
other Australian conventions)
- The AMV coordinator reserves the right to disqualify entries for any reason they see necessary to protect the overall quality and integrity of the event.
These reasons can include:
• Poor video or audio quality.
• Failure to conform to the rules.

The contest is open to international entries and does not require contestants to attend the conventions (however, it is preferred for domestic contestants).
Prizes and awards will not be mailed to winners who do not attend the convention. By submitting an entry to AICon, the video editor grants AICon non-revocable
permission to exhibit and distribute that work. The video editor otherwise retains all rights and responsibilities relating to its creation. The retention of all
copyrights remains with the original holder of any and all copyrights.

By sending in an entry to the competition, you agree to all the rules listed above.
Contest Structure
Category and award descriptions are guidelines only. The AMV coordinator may add, change, or eliminate categories as they see fit. The competition is divided into two categories, judge and fan votes.
Judge Votes – An anonymous panel of Judges will view eligible entries and vote for the best videos, prior to the convention. The following categories will apply for the 2016 AICon AMV competition:
Action and/or Upbeat
Drama and/or Romance
Comedy and/or Trailer
Best in theme: This years theme is myth and magic. Theme is completely optional, just gives another category to enter, if you’re not sure your AMV is in theme we will add that category to your entry as we see fit.
Best Technical
Best Overall
Fan Favourite – At the screening of the AMV competition at AICon, judging forms will be available from the AMV coordinators as well as distributed randomly to the crowd. Videos will be judged by the audience with the top video receiving the award of “Fan Favourite”. This video is also eligible for awards in the judge vote categories.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions must be in digital format only (no VHS submissions will be accepted). All AMVs will be tested upon being received and if any
issues with codecs etc, you will be asked to make any necessary changes and submit again. The earlier you get your entry in, the more time we have to fix any problems.

Submissions can be submitted online. We will be playing the entries from laptops, connected to sound systems and projectors. Please send the best quality possible.
This is not a specific requirement for videos and your entry will not be judged or excluded from the competition based on it. It is more for your sake more than
anything else. If submitting a large lossless copy, please include a compressed copy (XviD/DivX/x264) as well.

Online Submissions
For online submissions simply host your video online and email your video details to the AMV coordinator (
Please do not link to a youtube video as we need to have a copy that can be transferred to an external hard drive for the convention.
You will receive a confirmation email when the AMV coordinator has received your entry, downloaded it and confirmed that it works.

Please include the following details when submitting (via email to your video to the AICon AMV Competition:

Name (real name)
Online Alias (optional)
Studio (optional)
E-mail Address
Intention to attend the convention (I will be attending/I won’t be attending/I may be attending)
And for each video entered include the following information:
Names of other editors who have contributed to video (if applicable, where other editors have edited sections of the video or collaborated)
Video Title
Video Sources (if over 5 just use ‘various’)
Song Title
Song Artist
Video Category (if unsure just say ‘not sure’)
Video Runtime
URL (link to video for online submission only)

Hard Copy (DVD/USB) Submissions
If you’re sending a hard copy (DVD/USB) please send it to:
Jeremiah Billing (AMV Competition)
670 Nelson Road, Mount Nelson
7007, Tas, Aus
Please note if you send a hard copy you will not get the DVD back.
USB can be collected if you attend the convention, but is not preferred.

Contact if you have any questions or problems, good luck and let the games begin!

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Re: AICon 2017 AMV comp

Post by shorisquared » Wed Mar 08, 2017 8:45 am

Any updates on winners?

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Re: AICon 2017 AMV comp

Post by Jezroth » Mon Apr 03, 2017 10:30 pm

Overall- 1st-Suki Da!!-StarTrinity009
2nd- Indigestion-Drewaconclusion
3rd- Sailor Mars-Minetchan

Tech 1st- Indigestion-Drewaconclusion
2nd- Sailer Mars-Minetchan
3rd- Riot-AntaresHeart07

Action/Upbeat 1st-Revolution-Tristan Ross
2nd-Slice Slice Revolution- Drewaconclusion

Drama 1st-Enchanted-Tristan Ross
2nd-To Serve Man-Drewaconlusion
3rd-I smile too-Zanderson

Comedy 1st- In digestion-Drewaconclusion
2nd- Suki Da!!-StarTrinity009
3rd- Sailer Mars-Minetchan

Theme 1st- Sailer Mars-Minetchan
2nd- To serve man-Drewaconclusion
3rd- AMV Transform-Millerstolp
Fan Fav- SUki Da!!-StarTrinity009

Sincerest apologies for the delay series technical and life issues, although these aren't an excuse. I will ensure to be more on time in the future and take more precautions to prevent this kind of delay.

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Re: AICon 2017 AMV comp

Post by MinetChan » Tue Apr 04, 2017 12:10 am

Jezroth wrote: Sincerest apologies for the delay series technical and life issues, although these aren't an excuse. I will ensure to be more on time in the future and take more precautions to prevent this kind of delay.
Thank you for posting up the results Jezroth! It's real unfortunate that things happened, but don't worry about it. Life gets us everyone now and then. Thanks again for all of your time and effort putting on this contest. Take care! :)


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