Discussion: Editor Approaches to Online IC Contests

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Discussion: Editor Approaches to Online IC Contests

Post by PieandBeer » Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:02 pm

Hi I'm back again but with more questions to force you all to answer. I wanted to start a discussion on the editor approach to time and source limited online AMV contests like Soul's Team Iron Chef XIII: Change the Game and AMV Roulette. These contests are crazy popular and I am personally frightened about how fast you guys edit great videos. It would be cool/awesome/sexy if the editors participating in these contests could give some insight on the questions below:


1. How would you describe your method of making a full AMV in 3-7 days?
2. Are there specific online IC styled contests you usually join?
3. If you edit AMVs outside of these online contests, how does your approach editing change given the time and theme/source constraints?
4. How long has it been since you've seen your family or the sun? Or how do you manage your other activities during editing crunch time?
5. Are your ideas generally spurred by the source restrictions or do you go into the contest with a basic idea of what you would like to make?
6. Are there source styles (music or visual) that you tend to gravitate to? Why or why not?
7. Is there anything else you would like to say about these contests, their communities, and the videos that come out of them?

Thanks and stay cool 8-)

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Re: Discussion: Editor Approaches to Online IC Contests

Post by TritioAFB » Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:18 pm

I'll join this one:

1. Before joining I often look to possible combinations I can make with certain anime sources. Sources that I have watched but havent had the time to edit due to different reasons (lack of motivation, time, music). And more importantly: videos that I want to finish in less than a week.
It's good if you try joining to listen new songs, new artists after all. You never know if you will end editing one of those songs in the future.

So, in order to join I must have first the main idea. I cant particiate in an IC if I dont have clear what I really want to do. Next I have to do some changes in the time I will spend in the video: Cancel plans, peaceful thoughts, anything that helps during the making of the video.

If I have that I can finish even in the same day the IC starts, like happened this year with the recent Soul Team IC

2. In my case I tend to participate a lot in Soul Team IC. IF I join another one is because I support the organizers (friends/team mates as judges in their first time). I dont really have any preference for the IC in their organization, but in the case of Soul Team IC I tend to like what they can bring every year. Specially since two of my videos that had a lot of attention in previous years came from the Soul Team IC

3. I tend to think: If I were able to do a video in difficult conditions (an IC) I can make it with a lot of time given, different to a time-limited event.
So it's a kind of encouragement for me, since you dont know your audio source in the first place, and that's the main problem many people came with during an IC.

'Inspiration comes faster if I know my anime and my audio' This is true but during the making of the video you might experience some problems as you might lose motivation or you liked better another idea that came after. In an IC you first dont know if you can use certain audio, or certain anime. However, if you have an idea it might has a chance. So why not trying?

4. I dont want to spend more than 4 hours during the editing, because mental fatigue may be a problem specially if you dont have the scenes you need in order to continue. During editing I want to take short breaks: reading news, talking with friends, family, watch some videos...

If I have to work, I have to go. If I have to go to an exam, I must go. I'll not stop doing those activities as an IC as excuse. Daily life activities are more important after all.

Because of that I dont join to every IC. Some weekends (which is the time most ICs occur) I really have a lot to do, so IT'S IMPOSSIBLE for me to join even when friends ask me if I will join. SO, as long as I dont have a lot to do during the time the IC occurs I will join (and if I have what I need to join)

5. I go to ICs with a basic idea. The reason why I dont join AMV Roulette is because you have to make the video under certain conditions you have to agree. Since I tend to disagree at certain points (like special themes I dont like or sources I dont have and plan to edit) I cant join.

In the case of Soul Team, the organizers put it as simple: Certain genres you can pick and use audio sources from packs they offer. You can find better quality songs, you can even mix some songs as long as they are the ones they provided, etc. It doesnt sound difficult if you love trying something outside what you do normally.

6. In my case I like eveything that fits into Psyche/Horror. I have experience in those genres, and find them as the most interesting thing in AMV making. For ICs I dont like Action as in some way I consider it an 'easy' way to edit (my bad if someone is offended)

7. I encourage new editors to join this kind of contests because you have the chance to meet new people (editors will notice you), you can get some friends and recognition, and at my case, I can talk with editors that appear only during an IC. Sometimes, there comes good videos but sometimes ironically you start wondering if those videos were actually pre-made foootage from past/cancelled proyects... or maybe the editor literally didnt have any social life during the IC and actually did everything from 0. In which case: Respect
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Re: Discussion: Editor Approaches to Online IC Contests

Post by CeliaPhantomhive » Fri Mar 17, 2017 10:24 am

1. How would you describe your method of making a full AMV in 3-7 days?

For the 3 day IC's I just do not sleep. I might take one or two 4 hour naps but the last 24-30 hours before the deadline I'm awake and desperatly trying to make everything come together. LOL

Of course it helps to have some sort of theme or concept in mind before the contests starts. Clipping all the shows I download is also something I've been trying to do. Have a separate project file for each show with all the useful clips in it. It makes ICs, and even editing in general, so much faster. Saves hours of scrubbing footage.

2. Are there specific online IC styled contests you usually join?

I like joining the Soul's Team IC mostly because it's so challenging and pushes me to make videos that have been stuck in my head for ages.

3. If you edit AMVs outside of these online contests, how does your approach editing change given the time and theme/source constraints?

Surprisingly, it doesn't change very much. But I will say editing a project in 3 days is ironically a hell of a lot less stressful than spending months on a video. So it is a more positive experience for me.

4. How long has it been since you've seen your family or the sun? Or how do you manage your other activities during editing crunch time?

I don't. LOL I actually took a day off of work to edit for the last Soul's Team IC. And my roommate is very understanding, she even offers to go get pizza or more caffeine.

5. Are your ideas generally spurred by the source restrictions or do you go into the contest with a basic idea of what you would like to make?

I'll come up with my concept ahead of time, then pray when the song packs are released that there is a song I can use for it. (which there usually is, they're good about having variety)

6. Are there source styles (music or visual) that you tend to gravitate to? Why or why not?

Category-wise, I'll edit Fun/Upbeat just because it's what I'm most comfortable with and I can edit that style the quickest. But I do want to push myself to mix it up in the future. IC's are a growing experience after all.

7. Is there anything else you would like to say about these contests, their communities, and the videos that come out of them?

This generation is crazy talented. Videos made in 3-7 days are now on par with projects people spend months on. And the online community, honestly, is so active and inspiring.

Thank you so much for posting something like this Pie <3 <3 Hopefully this discussion helps people realize there's more to AMVs than what is sent to conventions.

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Re: Discussion: Editor Approaches to Online IC Contests

Post by Azexous » Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:02 pm

1. How would you describe your method of making a full AMV in 3-7 days?

I generally just do everything within the time period. This involves clipping, fx and all that jazzzz. Sometimes I download footage within the time period if all of a sudden I get an idea that requires so (which happens sometimes :/). If I have nothing to do and no distractions ('cept I'm really very easily distracted ;__;), I just edit all day. My process is pretty messy and things just happen on a whim for me.

In 3 day ICs, I either have an idea in mind beforehand or come up with smth on the spot, although in recent cases, the latter. With contests that give a week of editing, I'm usually pretty relaxed.

2. Are there specific online IC styled contests you usually join?

Mainly Souls Team IC and Stylize IC hosted by Eden Team. I would join others if the provided music tempts me or if the requirements a contest gives are unusual and to an extent chaotic (not in a bad way obviously) like AMV Roulette or (sometimes) if friends drag me to join. :'D

3. If you edit AMVs outside of these online contests, how does your approach editing change given the time and theme/source constraints?

Not really any different since most of my AMVs have been produced in such a time range anyways. If it takes longer, it's usually because I'm a lot lazier in the process. :'D

4. How long has it been since you've seen your family or the sun? Or how do you manage your other activities during editing crunch time?

I never have problems with sleep. If anything, I'd probably sleep more in IC time periods. As for activities, I can probably do others activities within reason. I get easily distracted a lot during ICs so a great portion of the time is already gone in other stuff. Eventually I just get in an odd state of mind where I'm in both complete zen and severe panic and do most of the editing in the last day. :'DDDD

5. Are your ideas generally spurred by the source restrictions or do you go into the contest with a basic idea of what you would like to make?

I usually go with a basic idea so footage basically gives me hell. For example: In ST IC 2015, I had trouble figuring out an anime that would go with the idea I had in mind and it cost me the entire first day of IC time. IT CAN GET REEEEAAAALLY PROBLEMATIC.

6. Are there source styles (music or visual) that you tend to gravitate to? Why or why not?

Not really. My editing is very "whim-based" so I find myself editing things that I don't normally do sometimes.

7. Is there anything else you would like to say about these contests, their communities, and the videos that come out of them?


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Re: Discussion: Editor Approaches to Online IC Contests

Post by SilverLugia345 » Sat Mar 18, 2017 4:16 am

1. How would you describe your method of making a full AMV in 3-7 days?

Well, when it comes to editing within a certain time frame I can most of my free time is dedicated to work on that amv. I don't have really a method that I follow. If I need to create an AMV in a time frame of (3-7 days), I sit down think of the music and the footage I'm using. Once I figure that out I just work with the flow of how I want to piece everything together.

2. Are there specific online IC styled contests you usually join?

Once again honestly, I have haven't joined a lot of IC contests (to my knowledge), there was this tournament style event I joined where we had time frames to create amvs but that was about it. Looking at the other IC contests that are held I'm not sure which ones I would join. I think it would be great to try entering one sometimes if I can catch a sign up though.

3. If you edit AMVs outside of these online contests, how does your approach editing change given the time and theme/source constraints?

My editing doesn't really change between contests and just editing for fun. I look at it all the same where I have a song or theme then look for the footage to use. When dealing with different constraints my view doesn't really change and I keep that mindset. It does help out a lot especially when things can get very specific or complex with limitations or constraints.

4. How long has it been since you've seen your family or the sun? Or how do you manage your other activities during editing crunch time?

Most of my editing time is during the late evening and during the night. This helps because in the morning I sleep and then participate in any activities for the day. I have discovered that working on AMVs during the late evening or during the night is when I come up with a lot of ideas and want to edit them together.

5. Are your ideas generally spurred by the source restrictions or do you go into the contest with a basic idea of what you would like to make?

For me I would say that both happen. Sometimes I go into a contest with a basic idea of what kind of video that I would like to create and when I do I stick to the basic foundation for it. Then if there are certain restrictions or other limitations that helps really bring out more ideas depending on what they are. I have gone into a contest before and the restrictions that they gave right away brought an idea to mind and I wanted to work on it right away.

6. Are there source styles (music or visual) that you tend to gravitate to? Why or why not?

Hm, I would say rock, pop, or a mixture like that I find I like to edit to also instrumental and slow pacing songs. When it comes to visuals there are some animes or sources that I do like to edit with more than others just because I see scenes from episodes or shows and they give me editing ideas. It really does depending on what the music and visuals are. I'm always looking to try editing to new songs and visuals that either aren't used that much or I haven't used a lot of.

7. Is there anything else you would like to say about these contests, their communities, and the videos that come out of them?

Even though I have never joined a contest like the ones that were shared I find just by visiting the threads that they seem both interesting and fun. Even the videos that I have seen really impress me and show how talented the editors are with the restrictions with both the categories and how long they have to make the amvs.

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Re: Discussion: Editor Approaches to Online IC Contests

Post by shorisquared » Sat Mar 18, 2017 7:46 am

1. How would you describe your method of making a full AMV in 3-7 days?

Well, first, if I've never seen the anime, I'll take a day or two to watch it. I usually like knowing my source material before I edit with it. The second day is usually acquiring and prepping all the music and footage I'm going to use. The rest of the time I'll use to edit.

2. Are there specific online IC styled contests you usually join?

I've only joined two so far: Project Org Editor and AMV Roulette. I'd consider both of these IC styled in the fact that they're both online contests where you're restricted, in a sense, to using certain things for each round. Each has their differences and similarities, but both have been fun.

3. If you edit AMVs outside of these online contests, how does your approach editing change given the time and theme/source constraints?

Nothing really changes since I pretty much edit within the same time range for my regular videos.

4. How long has it been since you've seen your family or the sun? Or how do you manage your other activities during editing crunch time?

You know Pie, you've asked me the same question every time I show you a new video, haha. I'm actually visiting my family right now AND I saw the sun yesterday, so take that! But on a more serious note, it just depends. The more inspired I am, the less time I'll spend on other things. I just need to get all these ideas out of my head and onto the timeline asap before I get lazy, haha. But definitely prioritize the important stuff first.

5. Are your ideas generally spurred by the source restrictions or do you go into the contest with a basic idea of what you would like to make?

For me, it's a little bit of both. Sometimes, the source restrictions can help me focus on what idea I should make. Other times, it's what takes up most of my editing time just to think of an idea. Honestly, when I go into a contest and they give me a theme/restriction, I'll think back to all the AMV ideas I haven't done yet that would fit the theme. It's like "oh yeah, I've had this idea for years and had no real reason to make it until this specific theme came up in this contest. Guess I better do it now!". Sometimes, it takes an IC styled contest to get a few of my ideas finally made.

6. Are there source styles (music or visual) that you tend to gravitate to? Why or why not?

For categories, I tend to gravitate towards Comedy (I think I'm funny?) and Romance (I'm a romantic at heart....Ladies). These are just the two categories I'm most comfortable with editing. However, that won't stop me from trying something completely out of my element (like Action or Drama) because I feel like part of the point of these contests is using sources you wouldn't usually use and make something different. It's like a fun experiment. As for music, I'll probably pick a song that's been edited to death or a meme because both are always fun to do in these contests.

7. Is there anything else you would like to say about these contests, their communities, and the videos that come out of them?

These contests are fun to do and you should try them at least once. However, only enter if you have the minimum amount of time it takes to edit something because it's a bummer to see people sign up and not get to participate at least once. The communities are great because some editors only make videos during these contests, so it's nice once or twice a year to see them make a bunch of new ones in a short period of time. I always look forward to it. Bottom line is to have fun and go crazy!

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Re: Discussion: Editor Approaches to Online IC Contests

Post by ngsilver » Wed Mar 22, 2017 1:38 pm

1. How would you describe your method of making a full AMV in 3-7 days?
Honestly, my method for making a video in such a short time, and I'm talking even 2 hours (since that's the IC type I usually take part in), is basically the same as any other time. I start with my audio source and come up with an idea and run with it. More often then not I'll use the source's story to help make something coherent. The deadline just helps focus me really. More often then not I'll treat a non-IC competition like it's an IC with a short deadline.

2. Are there specific online IC styled contests you usually join?
In the past I've been part of #SuperIC which was an online competition over IRC chat where we got 2 hours to edit and the audio source was the secret ingredient. A lot of my older videos came from these competitions. But really it's any competition that puts restrictions on me or forces me to work outside my comfort zone that I enjoy. It pushes me to do something. To make something. So that's what I like.

3. If you edit AMVs outside of these online contests, how does your approach editing change given the time and theme/source constraints?
If I don't have a deadline I'll usually just not work on something. Or spend my time working on filming and other projects. My style of editing is pretty much the same no matter what I do. So if I'm in the mood or there is a deadline putting me in the mood I'll work on a project and I treat it like there is a deadline and just work fast.

4. How long has it been since you've seen your family or the sun? Or how do you manage your other activities during editing crunch time?
Friends, family, and my normal social life comes first. So I just have time outside of that scheduled to work on videos or other projects. So really it's just hey today I'm not going to play FF14 watch TV but instead I work on a video.

5. Are your ideas generally spurred by the source restrictions or do you go into the contest with a basic idea of what you would like to make?
Depends on the event. If we're talking a traditional IC competition (2 hours, secret source, secret theme) then I'll come up with a concept beforehand and hope that I can adapt said concept to the theme and then just work in the secret ingredient into the video (Singing Parts was a video I made for such a competition and I came up with the idea the week prior and was so giddy that once the secret stuff was announced that I could fit the idea into that.) But with other competitions like Roulette or Quickening or others where I don't really have any idea what will be needed until it's time to edit I'll just go in and think of something on the fly. Either way, I don't bother making practice videos or anything like that. I get the idea, plan it out in my head (assuming I know the source) and then just hit the ground running.

6. Are there source styles (music or visual) that you tend to gravitate to? Why or why not?
I prefer working with older footage usually. Sources I know like the back of my hand. Sources that are really good looking and easy to work with. In the end if I know the source really well it's really easy to scrub, find clips, and place them where I want them. Music, something with a good beat that I can get some good external and internal sync going.

7. Is there anything else you would like to say about these contests, their communities, and the videos that come out of them?
I love these things. For me it's a driving force to make something and challenge myself (since when I make exactly what I want to make it's not really a challenge.) But as a whole I see it as a way to foster creativity and push others to make new and interesting things. I hope they keep going.


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