Here are the rules for Tsukino-Con 2018!
✦ Submit your videos to with the following information:
✢ Title:
✢ Anime:
✢ Song:
✢ Artist:
✢ Creator: (handle & email)
✢ Category: Drama, Action, Fun/Upbeat, Romance/Sentimental, or Comedy
✢ From: (where you live)
✦ Please submit your video via some sort of file sharing program. Our recommendation is Dropbox.
✦ Two (2) entries may be accepted per individual or group, to a maximum of one (1) per category.
✦ Videos must not have premiered publically (online, other cons, etc) prior to
December 31, 2016, or have been shown in a previous Tsukino-Con AMV Contest.
✦ No bumpers or credits. MP4 less than 500MB is preferred. No technical defects.
✦ Videos must be sent to Tsukino Con by
Sunday, January, 21st 2018, at 11:59PM PST.
* These are not yet fully updated on the Tsukino-Con site though they will be within the next few days and I will link that page at that time. In the meantime, this forum post is gospel!
The Tsukino-Con AMV Contest is one of Tsukino-Con’s largest events, airing for about 2-3 hours at the con. The event is a showcase of fan-made music videos submitted directly by creators both local and from all over the world where you, the audience, get to vote on your favourites. The contest is open to anyone—amateurs, professionals, and everyone in between.
The deadline for submissions is:
Sunday, January, 21st 2018, at 11:59PM PST.
Videos will be sorted into six categories:
1. Drama
2. Action
3. Fun/Upbeat
4. Romance/Sentimental
5. Comedy
6. Best of BC
Please note that these categories may be subject to adjustments depending on videos submitted.
Before you submit a video to the Tsukino-Con AMV Contest, please make sure it complies with our video requirements:
✦ Videos must not have premiered publically (online, other cons, etc) prior to
December 31, 2016, or have been shown in a previous Tsukino-Con AMV Contest.
✦ Videos must be PG-13 and suitable for a con audience. Any songs with excessive swearing or anime footage with explicit nudity/violence/inappropriate themes will not be accepted.
✦ Videos must be between one (1) and six (6) minutes in length.
✦ Two (2) entries may be accepted per individual or group, to a maximum of one (1) per category. Submitting as part of a group counts as a submission for each individual.
✦ Videos must be 80% Japanese anime/manga or game footage.
✦ No credits, bumpers or trailers.
✦ No subtitles, watermarks, text, etc, though exceptions may be made if they are added by the creator as part of the video.
✦ All videos must be submitted by the original creator. Any submissions found to be in violation of this will not be accepted and you will be disqualified from participating in future contests.
✦ All AMVs must meet the technical requirements below.
We will accept a variety of formats, but recommend the following. If for whatever reason we’re not able to work with the format you’ve submitted, we’ll contact you as soon as possible so that you can re-submit. If you can’t resubmit within 48 hours of the deadline your submission will be disqualified.
☀ No low-resolution entries. 1280x720 or greater is suggested.
☀ No audio or video quality defects (interlacing, blurring, distortion, low sample rate, etc).
☀ Suggested container is MP4.
☀ Maximum file size of 500MB.
Best of BC is a new category, exclusive to local AMV makers based in British Columbia. This category was created with the intent to help foster growth within our local community to create the next wave of AMV makers. This is an open category accepting all of the previously listed categories above. As a BC creator, you can choose to submit your video for its consideration in another category in addition to Best of BC. However, if your video is deemed a finalist, it will only be a finalist in one of the available categories, as deemed by the judges. Not all BC videos are guaranteed entrance to the final contest, especially if technical requirements aren’t met, however ,all BC videos will be shown during exhibition at some point in the convention (more info to come). All AMV’s must meet these requirements for submission:
• Made by a resident living in British Columbia, Canada
• Only creators that have not won a major prize (Best in Category, Best in Show, Technical Awards) at another convention are eligible
• Must meet the technical and the general requirements listed above
So you’d like to submit a video to Tsukino-Con’s AMV Contest? FANTASTIC. You’re already our new best friend. To keep things simple:
Submit all videos to:
When submitting your video please send us the following:
☀ the anime used in the video
☀ the name of the song used in the video
☀ the name of the artist who the song is by
☀ the name you want to go by as creator of the video and an email that you check regularly that we can contact you at
☀ the category you feel your video falls into
☀ where you are from
Say I made a sweet video using footage from the movie 5cm per second and I wanted to submit it. I would send:
✢ Title
✢Anime: 5cm per second
✢ Song: Timeless
✢ Artist: Kate Havnevik
✢ Creator: chaos.cubix (
✢ Category: Drama
✢ From: Victoria, B.C
Please submit your video via some sort of file sharing program. Our recommendation is Dropbox, but Windows Skydrive, Sendspace, Google Drive and Mediafire work alright too. Please include the link to your video in the email you send us with your submission information. We will NOT rip videos from YouTube links.
Once we received your video we will send your confirmation that we have received it. If you do not receive confirmation within one week of sending your video in, please email us again.
Judging for the AMV contest will consist of a panel of a minimum of three (3) to five (5) Tsukino-Con staff members. Of these members, the AMV Contest Co-Ordinator must be in attendance. All categories must have a minimum of five (5) entries, no more than seven (7) entries will be permitted in a single category.
AMVs that win best of category awards will progress to the AMV Smackdown. Winning videos will compete head to head against winners in previous years to determine which winner is the current best in its respective categories. After audience voting, the winner of the head to head battle is crowed smackdown champion, and will represent its winning category in Tsukino-Con’s AMV Smackdown 2019
By submitting an entry, contestants agree that they have read, understood & will comply by these rules. Contestants grant Tsukino-Con and the coordinators permission to use, copy, share and exhibit your entry in future showcases, exhibitions, and other events. We reserve the right to modify these rules at any time. Submitting to the contest does not guarantee inclusion as a finalist or inclusion in the contest even if all guidelines and requirements are met.