Zoetic Avowal - ailynerie
Kawaii Metal Symphony - Bimyou
Context Concerto - Kisanzi
Losing My Mind - Phlashbak
Everlasting Juvenescence - Aerialesque
Anime World Cup - AntaresHeart07
Scary Love - Zelda & Noormuda
Closer - Kroner
Unwritten - Tasha Livingstone
Trapped - Eis
Kindness - PieandBeer
Beautiful Crime - Kazumoe
To Ren, From Kyuta - Moonpie
Weaving Wounds - Xophilarus
Penitence - StJames
Vamped - JazzsVids
Kingslayers - Skydean
Chef's Choice - CeliaPhantomhive
Super Casanova - Radical_Yue
WILL - Riku
Category X
La Croix - Unlucky
Persona Q3 Labyrinth Phantasm - Peppermint Grinder
Disquiet - Zelda
Line 2 - SachaValentine
Pachyderm Panic - drewaconclusion
Toxic - JazzsVids
Legacy - ShinRyu
Plus Ultra Bodywash - Maboroshi Studios
The YIAYMV - ShizayaFanart
A Song For Our Time - Cyana
Miracle Whip - Mycathatesyou69
Breakneck Sped - Mycathatesyou69
Action - Vamped - JazzsVids
Drama/Romance - Trapped - Eis
Fun/Upbeat - Context Concerto - Kisanzi
Category X - Pachyderm Panic - drewaconclusion
Comedy - A Song For Our Time - Cyana
Best In Show Audience Choice - Context Concerto - Kisanzi
Best In Show Editor's Choice - Legacy - ShinRyu
Best Local Entry- Trapped - Eis
VGA - Chef's Choice - CeliaPhantomhive
Iron Chef - Moonpie
Hey everyone.
The Nan Desu Kan AMV contest is now open!
Submission deadline is August 3rd, 2019.
A quick link to the full rules is at
And the submission page is
Good luck to everyone!
AMV Contest Rules
Welcome to another year of the NDK Anime Music Video Contest. Please be sure to read through all of these rules before submitting your video. Keep in mind that submitting a video is not a right; we expect to have an overwhelming number of entries this year and there simply will not be enough time to show them all. Also keep in mind that we’re aware that some mistakes can be made, both on the editor’s end and our own. If any mistakes are made on either end, we have given ourselves enough time to be able to work with you to correct any such mistakes before the con begins.
First off, the Who, What, When, and How:
The contest is open to all participants regardless of age, state, country, planet, etc. Although it is strongly encouraged participants in the contest be attendees, attendance is not a requirement for entry but we’d love to see you there. Please read and understand all the rules listed below – if there are any questions, please feel free to e-mail your questions to the AMV coordinator.
AMVS! In case you’re new to the hobby that stands for Anime Music Video, a combination of anime and music… to create a video. It’s relatively self explanatory, but in case you need a bit more clarification, here it is.
NO videos with only live action! We know how much you love Edward from Twilight and the way he sparkles, but a video all about him is not really what we’re looking for. HOWEVER, videos integrated with live action can be an exception. Needs to be a least 70% anime, though. Need a good example? Check out Tyler_yj’s Jihaku!
Video games videos are welcome! You’re free to make a video with any video game source, but Japanese source footage would be preferred.
Original Animation is welcome, but once again, keep it anime style. And when we say ANIMATION, we mean things moving. Please no imageshack slideshows or stolen images from Deviant Art (it’s not nice to steal!).
Multi-editor projects are welcome; just make sure to keep it under the time limit.
If your video has been submitted to previous NDK AMV competitions, please do NOT resubmit it. We like to keep the contest fresh, so if you’ve sent it before, please don’t send it again.
This year we are accepting 3 entries per person. All entries must have been finished or released after September 1st, 2018. Once again, the world famous “Asukas” will be the awards handed out to our top winners of this event. Awards will be given in the following categories:
Category X
Best use of artist vision and complex style and for those videos that don’t really fit in any of our other categories.
Best use of movement and pace, the videos that really get your heart pumping!
This is where you want to make us feel the lovey dovey! Or, you could try to make us grab the nearest box of tissues and cry our eyes out. It’s up to you!
So, you think you’re a comedian? Well, we dare you to make us laugh!
This category is a mix of good feelings and tail feather shaking! A special place for videos that just make the day a little bit brighter.
The audience will vote by ballot for their favorite video in each category, along with their choice for best in show video. There will be two categories for Best of Show, Editor’s Choice and Audience Choice. The AMV Judging Staff will select the top local entry for the prize of Best Local Video. There will also be a special award presented for the best video using video game footage; this video can be awarded from any category.
Editors do not need to be present at the con in order to win or receive an award. Awards will be mailed out to editors not in attendance.
And of course…
If you didn’t make the video… DON’T ENTER IT! If we catch you stealing someone else’s video, then you can count on not being able to enter again. Here at NDK, we value our creators and the time and effort they put into their videos.
NOTE: Please! Try to keep it PG-13! Explicit content is a no-no! So leave the hentai at home and bring the family fun!
Now! Go go go! Keep in mind that ALL entries must be in the hands of our coordinators by August 3rd, 2019! Otherwise you may have to wait until next year.
Starting 2011 we will ONLY be accepting entries via our submission form so that means no more mail-in submissions! If you have any questions on how to use our upload page then please forward them on to the coordinator or AMV staff, or post on our forum.
All video submissions must be accompanied with appropriate video and editor contact information. Failure to provide full information can lead to disqualification of one or all of your videos. Please provide the following information.
Editor Name
Studio or Surname
Mailing address
E-mail address
Phone number
Also for each video provide the following information:
Title of the Video
Name of the music or audio artist
Title of the music or audio
Name of footage used (if over 3 sources it is ideal to list as various)
Name of category preferred to be entered in (Although please keep in mind that the AMV staff does reserve the right to move any video into any category they deem it is best suited for)
Pay close attention to the information you’re entering, otherwise your video may end up on the big screen, complete with spelling errors and incorrect information!
Note: If submitting a multi-editor project (MEP) please list all the creators in the comment section of the entry form. Wouldn’t want your friends to be left out!
File Naming Guidelines
In order to avoid having 30 different video entries named NarutoAMV.mp4, please try to keep your file names unique.
Example: NarutosTechniqueBeat_ByDecoy.mp4 is a great way to name your video!
Video Guidelines
Accepted Resolutions
The preferred resolutions for videos submitted to the contest are 1280×720 or 1920×1080. Other resolutions will be accepted, but please understand that lower resolutions may lead to unacceptable artifacts when projected on to a large screen.
23.976 / 24 fps, 29.97 / 30 fps, or 59.97 / 60 fps
Uncompressed audio is preferable. 224 kbps or higher, avoid variable audio bit rates.
Videos should be encoded with sufficient bitrate so as to not add any noticable artifacts. Space is not in shortage, so go big. Interlaced video is strongly discouraged as it typically looks poor on modern displays. Variable framerate encoding is strongly discouraged due to inconsistent playback among editors and players.
Accepted File Types
MP4 is far and away the preferred format these days. Older formats such as AVI and WMV are still accepted, but are discouraged.
Time Limit
Please no videos longer than 7 minutes!
Title Bumpers
Simple, they’re NOT allowed! Title bumpers are defined as anything before or after the video itself that says what the video is, or who made it. We will be adding uniform title bumpers to each video shown in the contest. If you send your entry in with title bumpers, a clean version will be requested. We’re not asking much with this rule, so please follow it.
WARNING: If your submission has macroblocking, logos, subtitles, interlacing or is downright painful to look at, it can and more than likely WILL be disqualified. We will be emailing entrants about any type of playback issues as soon as the video has been reviewed, in hopes of having it corrected for resubmission. We’re not trying to be mean, but due to the large amount of videos we’ve had to disqualify due to quality issues, we have been given no choice but to implement this rule.
But remember, we’re willing to help! We want to see you get better, so don’t hesitate to e-mail with your questions!
Entry Checklist
Is it an AMV?
Video has NOT been entered into previous NDK contests?
Does your video meet the file/quality requirements?
Did you fill our your entry form?
Is the video named properly?
If you can say YES to all of those questions, then submit! We’re looking forward to seeing your entries!
Questions or Comments? Don’t hesitate to contact us!
Nan Desu Kan 2019 *Updated Finalists and Winners”
Forum rules
Coordinators who fail to maintain necessary communication with entrants, or provide timely updates on results may be barred from announcing future events.
Coordinators who fail to maintain necessary communication with entrants, or provide timely updates on results may be barred from announcing future events.
- scottanime
- The One
- Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2001 11:17 pm
- Location: Rocklin, CA
- Contact:
Nan Desu Kan 2019 *Updated Finalists and Winners”
Last edited by scottanime on Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
Scott Peterson
NDK AMV Coordinator 2006-2022
Sac Anime AMV Coordinator 2007 & 2010
Fanime AMV Coordinator 2003-2006
NDK AMV Coordinator 2006-2022
Sac Anime AMV Coordinator 2007 & 2010
Fanime AMV Coordinator 2003-2006
- scottanime
- The One
- Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2001 11:17 pm
- Location: Rocklin, CA
- Contact:
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2019 *Now Open*
Hey all
Yep one month to go. I know everyone loves to procrastinate till the last minute so brief heads up that the last minute is fast approaching!
Yep one month to go. I know everyone loves to procrastinate till the last minute so brief heads up that the last minute is fast approaching!
Scott Peterson
NDK AMV Coordinator 2006-2022
Sac Anime AMV Coordinator 2007 & 2010
Fanime AMV Coordinator 2003-2006
NDK AMV Coordinator 2006-2022
Sac Anime AMV Coordinator 2007 & 2010
Fanime AMV Coordinator 2003-2006