Fun/Upbeat: Thunder by flo55
Drama: Sweet Tooth Summer by alchemymini
Action: Hellslayers by Silent Hero
Comedy: Zero to Hero by veravero
Video game: Hero-owos by Seal
Best Local Editor: Truck-kun x Train-chan: Get Wrecked by The Lazy Daze
Category X and Best Audience Choice: Ace of Hearts by lokkiclu
Best Editors Choice: Drifting by Cmoididi
Your talent and artistry is truly incredible. Thank you for sharing your art with us

AMV submissions are now closed for Nan Desu Kan in Denver, Co
This year we finally move our venue to the new Gaylord of the Rockies resort.
We have made a few rule changes and expanded this years event to make up for the lost time from last year’s cancellation.
See our rules and our submission page at
Deadline is August 20th