Additional AFO AMV Contests

Announcement & discussion of Anime Music Video contests
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Additional AFO AMV Contests

Post by Legionair » Sun Apr 13, 2003 9:22 pm

In addition to our main event AMV Contest, we've also added the
following contests to this year's convention:

The Live Action Music Video Contest
The same concept as the AMV Contest, only the acceptable footage is
not anime. Instead we're looking for videos using any live action
Japanese TV show or film.

The Hentai / Adult Anime Music Video Contest
An AMV contest for the adult creators and audience.

Although the main AMV contest is only open to attendees, these two
contests are open to everyone. In addition, we will be having a
staff / volunteer contest for those people involved with the con who
still want to participate.

You can get additional information at the website:

Or you can contact me directly:



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