PortConMaine AMV contest now open!

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Scott A Melzer
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PortConMaine AMV contest now open!

Post by Scott A Melzer » Sun Jan 26, 2003 2:57 am

Heya all...

PortConMaine (a small anime/gaming convention in Portland Maine, on June 13th-15th) has just posted their AMV contest rules. The details can be found at http://www.portconmaine.com (click under contests). We're a small convention and are looking for new AMVs and short film entries. We don't want all the same stuff sent to other cons (no trolling please!) but we also DO want to have an hour or so of new cool stuff. So, if you've got something new (or will by mid May) please consider sending something to us.

I'll be the one running the contest, so feel free to e-mail me directly if you've got any questions.

Thanks again for everyone who sent in suggestions for running the show!

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Post by Yosho » Thu Feb 06, 2003 9:41 pm

I hope to have my video finished by the deadline. I unfortunately won't be able to go to Portcon even though I've heard great things about it!
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Scott A Melzer
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Post by Scott A Melzer » Mon Apr 28, 2003 10:10 pm

Just want to let everyone know that the deadline for PortConMaine's contest is coming up!

We've received six submissions so far at this point, so there's still lots of room. All the info and rules can be found at http://www.portconmaine.com/MusicVideo.html. All submissions must be RECEIVED by Friday, May 16, 2003.

We're also running a short parody film section, so if you've got any commercials or trailers or anything you'd like to have shown, send away!

Also feel free to e-mail me (or post here) any questions, as I'm the fool that they got to run this thing!

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Post by DreamsofaCobra » Tue Apr 29, 2003 12:14 am

Would you consider something already sent to Anime Expo? I recently finished my second video, and tweaked my first. Only my close friends have seen them so far, and what are the chances they will make the finals of AX? (oooohhhh please oh please! <insert begging smilley here>)

So they are mostly new, what do you say?

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Vlad G Pohnert
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Post by Vlad G Pohnert » Tue Apr 29, 2003 2:18 am

Hi Scott,

I'd love to send in one of my video, but with me going to JACON, OTAKON, and AWA I don't want to start sending them into many contests... I sure with I had more time to make more, but my videos take me a long time to make it seems...good luck with the contest....


Scott A Melzer
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Post by Scott A Melzer » Tue Apr 29, 2003 7:13 pm

If ya check the rules at http://www.portconmain.com you'll see that you CAN send videos that have gone to other cons, they just can't have WON anything by the time you submitted them. IE: If you send me a video, and it LATER wins at a con, that's cool. But if you sent it in AFTER it had won something, then we won't allow it.

So, that's probably cool. :)
We're looking for videos that people just want to get shown. It's a very small con with only a few hundred attendees, and the contest will probably be short. I'd rather not even make it a contest, but more of a showcase, but competition seems to draw people to come see it more than just "here are some videos!" Plus, I can then mail out some prizes. :)

Vlad, sorry that we won't get anything from you! That'd be way cool. Right now, we've only got six videos, and there's little more than to weeks before the deadline. So, we've presently got enough to run a contest, but it'd be cool if we could get it to the 45 minute or hour level!

See you at Otakon!!!

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Vlad G Pohnert
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Post by Vlad G Pohnert » Tue Apr 29, 2003 11:36 pm

Well I suppose there is one video I could send you that I only entered in two contests and it hasn't won anything...But I always limit myself to no more that two if I have to...Let me think about it and see if I can make the deadline sending it from here....



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