Otakon 2003: Sizing up the Competition...

Announcement & discussion of Anime Music Video contests
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Post by dwchang » Mon Jun 16, 2003 1:28 pm

Reading all the replies...so the contest is NOT blindly judged by the audience? I don't mean to complain, but...I don't think that is entirely fair as demonstrated by some of the comments. Given 95% of the time I'm sure the best video WILL win or be chosen, but still, it's not perfect.

"Because of time constraints in the contest please do not include bumpers-- intros, logos, credits, stingers, etc -- in your submission. If you do include them, they will probably be abridged or removed entirely in the AMV Contest so we can include as many AMVs as our timeslot will fit."

So I take it they made universal titles then?
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Post by BogoSort » Mon Jun 16, 2003 1:30 pm

dwchang wrote:"Because of time constraints in the contest please do not include bumpers-- intros, logos, credits, stingers, etc -- in your submission. If you do include them, they will probably be abridged or removed entirely in the AMV Contest so we can include as many AMVs as our timeslot will fit."

So I take it they made universal titles then?
Matt makes a universal bumper that is show before and after each vid in the contest. It says things like title of the vid, creator, and animes used in a consistent format so that it's not a bumper creation contest.

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Post by dwchang » Mon Jun 16, 2003 1:35 pm

hackerzc wrote:
dwchang wrote:Perhaps I am misunderstanding something. Perhaps you just meant that they were rarely impressed and stated that outloud...like if a video was simple and executed well...it's not good since it doesn't have mad effects.
It was something like that IMO.
hackerzc wrote:
trythil wrote: I wouldn't be surprised, for example, if a lot of the heckling was directed towards the sappier videos :/

Believe me, it was.
:( :( :( :(

My video is simple (well appears to be) AND sappy...I am so fux0red...oh well.
trythil wrote:Well, the knowledge of who made what could be made public after the video has screened. Some people, for example, put identifying marks after the video; some put it before. With such unpredictability inherent in that system, it seems best to require that all identifying information be stripped off the video, and then only after the entire thing has played should the creator be made known.
I agree. IIRC there was an incident in AX where people were cheering a lot harder for a particular (legendary) creator more and so on. I think blind judging is the best...given that wouldn't acknowledge the creators though...(shrug). I guess there's no perfect solution.
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Post by Cybermat » Mon Jun 16, 2003 1:41 pm

hackerzc wrote:It just seems like last year everything was more formal as more creators were present and only a few non creator anime club members. This year it was the other way around. Only like 4 creators (that's including myself) were there.
It's up to the AMV makers to show up and make themselves heard. They are not little children who need to be held by the hand. I know I've sent out pre-screening notices both on this web board and by e-mail so that people have the necessary information available to make their plans. You were able to show up, and it is up to others to follow suit.

If people weren't able to make it to UMCP or NYC last weekend, please remember that there are screenings still coming up this weekend and the next. There are some creators getting tapes for at-home submissions as well. We are far from finished at this point.
hackerzc wrote:There was much heckeling going on.
At the beginning of the session I'm pretty sure I mentioned this topic. However, I will make a greater effort to remind people to act with greater courtesy next time. My attention was principally directed towards making sure that the screenings proceded despite obstacles, and did not get too far behind schedule.

That, and in remaining conscious because I had been up since about eight a.m. on Friday morning and stayed up overnight to make sure that the evaluation forms were done & duplicated, and that a backup plan was in place just in case the post office lost the regular screener tapes.

Also, I've been tallying up the evaluation forms and it seems that in the end people vote according to their own judgements, and not the judgements of the loudest people in the crowd. Funny, that.
hackerzc wrote:While I don't like this at all, I must confess that by the third tape even I was following suit, and I am discusted at myself for doing so.
If you disapprove of heckling, it's only you who can compel you to conduct yourself accordingly. This seems fairly self-evident to me.
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Post by dwchang » Mon Jun 16, 2003 1:45 pm

Cybermat: In case I haven't said it anyway, I really appreciate what you're doing and I'm sure all of us do. I read your comment about not sleeping Friday and junk and it reminded me to thank you :).

Thank you!
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Post by Ashyukun » Mon Jun 16, 2003 1:54 pm

Unfortunately, a -truly- blind audience judged contest is probably really, really hard to do. Think about a contest like ACen's- a good number of the videos hadn't been seen before. But a handfull had and were very well known (namely, Euphoria). Putting the bumpers on it makes it so everyone technically has the same exposure on it. Sure, fans are going to perk up at the sight of some of the more familiar names- but they'll also remember the names of the lesser-known people who made excellent videos. About the only place I can see wholly blind judging is in the only place I believe it actually is supposed to be wholly blind, in Pro and Masters at AWA. Pro is supposed to be blind, but it's not kept super secret from what I hear- whereas Masters is supposed to be blind to the point that you can be DQ'd for not keeping it so.

Any time an audience is judging a contest, you're going to have the concern of more popular editors getting more deference than the less-known. Ironically, when it comes to editors doing the judging, it probably happens a bit backwards than that- we expect a higher level out of the more well-known editors because we know they can do it- if two editors, one unknown and one really well known made equivalently good videos, I think we'd probably be more impressed with the skill of the newcomer because of being used to it from the 'veteran'....
Bob 'Ash' Babcock
Electric Leech Productions

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René D´Anclaude
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Post by René D´Anclaude » Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:15 pm

Cybermat wrote:
PhReAkAzOiD187 wrote:this is probably stupid...but is there still time to send in the mailed entry form?
Yes, if you send it in right now. You should have already received an e-mail from OtakuVideo reminding you of this.
Now that's just dandy...
I snailmailed the form already twice. The first time three weeks ago (together with a HQ-Version of my AMV) and the second one 1 week ago, when I was very surprised to read that I apparently haven't send it in yet. And both were EXPRESS letters! Goddamnit! :evil:
I suspected problems to arouse, since I already failed once to submit to Otakon (gotta love those technical errors...) and thus greatly appreciated Quu's FTP service!
Who would have imagined that a simple sign will break my neck this time...
Anyway, if the form hasn't arrived yet I doubt it will arrive in time, but you could still help me Matt.
When Otakon is finished and you finally have some time left, I would love if you could report which letter arrived first. The first one (CD included) or the second one (only the form).
If the letter with the CD arrives later, I would suspect the american customs to have this one fished out for some extra research. I need to know this in order to plan how to submit next year.

Another question from a desperate man: Is it possible to fax you the forms?

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Post by iserlohn » Mon Jun 16, 2003 3:14 pm

Of course, people are forgetting that the inverse also happens - I know someone (not me) who voted bigger names down because he expected more from them. Can't please everyone...
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Post by hackerzc » Mon Jun 16, 2003 4:50 pm

Cybermat wrote: It's up to the AMV makers to show up and make themselves heard. They are not little children who need to be held by the hand. I know I've sent out pre-screening notices both on this web board and by e-mail so that people have the necessary information available to make their plans. You were able to show up, and it is up to others to follow suit.
Don't get me wrong here Matt, I'm not complaining or anything. It was just an observation I made. I was actually surprised actually.
Cybermat wrote:At the beginning of the session I'm pretty sure I mentioned this topic. However, I will make a greater effort to remind people to act with greater courtesy next time. My attention was principally directed towards making sure that the screenings proceded despite obstacles, and did not get too far behind schedule.
Relax, no one is blaiming you (at least I'm not anyway). I remember you had mentoned you were up at 3am getting things together. I am pretty out of it myself the next day when I do stuff like that. So you are in good company.
Cybermat wrote:If you disapprove of heckling, it's only you who can compel you to conduct yourself accordingly. This seems fairly self-evident to me.
Why you got to pick on me, huh?
I already said I was wrong, and am going through enough grief right now from punishing myself mentaly (I FEEL LIKE SHIT!). I don't want you getting pissed at me too. I AM WRONG, I AM THE DUMB ASS! ok, happy now?

Matt, I'm sorry for that, but I'm really feeling bad because I was part of it at all. I don't need anyone rubbing my nose in it (I was about you email you and have my vid pulled because I did not want anyhting to do with it, but that would be stupid since I really think I did a good job for once).

To everyone here: I have some serious mental issues gong on now. So if I seem like the human version of Shinji or something, just go along with it for now. And I'm sorry if I make any outbursts directed towards anyone. Just bear with me for the time being.
John Westbrook
Otakon, Fan Parody Dept. Head

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Post by dokool » Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:37 pm

Freako wrote:Just curious if anybody submitted a FLCL video ? besides me.
*waves* me!

As far as the heckling is concerned, that's just not cool. I was under the impression that the judging was open to editors only, not just anyone who would drop by. Now I'm kinda worried as to how my video was recieved, as the song alone would make it heckle-worthy from a bunch of college assholes... =/ But I'm guessing that nobody can tell me how my video was recieved, eh?


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