Anime Expo AMV Competition Results
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Coordinators who fail to maintain necessary communication with entrants, or provide timely updates on results may be barred from announcing future events.
- Joined: Fri Aug 03, 2001 5:24 pm
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- Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2001 5:22 am
I didnt care about winning, until i found out the winning video actually gets played like 3 times if you count the showing at the masquarade. woulda been cool to see my video w/ a big size audience like the masquarade. Mine's "Controlling Affliction", the LinkinPark/Akira one.
Everyone is right about the contest. It did suck and i dont know why they didnt test the equipment and encodes beforehand. The lack of judges award was also disappointing. Plus the fact that it kept me waiting for 3 hours and made me miss watchin the CB movie, almost ruined my AX experience. And it confounds me that the CCS "Silent Lucidity" video managed to beat out Kenshin "Frozen" in the drama category.
Everyone is right about the contest. It did suck and i dont know why they didnt test the equipment and encodes beforehand. The lack of judges award was also disappointing. Plus the fact that it kept me waiting for 3 hours and made me miss watchin the CB movie, almost ruined my AX experience. And it confounds me that the CCS "Silent Lucidity" video managed to beat out Kenshin "Frozen" in the drama category.
- Joined: Mon May 06, 2002 1:22 am
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- Castor Troy
- Ryan Molina, A.C.E
- Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2001 8:45 pm
- Status: Retired from AMVs
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- Mag Launcher
- Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2001 6:34 am
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- anneke
- Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2001 7:34 am
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Finally Home
Okay about that AMV contest... It sucked!
I was highly disappointed with several videos that made the finals. (The Cyber Eye Candy being the worst. It was just fan service, and not eve good fan service at that).
In the action category, the audience was louder for the Dragon Bebop Z video. However those people where in the balcony and their voices then didn't have as much weight as the group of supporters near the audience meter at the front for the Eva vid. The Eva video did win, and the looks of shock and disappointment from the audience was rather noticable.
Drama category... Grave of the Fireflies vid... I actually ran into Art Smoke the creator of the AMV. He's a VERY nice older gentleman, who didn't know anything about when I met him. (We just happened to end up in the same place in line for the Masquerade standby/overflow). He was very proud of his video, and had no clue anyone had ever done anything like it before. He was happy to hear about the org and we will hopefully see him here soon.
Other drama videos... The frozen video was okay, so was the Faye video, but the Sakura video blew me away. It's not a heavy depressing drama like everyone expects in the drama category. It was light and up lifting and the morphing of the spinning wands was AMAZING. I felt really good after watching the video. Having seen the Faye video also at Fanime, I felt the Sakura video was the best, and I was glad it won. I would have been happy if the Frozen or Faye videos had won to.
Comedy... WTF! I was highly disappointed with the comedy videos this year. Some know that I have a pet peeve about videos that just read you jokes. Well that's what Waste of Time video did. I would have been happy if the video had been placed in the 'Fun' category, because it was far closer to being a Parody then an AMV. I will admit it was funny the first time you watch it, but by the third viewing at the Masquerade I wanted to kill myself. It was really sad to see a video that was thrown together in a couple of hours beat all the other videos in their category that had weeks, and even months of work done to them.
Oh Fun category... I wish the Waste of Time video had been placed in this category. Shameless Rock video won, and it was a good video, but like many videos played at the contest, the music was to f*cking loud! I guess they played the volume at a level for a full audience, when the audience was closer to only 1/3 filling the theater, if that.
The gave the awards the masquerade but I guess they forgot the creators where at the AMV contest instead of in line for masquerade tickets.
For those who received awards but were not there to receive them. They should send/ship you your awards. I would e-mail them about it. It's their fault for moving the contest, and making you unable to get your award then. It should be their responsiablity/expense to send them out.
This years prizes for the AMV and the Masquerade were rather crappy. Prizes are donated by the companies. Various company sponser the various rooms, the contests, etc... Dealers pay to have a space in the dealer's room. Attendees pay to go to the convention. Where does all the money go to?! 5 million dollars is apx. what the convention takes in (renting of equipment and the location can't be nearly that much). So sending out your prizes to you should not be something they should complain about.
That's all I have to say about the contest.
I was highly disappointed with several videos that made the finals. (The Cyber Eye Candy being the worst. It was just fan service, and not eve good fan service at that).
In the action category, the audience was louder for the Dragon Bebop Z video. However those people where in the balcony and their voices then didn't have as much weight as the group of supporters near the audience meter at the front for the Eva vid. The Eva video did win, and the looks of shock and disappointment from the audience was rather noticable.
Drama category... Grave of the Fireflies vid... I actually ran into Art Smoke the creator of the AMV. He's a VERY nice older gentleman, who didn't know anything about when I met him. (We just happened to end up in the same place in line for the Masquerade standby/overflow). He was very proud of his video, and had no clue anyone had ever done anything like it before. He was happy to hear about the org and we will hopefully see him here soon.
Other drama videos... The frozen video was okay, so was the Faye video, but the Sakura video blew me away. It's not a heavy depressing drama like everyone expects in the drama category. It was light and up lifting and the morphing of the spinning wands was AMAZING. I felt really good after watching the video. Having seen the Faye video also at Fanime, I felt the Sakura video was the best, and I was glad it won. I would have been happy if the Frozen or Faye videos had won to.
Comedy... WTF! I was highly disappointed with the comedy videos this year. Some know that I have a pet peeve about videos that just read you jokes. Well that's what Waste of Time video did. I would have been happy if the video had been placed in the 'Fun' category, because it was far closer to being a Parody then an AMV. I will admit it was funny the first time you watch it, but by the third viewing at the Masquerade I wanted to kill myself. It was really sad to see a video that was thrown together in a couple of hours beat all the other videos in their category that had weeks, and even months of work done to them.
Oh Fun category... I wish the Waste of Time video had been placed in this category. Shameless Rock video won, and it was a good video, but like many videos played at the contest, the music was to f*cking loud! I guess they played the volume at a level for a full audience, when the audience was closer to only 1/3 filling the theater, if that.
The gave the awards the masquerade but I guess they forgot the creators where at the AMV contest instead of in line for masquerade tickets.
For those who received awards but were not there to receive them. They should send/ship you your awards. I would e-mail them about it. It's their fault for moving the contest, and making you unable to get your award then. It should be their responsiablity/expense to send them out.
This years prizes for the AMV and the Masquerade were rather crappy. Prizes are donated by the companies. Various company sponser the various rooms, the contests, etc... Dealers pay to have a space in the dealer's room. Attendees pay to go to the convention. Where does all the money go to?! 5 million dollars is apx. what the convention takes in (renting of equipment and the location can't be nearly that much). So sending out your prizes to you should not be something they should complain about.
That's all I have to say about the contest.
- Joined: Mon May 06, 2002 1:22 am
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- Joined: Fri Aug 03, 2001 5:24 pm
- Location: Woodland Hills, CA
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That contest was just bull shit....I didn't want my Kung Fubop video in comedy....It's NOT suppose to be a comedy video...Then they just make a fun category...What the hell...That makes everyone think that I INTENTIONALLY made Kung Fubop to be a comedy when I made it as a fun video....That pisses me off....Also I can't believe my Kenshin video lost in drama...But I don't mind...I congratulate the winner of Drama....But atleast it got noticed...Hell...Even Troy Williams asked for my e-mail address....=P
- Castor Troy
- Ryan Molina, A.C.E
- Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2001 8:45 pm
- Status: Retired from AMVs
- Location: California
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My thoughts on the amvs this year....
View or Die! - Jeames Dunne
I never seen Read or Die and the editing was a bit mediocre although the one scene with the girl killing that bug with her fingers was kinda cool.
The Look - Vlad Pohnert
Pretty entertaining video about anime girls, audience got a kick out of the opening text.
Dragon Bebop Z - Ryan Molina
This video sucks and the creator needs to be shot for sending it to so many cons because he claims he just wants to it be seen
Chemicals - Daniel Araujo (WINNER)
This video really spoiled EVA for my friend and I thought it was ok and nothing memorable.
Radinov's Bad Habit - Steven Rutter
Ok....... the biggest dissapointment to this video is that it REALLY spoiled Gunsmith cats for me. A couple of funny text scenes in it though.
Controlling Afflictions - Binh Lam
This one's done to the Linkin Park In the End crawling mix and don't shoot me for saying this but I really liked this video for some reason. I think this video should have just been done to In the End and the final showdown with Tetsuo and Kaneda was excellent.
The World Loves a Bastard - Ted Papadopoulous
I saw this as a mindless action video for fans of "Bastard!". If you like Bastard, then this is for you.
Their Lives - Peter Stoll
EVA to Bon Jovi's "It's my life". Overused anime to an overused song. I did like the part when Rei's EVA hit it's head on the building twice... lol
Destiny of the Dark - Vlad Pohnert
I really liked this one but my only gripe is that it was too short.
Path of the Deus! - Senta Miller
A chop suey video with some pretty funky editing. The song's been done alot but I liked this one and it got a few laughs.
Shameless Rock Video - Ian Roberts (WINNER)
Self explanitory - KICK ASS. The audience went wild over the eye brow thing.
EVA ep 27 - In the end - TommyRude
Interesting concept of using EVA combined with live action footage of one of the Linkin Park singers. One cool part was the Linkin Park guy was masked into EVA and the ending with
Beboppin - ????
Very cute video....... Lip sync wasn't perfect but the Ed lip sync was cool.
Devotion - Tim Stair
Was this the Escaflowne video? I think it was... this was probably my favorite out of the Drama videos...
Lies - Stephen Cilley
Forgot how this one was.
Silent Lucidity - Anthony Bennett (WINNER)
Nice video which made something like Card Captor Sakura look interesting. Not as good as "One Day More" but I felt that this didn't really deserve to win in comparison with the Esca video.
Because She... - Daniel Araujo
Cool Faye Tribute video, now I've seen them all.
Cursed Fate - Charles Bathel
After feeling that Vlad's video was too short, this was a nice video with more Vampire Hunter D footage. Very.....ummmmm mystical.
Adagio for Fireflies - Art Smoke
This one made me feel a bit sad but really spoiled Grave of the fireflies for me.
Still - Alvin T. Chang
Can't remember too much of this either.....
Enigma - Kamaran Ahmadi
EvilVegettoZ already knows what I thought of this. Sounded GREAT on the theater's speakers...
Rose Rhythms - Jason Tennant
Can't recall too much about this one.... but it was dedicated to roses or something.... all I know is that it was nice.
Shell Shock - Daniel Cecava
I really enjoyed this video when I downloaded it but somehow the quality didn't look that great on the big screen. The song sounded INCREDIBLE on the speakers which really made you feel the intensity...
Spectacular - Jessica Brunelle
EXCELLENT video..... it made a good first impression and has alot of rewatchability....
NYO is WAR - Tim Park
Downloaded this a while back and loved it enough to get into DiGi Charat
Death Violence and Hate (in an All-Girls Dormitory with a Hot Spring) - Senta Miller
Can't remember too much about this but I know it was done to Love Hina and had some funny scenes.
A total waste of 6min 35seconds - Troy Williams (WINNER)
GREAT video............ but only the first time you watch it.... It's not even funny at all the 2nd time.
Cybernetic Eyecandy - Scott Crim
Forgot about this one.....
Everybody's Free (To Watch anime) - Richard Cole
Can't remember this one....
X-park - Cassiopeia Brinks
Funny idea but wasn't executed too well...
Kung Fubop - Kamaran Ahmadi
Full review coming when you put it in your profile.......
This Video Sucks - Tim Park
Funny video but not as good as Right now.
Your thoughts?
View or Die! - Jeames Dunne
I never seen Read or Die and the editing was a bit mediocre although the one scene with the girl killing that bug with her fingers was kinda cool.
The Look - Vlad Pohnert
Pretty entertaining video about anime girls, audience got a kick out of the opening text.
Dragon Bebop Z - Ryan Molina
This video sucks and the creator needs to be shot for sending it to so many cons because he claims he just wants to it be seen

Chemicals - Daniel Araujo (WINNER)
This video really spoiled EVA for my friend and I thought it was ok and nothing memorable.
Radinov's Bad Habit - Steven Rutter
Ok....... the biggest dissapointment to this video is that it REALLY spoiled Gunsmith cats for me. A couple of funny text scenes in it though.
Controlling Afflictions - Binh Lam
This one's done to the Linkin Park In the End crawling mix and don't shoot me for saying this but I really liked this video for some reason. I think this video should have just been done to In the End and the final showdown with Tetsuo and Kaneda was excellent.
The World Loves a Bastard - Ted Papadopoulous
I saw this as a mindless action video for fans of "Bastard!". If you like Bastard, then this is for you.
Their Lives - Peter Stoll
EVA to Bon Jovi's "It's my life". Overused anime to an overused song. I did like the part when Rei's EVA hit it's head on the building twice... lol
Destiny of the Dark - Vlad Pohnert
I really liked this one but my only gripe is that it was too short.
Path of the Deus! - Senta Miller
A chop suey video with some pretty funky editing. The song's been done alot but I liked this one and it got a few laughs.
Shameless Rock Video - Ian Roberts (WINNER)
Self explanitory - KICK ASS. The audience went wild over the eye brow thing.
EVA ep 27 - In the end - TommyRude
Interesting concept of using EVA combined with live action footage of one of the Linkin Park singers. One cool part was the Linkin Park guy was masked into EVA and the ending with
Beboppin - ????
Very cute video....... Lip sync wasn't perfect but the Ed lip sync was cool.
Devotion - Tim Stair
Was this the Escaflowne video? I think it was... this was probably my favorite out of the Drama videos...
Lies - Stephen Cilley
Forgot how this one was.
Silent Lucidity - Anthony Bennett (WINNER)
Nice video which made something like Card Captor Sakura look interesting. Not as good as "One Day More" but I felt that this didn't really deserve to win in comparison with the Esca video.
Because She... - Daniel Araujo
Cool Faye Tribute video, now I've seen them all.
Cursed Fate - Charles Bathel
After feeling that Vlad's video was too short, this was a nice video with more Vampire Hunter D footage. Very.....ummmmm mystical.
Adagio for Fireflies - Art Smoke
This one made me feel a bit sad but really spoiled Grave of the fireflies for me.
Still - Alvin T. Chang
Can't remember too much of this either.....
Enigma - Kamaran Ahmadi
EvilVegettoZ already knows what I thought of this. Sounded GREAT on the theater's speakers...
Rose Rhythms - Jason Tennant
Can't recall too much about this one.... but it was dedicated to roses or something.... all I know is that it was nice.
Shell Shock - Daniel Cecava
I really enjoyed this video when I downloaded it but somehow the quality didn't look that great on the big screen. The song sounded INCREDIBLE on the speakers which really made you feel the intensity...
Spectacular - Jessica Brunelle
EXCELLENT video..... it made a good first impression and has alot of rewatchability....
NYO is WAR - Tim Park
Downloaded this a while back and loved it enough to get into DiGi Charat

Death Violence and Hate (in an All-Girls Dormitory with a Hot Spring) - Senta Miller
Can't remember too much about this but I know it was done to Love Hina and had some funny scenes.
A total waste of 6min 35seconds - Troy Williams (WINNER)
GREAT video............ but only the first time you watch it.... It's not even funny at all the 2nd time.
Cybernetic Eyecandy - Scott Crim
Forgot about this one.....
Everybody's Free (To Watch anime) - Richard Cole
Can't remember this one....
X-park - Cassiopeia Brinks
Funny idea but wasn't executed too well...
Kung Fubop - Kamaran Ahmadi
Full review coming when you put it in your profile.......
This Video Sucks - Tim Park
Funny video but not as good as Right now.
Your thoughts?
"You're ignoring everything, except what you want to hear.." - jbone
- Kusoyaro
- Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2001 10:03 pm
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I've had that impression for years. That's why after wasting my money on flying to AX one year, I stopped going to AX, and stopped entering the contest.AbsoluteDestiny wrote: I bet the amv contest wasn't in the conbook either and something tells me they don't really care.
The year I went and entered, it wasn't even listed in the program book. It was listed in tiny text on the schedule. No possible way you could have just "stumbled" upon it.AbsoluteDestiny wrote: The amv contest has the smallest section on the AX website for a reason, by the looks of things.
Whenever I trash AX's AMV scene, I get a lot of flak. "It's the biggest one so even if it's not run as well, it's still the most prestigious!" or whatnot. Right.
I have no idea how to use this new forum.