good luck everyone!!Shall I say "Sigh...."
Hey guys. Sorry about keeping you all in suspense. The judging is done. The tabulations are done. “So why don’t haven’t I ----ing posted the results?” you ask…
I got my butt handed to me over the last few days when my company decided that we were going to move from Long Beach to Newport Beach on Monday of this week instead of 2nd week of July. Oh yes, and we employees had to move everything so that they could save money. mad.gif
So many apologies [bows low] to all who have been sitting here wondering “WTF? Why aren’t they telling us anything?” It’s been my fault because I’ve been to sore and tired at night to do anything but crawl into bed as soon as I get home and dread the upcoming day.
On a lighter note… I’m posting this now that I have a working computer from my work. Once I get home and can post from the house I’ll be posting the official results. This will be Saturday morning around 8 a.m. (Yes I won’t get home until then… don’t ask, more work related crap). I give you all official permission to lynch me at con if I don’t post the results by then.
Sorry Again!!!
[edit] Just noticed the "Reg Hell" post before my reply... No that already happened. Katy, Lawrence, Jannet and myself spent 2 weeks every night after work till 2am and about 12 hours per day on the weekend entering pre-reg before we were even able to dedicate the time needed to judging! I will stop before I get into a rant, but reg will not be getting in the way between now and con![/edit]

..... i am so stressed.....