And you wonder why you got banned from AN's forum?
I actually, disagree with the use of computers at cons for a few reasons. One, that requires either the con to get one, or a person to bring in their own, and since people are not always going to be involved, that means one year you might have it, next year you might not. It's quite a pain in the ass to have things like that changing from year to year.
Also, I actually quite liked the way AN went with it this year. I like the idea of a single format to be used, so that everyone is using a universal format so no one has any superiority based on that. If their quality is better, it is because they took the time to make it so. They used a good clean source, editted it properly and used any necessary filters to make it even better after production is complete. If we start using multiple formats which allow for a range of bitrates, etc, you may encounter a noticeable difference between one video and the next, simply because the other person had a little more knowledge in some new fancy format that most others have never heard of, or may not even be compatible with their computer. Thus, I actually like the idea of using a single format(MPEG4, MPEG-2, etc) so that you can get a universal stance behind. You also wouldn't run into any problems with someone sending in a video with some strange format that no one had heard of before and then encounter playback issues on a single video while all the others play flawlessly. A single format allows for a uniform stance, where the videos are judged on the editting, nothing else, as it should be.