Oh I'm sure I could easily find a bunch of people who would be willing to let me use their laptops for a con. But there would be a problem with that, and I'm surprised, that with your ever so great intelligence, you missed.DJ_Izumi wrote:Dude, if you can't round up a handfull of laptops for video rooms for once a year, you have to be the most unresourceful person on the planet.
It's called uniform standard. One system is going to be better then the other, this means one will perform better. So you base it off one, and something happens to it, you have to use one that is different then the last and may not work as well as the other. Next you have compatibility issues, one may have all the necessary codecs to play all the formats as you seem to think is a grand idea, the next might only have a few. Or some of the laptops may not have the hardware necessary to play back certain files. You need a DVD Drive to be able to read MPEG-2 files properly. So what happens if the laptops you procure for a con, don't have DVD Roms? Or what if one does, but during the con, there is problem and that laptop gets damaged. Now you are up shit creek without a paddle, considering anyone who entered a video using MPEG-2, is now fucked.
Also, several cons do their judging prior to the contest, like AN does. This means they have to make discs for all the judges to view. If you start allowing every conceivable format, you might end up with a judge who has a system that cannot handle a certain format. I mean, some people may decide for some reason, they want to encode using H.264, and not all systems can handle that format all too well depending on how it is encoded. So now we have yet another problem. If your judges can't view one of the videos, what are they going to do, not judge it?
Honestly, for someone who seems to think they know everything there is about video editting, video judging, video contests, you sure do act like an idiot sometimes and miss some of the obvious flaws in your own ideas.