AMVNews: Big Contest 2011 (Rules)

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Re: AMVNews: Big Contest 2011 (Rules)

Post by TritioAFB » Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:35 pm

iAerias wrote:Hmm, I got many questions. How does this work? I don't really know much, since I'm new here.. How do you participate in the contest? We have to submit video by March 15th? How many videos do we have to submit? And we get pay if we win? Can you summarize in a nooby term by all mean lol.. ....Sorry :roll:
But this info has been already submitted by Turbo. Well, the Big Con is one of the famous Contest from the Russian comunity, and for participating you have to register in the link Turbo has provided. And for entries usually 1 is allowed, the prices? well I think Turbo knows :shark:
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Re: AMVNews: Big Contest 2011 (Rules)

Post by Chained(E)Studio » Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:51 am

iAerias wrote:Hmm, I got many questions. How does this work? I don't really know much, since I'm new here.. How do you participate in the contest? We have to submit video by March 15th? How many videos do we have to submit? And we get pay if we win? Can you summarize in a nooby term by all mean lol.. ....Sorry :roll:
All the rules are posted up above: You need to follow the link provided to make an account & sign up (must be member of AMVNews to join)..


1) Videos can be submitted from March 15th through April 15 th, 2011, by registered contestants only.

2) Contest video can be made either of anime movies, anime series and Japanese videogames or of manga, as well as of original art. Other footage is accepted only if it makes no more than 50% of the video. No restrictions on music styles. Videos premiered after March 15th, 2011 are eligible, as well as videos made specially for the contest. The contest video is eligible for participation in other contests. Each participant is allowed to submit one video only. Multi-editor projects (MEP) are also accepted. You must know exactly the title of anime/videogame used for your video, as well as the title of the music composition and the name of its performer.Unkown music and animes/videogames are not allowed. The length of contest video may not be less than 60 seconds (without credits).AMV News or the contest title must be mentioned in the video, how exactly to mention is to participant's choice. A line in credits should be enough.

3) Winners of the additional categories will receive extra diplomas. Prize money can only be payed via WebMoney or PayPal (it is also possible to recharge a cell phone account or pay your internet provider for internet service access).
Also, the winners in main nomination and in "Best manga music video" nomination will receive additional prizes from publishing house "Eksmo" - a fresh-released manga volumes.

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Re: AMVNews: Big Contest 2011 (Rules)

Post by Turbo » Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:07 am

Deadline was extended till 20 of April.


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