Pre-planning the reactions to shounen-ai and shoujo-ai videos, eh? I think not, my amigo.genestarwind21122 wrote:One other thing not saying that there is anything wrong with your amv Fungie 1/2. I just talked to my vice president and the board they prefer no yaoi or lesiban type videos in this contest. It doesn't mean that you can't enter it. It may not be recieved too well. Sorry if this dissapoints anyone.
On a serious note, I think that the audience should be looking at each video as a video, not as an action video, or a DBZ video, or a shounen-ai video. They're just videos, and I think that it's not the theme of the video that's important, but the actual video itself, such as creativity, quality, editing, etc. Please don't shy people away from entering videos with this type of material. A lot of them are really good. You just have to look past the personal bias and see the actual video. I'm hoping that's how the judging will occur.