...I'll tel you why, but let's get the light-hearted stuff outta' the way, ne?
"They finally settled a decesion setting the contest for 8 AM..."
There's an 8am in the morning now?
I can't imagine anyone getting up at 8am, let alone being dressed n' ready at a convention hall.
"...then got dressed in the same pair of clothes as yesterday."
Eeew! EEEEW! You went to a convention, with hoardes of people, walking around and getting all sweaty n' stuff, then went back in the exact same clothes?! Yuck! Isn't there an unwritten law against smelly fanboys? You icky person, you! I bonk you with my BakaHammer! *BONK*
(Hey, having an Overfiend cosplay suit rocks. All these extra arms/tentacles for holding BakaHammers. And bags full've anime goodies!)
Okay, back to the miserable scum bit:
See, the problem with me posting a Reply in this thread is that I didn't go to AX. There's no way I could afford an interstate trip right now, let alone an inter-continent one. My AMV wasn't screened at AX because of their good ol' "Technical difficulties" excuse.
(AX STAFF: "In this case, the technical difficulties were that she didn't submit an AMV.")
That being said, I can only tell what happenned at the AMV screening by what has been posted here. The only problem with that is that everyone who's talked about something that's happenned, was actually there, so the event is only commented on. NOT being there myself, I can only piece together what happenned from those comments.
I have pieced together the following:
1. There was a slight delay in the AMV screening. This is regrettable, but it happens. What can'ya do?
2. Surly AMV creator crowd is pissed at delay.
3. As-yet-unnamed AMV fan/creator destroys $15,000 screen in act of vandalism for laughs, akin to anti-globalisation protester smashing a McDonalds window. Vandal escapes scott-free, despite witnesses.
4. AMV crowd celebrate act of vandalism. With screen destroyed, AMV's cannot be screened. AMV crowd furious.
5. AX staff furious at already given so much of their own money and time for ungrateful fans, while receiving abuse by fans for not having replacement screen to replace the one they destroyed. AX Staff asked to contribute money for unexpected $15,000 bill, while at same time organise new screening for AMV fans.
6. AX staff reschedule new AMV screening. Nightmare scenario unexpectadly ended nightmarishly. Media blames violence in video games.
7. AMV fans return home, visit a-m-v.org, post how AMV screening sucked because of smashed screen. Also post how cool it was how they smashed the screen.
... that's what I've managed to piece together from reading this thread. Not being at AX, I may have missed out on a few things, or gotten them wrong entirely. If that is indeed the case, I hope someone will tell me what actually happenned. Until that time, I'll just assume that what I've pieced together actually happenned. And on that note, back to the rant:
All of you are miserable scum.
How dare you? HOW. DARE. YOU?!
YOU destroyed the screen! YOU. The AX people had their big screen nice and ready to play all your AMV's, in order, all according to plan. Then you destroy the screen!
Not only that, you're all proud of it. You think it's cool. You consider it a highlight. You're all the mob of anti-globalisation protesters who smashed the windows of the local McDonalds, then complain how the store is closed the next day. You want your burgers, dammit! You're the customers!
The poor people at AX devoted so much of themselves to please YOU people, and yet you have the audacity to claim that "if it wasn't for us, none of them would be here". Of course they wouldn't be here. They're serving YOU, you arrogant pricks. They're putting the effort in for YOU. If you weren't there, they could've stayed home, watched TV, done something nice. Instead, they devoted their time and money for YOU.
And then you destroy their screen.
Sure, it was just the one guy, but you all let him get away scott-free. Who was the one here who saw who he was, what he looked like, and kept watching while he ran away? Did the AMV fans find him and make him pay for the $15,000 damage he did, and wrecking the entire AMV screening? NO, instead you cheered and laughed at the damage done. You thought it cool, while the AX staff had to pay for it... AND reschedule everything. For YOU.
And so you all come back the next morning, complaining about the time, the weather, the errors, the fields, the banners, the dropped categories, the chaos... none of which would've happenned if YOU LOT hadn't destroyed the screen. Do you people understand that? Everything was okay, until you wrecked everything! With pride!
Everything was ruined because of you, and here you are: complaining how it was ruined, while at the same time telling us how cool it was that you were the ones that ruined it.
You miserable scum.
...now, it's entirely possible that my lil' interpratation of the AX incident may be erroneous in some parts, or in fact completely wrong. In that case, feel free to disregard the rant written above, as it was written under the assumption of false information. If you will, an unfortunate error in the communicative infrastructure, for which one regrets any miscommunication.
If I got anything wrong, please feel free to tell me what really happenned. I wasn't at AX, but I'd like to know if my rant holds merit. Rants are precious things, and we should care for them. They're special.