San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Winners Posted

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by °Vej° » Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:42 pm

Snowflakes1515 wrote:Congratulations to the winners. ^^ For me it was a major achievement to have even been chosen to be part of the finalist list, so I'm hoping the audience enjoyed my video - wish I could've been there to see the reactions!
Exactly what I think too :3
And congratz to the winners!
If you can dream it you can do it an AMV

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by Mr Pilkington » Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:02 pm

Radical_Yue wrote:Everyone Else - Stop adding fuel to the fire. God knows I love to mess with people but you're all better than this. Don't make me put some of you in time out.
Wut you mean don't antagonize people?

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by Radical_Yue » Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:29 pm

Mr Pilkington wrote:
Radical_Yue wrote:Everyone Else - Stop adding fuel to the fire. God knows I love to mess with people but you're all better than this. Don't make me put some of you in time out.
Wut you mean don't antagonize people?
Quoted Image converted to link: ... sparta.gif

That's it Pilk... Prom is OFF. :amv:

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by Mr Pilkington » Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:11 pm

Stood up again T_T

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by Castor Troy » Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:28 pm

Izotoppu is a rare talent that only comes every few generations besides Kevin Caldwell and myself. :awesome: :ying: |:> :dino:
"You're ignoring everything, except what you want to hear.." - jbone

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by drewaconclusion » Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:12 pm

Mr Pilkington wrote:Stood up again T_T
It's because you forgot the corsage. Can't have a prom date without a corsage.

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Winners Poste

Post by Izotoppu » Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:55 am

@All ... please.png

Now dedicated

"You have a whole bunch of editors, more experienced than you on pretty much everything trying to calm you down"

Nop. 90% of the editors from are totally stupid ass peps. And why do you think that I'm nervous ? I'm 1st quality troll you noob. I don't feel anything when I read your shits. I can do this all day U greek =))

@Snowflakes1515 I love your reply. Now that's a mature answer. The rest of the guys all they did is to start a flamewar / shitstorm on this topic. Which I love.


Hey man, your vids sucks! (and you edit with only stupid / gay anime - makes me vomit)
I'm not the best but definitely a lot better than you.


You fool :)) I made this year over 800 euros without editing for a tv channel. Think what I will make when I'll do a contract with HBO. But wait, I'm a freelancer. :P
Fucking spaghetti people like you need to eat more chocolate. Don't lecture me kid... go and learn how to edit first. (your rock shit editing didn't made me excited at all)
Yep. Anime overall is pretty bullshit. There are so so few series and ovas that are mature enough to edit. The rest are totally gay for hentaist peps. If you said hole I bet you stay right now in one hah.


Oh da drama. Yes...

@Castor Troy

"Izotoppu is a rare talent that only comes every few generations besides Kevin Caldwell and myself."

There are 10,000,000 Million, million, million, particles in the universe that we can observe.
Your mama took the ugly ones and put them into one nerd.


They started this. What I did is to write my personal opinion about the judges and the winners @action category. It doesn't matter if it was negative or not. If you want to ban me for example you must ban some of the others as well. Or you can close this topic because I can do this forevermore. If they stop, I'll stop. It's so simple.

Yeah... dark izo will kill ya all... & the judges from san japan will be assassinated by agent 47.
He simply walks into Mordor.

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Winners Poste

Post by Animated » Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:03 am

Yue, please? Can we close this thread? I feel like punching some faces right now :x

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Winners Poste

Post by Domius » Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:16 am

only 4th place @action ?

Try again and you will be luckier ahahaah

Who am I to tell you that ? A nobody... but with BRAINS.(e.g. izotoppu)
Till now there was 2/3 dudes who said that my karas vid isn't so good. You guys don't have any experience to tell me that.
Keith Carunida said it was awesome and it's from Hollywood. Editor around 30 years old.
you will get destroyed on yt if you have an account.
But you guys don't understand what is pro editing. Let me teach you.
AHAHAAH you’re just retarded spoiled noob, you’re nobody stop. I don’t like the “Eat Me Alive” but your video is boring, meanless, the song is awful, in the whole video there isn’t timing, you said that you teach us what is “EDITING PRO” but you don’t know what a true video must be done.
I don’t like usually insult someone but your child’s behavior is too for me. GROW UP!
I didn't participate at this conventions to win, only for fun.
Yieah, your chance to win any contest is equal to zero.
Next year I'm gonna edit for Tv Channels. I'm sure no one else who write here bullshits right now will do that and make huge amount of cash.
AHAHAAHAHAAHAH Romanians will be happy if you leave the country!
Go back to your shitty editing with 1 click transitions and video fx that everyone can do it.
Your amazing and incredible effects that you used in your videos speak for themselves, take part to “Akross 2012” and teaches the world what is “EDITING
PRO”, also a Romanian can win the first place GOGOGOGO AHAHAAHAAH

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Winners Poste

Post by Izotoppu » Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:55 am


You have balls to talk trash on me ? Kid ya don't know who ya dealing with.

"the song is awful"

That means you don't like dubstep & also means you insulted right now all the dubstep community. Congratulations on being a complete and total idiot!
If it was awful like you said this powerful song would not be appeared on a transformers 3 official trailer.

"I don’t like the “Eat Me Alive” but your video is boring, meanless,"

Said the noob with only 90 subs on yt and 500 views per video. Pfoaha! :)) U made my day bish.

"in the whole video there isn’t timing"

God damn another spaghetti dude from Italy. Where's your eyes ? In the ass ? That's exactly what my video is about.

Do some research on who you are talkin to before you go around giving your words of wisdom kid. (I'm not just an editor)


"but you don’t know what a true video must be done."

Ya fucking nooooooooooooooooob. That's why I shared that vids in my last replies. Watch them & learn. (not from my vids cause you will rage)
He simply walks into Mordor.


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