Okay, so I've been thinking about this all last night and this morning, and the more I think about it, the worse I feel. Straight-up, I was a
dick with a lot of my reviews, and reading other people's responses (and then re-reading a bunch of what I wrote) made me realize that things like this:
VivifxAMV wrote:But don't bundle your pettiness in with some half-assed advice and call it "a review."
and this:
Shin-AMV wrote:However, I think there's a line where it stops being a harsh yet enlightening review and one that just kind of crushes people without any other takeaway.
directly apply to many of the things I wrote. Everything I said in
this post definitely applies, but it doesn't excuse the narcissistic douchiness that was prevalent in a lot of the things I said. So, truly, I'm really sorry to anyone who was offended by any of my negative feedback. I really want to make it up to you but I don't know who you are at this point in time. My offer still stands, although I wouldn't blame people for not wanting to take me up on it -- if anyone wants to send me a PM after the contest is over I will be more than happy to provide serious, detailed, constructive, and 100% non-dickfaced feedback on your video.
This is a Professional contest and I feel like that should definitely go both ways, and that's something I totally neglected to actually follow through on in my reviews. I'm thoroughly embarrassed with myself and really, really sorry.