Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by Mr Pilkington » Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:53 pm

Calm down chaosprojects 2.0. No need to get your training bra tangled


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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by MycathatesyouAMV » Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:24 pm

Did someone say FREE CANDY ?!?!?
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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by Rider4Z » Sun Sep 25, 2016 3:15 am

After our little debacle earlier I decided as an act of good faith, and a bribe to let us keep our nasty review thread as is, I went through all the videos one more time and wrote out real reviews. And I am so tired, I hope this was worth it. I dunno if I can do this shit every year.

Actually I'm glad I did this, it made me go back and change a few votes. And I just realized the Overwatch video isn't up for Best Technical and that makes me sad. It's easily the most technically sound video in the entire contest.
Spoiler :
READ FIRST: Because this is a professional editing competition I am going to treat each one of these entries as a professional critic. I will not be “nice” to spare your feelings. Nor will I be “mean” to hurt your feelings. Some videos I had more to say about than others. You will not see many uses of “a bit” or “sort of” to soften any negative words I may use. I will be honest and thorough and hopefully offer advice that makes sense (whether you choose to take that advice is all up to you, these are just my thoughts and my experiences). I expect each video to stand alone on its own without me having to rely on any prior knowledge of the subject matter. I expect to be taken in with an eye-catching opening and left with a feeling of satisfaction having been told a story. If you don’t want to hear negative feedback about your video DO NOT LOOK UP YOUR NUMBER. Every video can be improved in some way. If I go absolutely gaga over your video you’ll know.


1. There are a quite a number of videos that lack the basic storytelling concept of having a beginning, middle and end. What you use to define that beginning, middle and end doesn’t really matter. It could be a literal story or it can be a series of emotions. But any typical story, movie, song, play, etc. has a total of 3 arcs each containing a rise and fall, each one more intense than the last. Any more or any less in a story is VERY difficult to pull off and doesn’t always go over well no matter how much effort is put in to making them work.

2. I do not have the sharpest eye when it comes to visual quality. However, I have a very sharp eye for aspect ratios. So don’t expect many comments on that. Only if something is glaringly obvious will I point it out.

3. If something I say makes you think “Well, I just didn’t have the footage to make that work” that’s not my problem. It’s your project so it’s your job to make it work however you do it. Own it. Don’t make excuses for yourself. You’re a professional.

4. THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE STORY IS THE ENDING. Everything you do beforehand leads up to the ending. The ending is what you leave your audience with. It needs to be the strongest part and that includes the very last image you end on, which should always leave the eye in the center of the screen. Don’t ever leave people guessing if your video is over.

5. When I say theme I mean your video and audio combo and whatever point it is you’re trying to make. In other words “concept”. A strong theme will win out over perfectly technical execution almost every time.


020 – This one was really sweet and simple. Good quality, nice gentle pace. I particularly loved the Elsa/Jack pairings. Some of the sources seemed a little more used than others. Overall good job.

028 – I don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me in this video. The only thing that speaks to me is the literal lyric “Upside down”. Other than that I got nothing from it. Please see note #1.

037 – Honestly, I have no criticisms about this video. I absolutely love it. I’ve never seen the anime before but I have heard the song. And I was astounded by how well they match together. It’s like they were made for each other. There is so much lyrical sync but it’s not in your face I almost can’t stand it. Magnificent storytelling. Wonderful build up to a glorious finish and climax. Just lovely. On a technical stand point I think using a camera zoom/pan on every single static shot can become a cop out or a crutch. I understand they’re used to keep a sense of easiness flowing, but it’s okay to keep a little tension here and there, like you did at 0:54. Just beware of that thought in the future. Overall this is my favorite video in the entire contest.

038 – Very first thing I noticed is you have aspect ratio inconsistencies. I’m also confident that at least some of your original footage was not 1020p. Perhaps you chose to upscale the lower res footage you had to match the majority of the rest, but it’s obvious even to me and that’s not good. Footage quality needs to match. Either replace the lower quality footage or bring the bigger footage down. Now for your story. This combo was a nice change from the typical Naruto videos we see every year. The feelings came through okay but your editing is really clunky and that made it difficult to let myself fall into the story and characters emotionally. It’s clunky for two reasons, 1.) Your scene selection was all over the place. You brought in a lot of random characters and scenarios and I had no idea who they were or why they were supposed to be significant. 2.) My eyes kept jumping all over the screen during transitions and cuts. The more you make your audience work, the more you will pull them out of your story. AMVs and art in general is about what you feel. It’s okay to be challenging and thought provoking, but in order to do that you need to first pull in your audience – and that requires being visually and audibly attractive. The biggest tip I could give you about visuals is keep consistent focal points. If your subject is on the left side of the screen don’t cut to a scene where the subject is now in a different location. If you do, you create an unintentional tension and that then becomes a distraction and pulls the viewer out emotionally. Keep these things in mind when starting your next project.

039 – Right away, your aspect ratio is wrong. The footage looks anamorphic but it’s set at 16:9. The audio/video combo is good. Your editing style feels inconsistent. Editing to live action is a whole different beast compared to anime. I saw a couple AMV editing tropes that didn’t look right. The blurred image slides at 0:22 were very noticeable and not pretty. The fade to whites weren’t as glaring. And then there was a zoom out transition at 1:17, again very noticeable and not pretty. Those minor details aside some of the editing was very smooth and clean and the rest was clunky. Now when I say clunky I’m not saying bad. It all depends on your source footage and consistency. There was a lot of natural shaky camera in the footage so clunky editing potentially would work. As a whole? I don’t know, I’d have to see it to be sure. But if you’d rather stick with smooth AND clunky then you need to separate the two and be consistent so they it feels more connected to the song. The chorus “Running running running….” there’s a lot of potential energy. The first chorus you have Kenshin running around, but then the second there was no energy at all. I think you were going for showing Kenshin’s inner turmoil, but it’s not consistent with the first. I wasn’t able to emotionally connect with this video at all… as it is. I think if you keep these things in mind and tweak out some stuff but still keep the emotion you were going for you’d have something here. You have an eye for important scenes. It’s just the organization and consistency that needs work.

042 – Gonna abstain from critiquing this one. But I thought it was original overall. Audio quality was blaring tho.

044 – The technical aspects of this video are pretty solid, I’m getting tired of that weird red/green 3D effect though. Not just in yours but in general. Other than that this video is not very memorable. Nothing about it got me excited. Transitions were smooth, scene selection was shiny, but other than that there’s nothing about it that makes me care. It’s an action video but there was no drama or angst to pull me in emotionally. No personality, no character. It feels like you care more about the technical aspect than the meaning behind everything.

045 – Overall, this video has a great quality of storytelling to it. I’m just not 100% sold on the lead character. Obviously there’s a lot of lip syncing that needs to be tightened up, but besides that I’m just not sure who he’s singing to or why. He’s only on screen to sing. There’s nothing that expresses his significance or role in the story. And that makes me sad because there’s so much effort put into developing the environment and it looks great. I want to love it, I really do. But it’s just lacking that one crucial element to seal the deal.

046 – I’m gonna abstain from critiquing this one.

050 – I don’t understand the story being told here. The editing is clean cuz it’s all straight cuts, but the flow isn’t great. I don’t really have anything useful to say because I have no idea what your point was. See points #1 and #5.

051 – I’m gonna take a shot in the dark here and say this and 050 were edited by the same person. This video is more successful than the last. The melancholy cover of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun makes sense with Madoka. Your editing technique of straight cuts is basic. Nothing stands out awkwardly. But nothing is memorable either. Your theme is good but you could have pushed your exposition more to leave a stronger impact.

052 – This is terrific. The animation is so ugly haha. Ugly but also really good. All around this is a great edit and I don’t really have any criticisms for it. The only thing I didn’t like is the very last shot. It felt lazy. After such an epic display of energy and motion you should have left us with a nice and centered image. I picture a ping pong ball flying into the screen or just straight up into the air. The rest of the video is so good, don’t take the last image you leave us with for granted.

053 – Technically speaking this video is pretty flawless. Unfortunately everything is so fast and there’s so much going on that I have no idea what’s happening. I can tell there’s a story but what exactly I have no clue. I really liked the goofy break in the middle. If that hadn’t been there it would have been too much so smart move. Well edited but I’ll likely forget it.

054 – This one breaks my heart. I really liked the theme. It felt very dynamic and powerful. What hurts me is how it ended. You cut the second verse and chorus out which was fine, but then you cut the ending short and didn’t even fade the song out completely. Sloppy and disappointing. See point #4

060 – Lots of technical issues here. 1st I believe your frame rate is wrong. It’s at 29.97 and very jittery. Double check your source footage to see if it’s actually 23.976. If it is and you exported at 29.97 you inadvertently added extra frames into your video so certain frames hold out longer than they’re supposed to and makes it look clunky. See at 1:21 when wrath is rising into the air it’s not smooth. 2nd text is a very dangerous effect because it is EXTREMELY difficult to pull off well even for seasoned editors. It takes a very strong designer’s eye to know what colors to use, what fonts, placement, size, motion, etc. this text here is very amateurish. And putting text on top of scenes with characters is never a good idea. People want to look at the characters and if there is text elsewhere on the screen they get confused on where to look. Don’t make your audience work so hard. Give them one thing to focus on at a time so they don’t have to think. They less they have to think the more they get to *feel*, and an artist always wants to leave their audience having felt something. 3rd Your zooms and pulses are very distracting. I understand you wanted to give the video a little pizazz or flare, but your execution needs work. A lot of your zooms show a drop in video quality, obviously because it’s zoomed and does not look good. @ 2:43 – did you cut your audio here? It’s noticeable if you did. If you didn’t, shame on the musical artist. And opening sequence credits? No. Don’t ever do that again. Overall your story was all over the place, but 3:45 to the end was strong.

062 – Unfinished.

063 – Very strong theme. One of the strongest this year. The editing and flow of the video is clunky at times but the mood and storytelling made it worth it. The Gotham Knight footage should have been avoided simply because the animation quality is so high, while the majority of your footage is the lower American(Korean) standard. Adding Gotham Knight in there makes the quality difference that much more obvious. See point #3.

064 – Theme is strong. Lip sync is sloppy. Good character profile. Last shot was lazy. See point #4

065 – This is a rare case where I have no idea what’s going on but it doesn’t bother me because that’s obviously the point. The whole video is pretty flat because there’s no real rises or falls, but it still works as is. If it was a full 3 minutes I would have gotten bored. Under 2 minutes was just right, and thank you for adding the “Mission Complete” near the end so I knew it was over and wasn’t left guessing. Good job on this.

066 – Putting my knowledge of Clannad aside, this combination felt forced. The special effects added are distractingly obvious. An audience at a con with basic knowledge of the series will most likely find it funny though. Actually they probably wouldn’t need knowledge of Clannad at all because even they’ll be able to tell what was edited in so they’ll know to laugh at it.

067 – Overall this one is pretty cute all put together. However the theme/combo is weak. This guy has all these monster women after him, but the song is Dear Future Husband, so it should only be one girl after him the whole time. If the video was all about the women planning a wedding and just happen to be going for the same guy there would have been a much stronger connection between video and song. You chose the perfect scene to end on, but there should have been more of that throughout the video. See point #3.

070 – I wasn’t able to follow along with the details in the story but I was able to follow the emotion. The fade to blacks (or almost blacks) in the beginning were a little jarring just because there were so many of them. I thought the very last shot was clever. Good job.

071 – This one I appreciate more each time I watch it. I thought the animation choice was kitchy at first but there really is an epic story here. Editing is a bit rough, but your theme, scene selection and storytelling are all very strong.

072 – This is a very good trailer. The theme is excellent. The audio could have been made for Paranoia Agent. The only criticism I really have is I don’t like the execution of the lip synced scenes in the first half. All the lip sync choices in the second half were spot on. So fortunately you have a strong ending that I forget about it. I would go back and try to improve upon them. Tip: static images make for boring lip sync. It’s more difficult to make your characters move and talk at the same time, but it’s worth it if you can pull it off.

073 – I abstain from critiquing this one.

077 – This is fun. Song is super catchy. The editing is basic and clunky but it works with the source material. You might try adding some oversaturated transitions to give a little more flare. Much chrome.

078 – Editing is good, scene selection is very strong. There’s just soooo much of it. There is way too much going on. So many characters and little stories all over the place. I wasn’t able to follow along so I lost interest in your story. It’s good you know how to go over the top, now it’s time to pull it back and simplify.

079 - One of the strongest themes in the contest this year. Only criticism I have is the all the quick zooms got tedious. They fit the energy of the song but after the first chorus they just came to be expected so they were noticeable. Don’t let your effects be noticeable. Let them feel natural. Good job.

080 – This is a great example of scene selection to convey an emotional story. Really well done. I like the spontaneity in your cuts. I don’t want to say your editing technique is flawless, but I wouldn’t change what you did at all because I believe it adds to the angsty mood of the entire video. The only thing I didn’t like was how abrupt the last shot felt, even the audio felt like it cut off early. Other than that this is one of the best videos in the contest. Really good job.

081 – Aspect ratio is off. It should be 640x480 square pixels for fullscreen footage. 720x480 is slightly wider than it’s supposed to be. I know when you rip standard footage it says it’s 720x480 but that’s cuz it’s built for playback differently. Personally I keep it safe and export everything in square pixels. The second half of this video is stronger than the first. The first half is all mostly lip sync shoved in our face, but once you got away from that and started showing more than just Tamaki singing the video felt much more complete. It’s okay, could be stronger~

082 – Theme is weak. There’s good editing and scene selection but I didn’t understand what the video and the audio had to do with each other. There were a lot of different storylines put together and most were not resolved. The very beginning I was confused by the old woman. The lyrics followed her very precisely at first, but then the focus was taken off her and moved onto someone else and I didn’t notice any cues to change focus. She was just suddenly out of the picture. Wait, what? Who am I supposed to connect to?.... If you’re going to focus on so many people to convey the overall message of the lyrics there needs to be a much stronger connection. Otherwise it just gets confusing.

083 – Love seeing live action. It’s a different beast to edit with. That said there were some AMV editing tropes that were easily recognizable in this and that’s not good. I saw a blurred slide0:42 and a zoom out1:17 that were obviously added. Not pretty. The blurred slide at 2:31 was better, not great but better. I did see some zooms elsewhere that did work however. The oversaturated transitions worked ok cuz the source material has some of that look to it already. I LOVED the editing from 2:41 on. Great ending.

084 – I’m confused by this one. Great storytelling, great theme, great scene selection, I like the pixel effect you added throughout. What I don’t understand is the ending. Not even in a comical or ironic way. It makes no sense with the rest of the work you put into this.

085 – The way the video and audio go together is uncanny. I would say this is a grand slam except for two obvious problems. The first is your gender swapped lip sync in the beginning. See point #3. And second is your title and credit slate. They don’t match with the rest of the video at all. Your Marvel Studios parody logo at 0:32 is fantastic. But the font you chose for your title and credits doesn’t match Mob Psycho at all. I understand you were mimicking the original trailer font, but that font matched the visuals of Doctor Strange. Also, the title of your video is Doctor Psycho is it not? Why on earth does it say “Doctor Strange”? And why is the “Marvel Studios” logo suddenly in the picture? If you can fix these things you’ll have a much more solid project.

087 – This is a fun character profile. I didn’t pay much attention to the editing at all because it was just fun to watch. So that means your editing was successful. I wanna laugh at the jerks who keep failing to throw him off his game, and I also want to punch the guy for being so perfect. Only thing I don’t like is that last shot of him walking out the door. See point #4.

088 – Opening up your video with an unedited scene from your source is often not a good idea. It can serve as a crutch in introducing your story. Your theme is strong but your storytelling is lacking. See point #1.

089 – Well made. The gender swapped lip sync was unfortunate. I think the only thing I would have added was some “trailer text” just to give a stronger trailer feeling. But overall everything matched really well. I liked the adding of Anti Spiral at the end there.

093 – I’m guessing one point three one six is the duration?

102 – Solid theme. Interesting? Well I think it just depends on the person but I wasn’t amazed by it. All it does is make me want to eat frikkin pancakes. Your editing needs polishing, a lot of the crossfades weren’t pretty. And the add ins were obvious for the most part. Adventure time looks good. You ended on a good shot.

103 – It is really hard to critique this one being that it comes after 087, a video with the exact same theme and edited similarly. It’s a good character profile. Easy to follow. Editing wasn’t distracting in any way.

104 – Well edited but very low brow. Not really my kind of humor but still well made.

105 – Storytelling is ineffective. You took it too literally and took for granted your audience would understand what’s going on. The lip flap is very distracting. It suggests there is conversation going on there we should understand but we don’t. Simply adding a fade to black on sync does not make it interesting. You shouldn’t even be thinking about making your video look pretty if you don’t have a solid story for it to stand on. I want to critique this video but I can’t even finish watching it, the flashes and low light is too hard on my eyes.

108 – I have no interest in the subject matter but I understand the parody. I probably would have enjoyed it if it was ponies but that’s just me. Well edited.

109 – This was a clever theme. Storytelling was weak. See points #1 and #4. Your editing was good and clean.

110 – This song was difficult to appreciate because it’s so flat. Your editing was consistent all the way through, however the storytelling was just as flat as the song. There were no rises or falls, no energy change. Your last shot was good.

111 – This combination worked surprisingly well. It’s just a shame you didn’t have enough footage to not cut the song short. It feels more like part of an MEP than a stand alone video. Editing was great, it all flowed really well, great storytelling. But what the heck is up with that ending cut? So sloppy, shame on you.

112 – The joke is lost on me. I’m guessing there was a really sophisticated script or whatever the heck you call it to pull this off but I have no idea what it is.

113 – Your storytelling is rough and hard to follow. See point #1. You chose to use audio from the series and subtitle the lines for 2, but then the third line there was no audio at all and just the subtitle. While I find incorporating audio from the series risky even tho I’ve done it myself in the past, if you decide to try something out of the norm you need to be consistent. As is right now it looks like you had an idea but didn’t know how to execute it.

114 – Really good storytelling. I don’t really get the literal details but that doesn’t concern me because my emotions followed along just fine. However, the trope of adding a zoom to every single still shot just to keep a continuous sense of flow can actually hinder the emotion you’re trying to convey. Constant flow means constant ease making it relaxing making it boring. If you have exciting visuals to contrast against the easiness then it’s not as noticeable. It’s okay to add some angst to keep it interesting. But it is tricky to know when to zoom and when to let the scene sit. But when it’s done right you feel a big difference.

115 – I saw you removed the lip flap at 0:26 but the jaw was still moving. Your theme overall is strong. Your storytelling was okay but potentially could have been a lot better. Editing and quality was clean but your scene changes were clunky at times. This feels unfinished. More can be done with this to give it a real oomph.

117 – Theme is strong but execution feels unfinished. Your fade to blacks in the beginning were monotonous. They continued for over 50 seconds, more than enough time to become obvious. The storytelling was really good up until the ending. See point #1 and #4. I get the symbolism of the lyric you ended on, but the video as a whole has no conclusion. It ends unnaturally. I’ve never seen Psycho but see point #3. I liked the editing. You knew not to use typical amv tropes.

118 – Very strong theme. Elements from both sources match together very well. Lip sync needs work. Text work is poor. Best way to learn how to design text is to mimic/parody the original. You’ll learn different techniques to use in the future. A nice parody of the Marvel logo at 0:31 would have been really nice.

119 – Terrific theme. The visuals during the climax couldn’t have been a better match to the audio. Some of the zooms and masked transitions were obvious but other than that this was well done. I think adding some moments where you let the visuals breathe and relax more would have been beneficial because it would have given your intense moments that much more of a punch.

120 – This theme is surprisingly really good. Wonderful storytelling. Editing isn’t fancy but it’s not needed because the story is so good. Only thing is that odd filter you added. I understand why it’s there, and the timing both times was consistent so I “get it”. Don’t use that filter cuz it’s just not pretty. Try something else, try a combination of things. Maybe a low saturation with a lightened feathered edge.

121 – The theme and storytelling are average. Some of the crossfades could have been prettier. The zooms on the fast beats were rough but consistent. The ending was unsatisfying. It raised more questions than answers and did not leave me wanting to see the series. I can’t offer any suggestions on what to change because I don’t know the series.

123 – Theme and storytelling are equally weak. I have no idea what it is you’re trying to tell me. You go back and forth between the ages of the boy and the girl, there’s a lot of crying, there’s blood on their face and I don’t know why. See points #1 and #5.

124 – This is different. I’m not sure what I’d classify it as. A trailer? A tribute? Perhaps you have no interest in being put in a box at all. Either way this was edited well, both video and sound. I found it interesting, great storytelling. My only complaint is the ending. It’s abrupt and doesn’t round out the project right. I understand the narrative and it was the right move, but it’s too short and doesn’t satisfy.

125 – Theme is very strong. The song matches Mustang superbly. Overall your storytelling comes across well, but is clunky in areas. Your editing is also clunky at certain times and in others is really strong. I think this is either unfinished or was edited by 2 different people.

126 – Simple and to the point.

127 – This video is a lot of fun. Theme was okay but the editing and storytelling was good. Lyrics were heavy handed on the profanity. Wouldn’t bother me so much if the “n” word wasn’t so repetitive. Being white myself and that being a taboo word for my people I feel naturally excluded. But that’s just my sensitive ass.

128 – This video is fantastic. Storytelling and editing are superb. Theme is good but not the strongest in the competition. However the storytelling and editing are matched up with the audio amazingly. Best technical work in the contest this year. Wonderful job. (see what I did there?)

129 – I love this video so much until it ends. It’s too short. See point #1. If you can give the video one more arc it would be perfect. See point #3. If point #3 doesn’t apply, ignore.

130 – Aspect ratio is wrong. Or at least the Kenshin footage is and that’s a major problem considering it’s the bulk of your video. That aside, your theme is very strong, I appreciated your editing and scene selection. Great drama vid. Well done.

131 – Your theme is very clear. Editing is clunky, the puppet work in the opening sequence used repetitive movements that became obvious. You chose a difficult song to match energy with because of all the soloists and it shows in your scene selection. I see you doing your best to match lyrics but you got loud singers with calm scenes and they don’t mesh.

133 – Technically speaking you paid very close attention to matching various anime scenes together, movement is fluid and confident, color correction was well done. On an emotional level this video does nothing for me. The live action sequences feel forced. You could replace what the viewers are watching with anything and leave me with the exact same feeling, and that unfortunately makes this video fall short of other live action mixes like Creating Something Beautiful, We Live and Otaku Paradise.

134 - We’ll see what next year brings.

135 – Theme is okay. Your storytelling is clunky. It’s more important to get your point across than it is to have fancy editing. There are too many things going on before the first chorus even kicks in. You jump from character to character without introducing them properly. And we never see much of the environment they’re in. If you want to pull the audience into your story you need to establish a setting. Your opening has a few environmental shots but they don’t show me how they’re connected if at all. They look like they’re all from completely different worlds. Lock it down, imagine your viewer has no idea what your subject matter is about. After the intro it’s all character character character with no explanation as to what their relationship is with each other. Perhaps you were relying too heavily on lyric sync to get your point across. Clips need to connect to each other, otherwise you’re jumping around with no cohesiveness.

137 – I’m 22 seconds in and I’m already overloaded by information. I don’t have any idea what’s going on because everything is moving so fast. DON’T BE IN SUCH A RUSH. Take your time. Establish your setting, introduce your characters, get rid of lip flap. Chill with the camera motion. Oddly enough, I don’t mind the added sound effects. I think they were an interesting added twist. Storytelling is lazy. Each shot is character after character that don’t interact with each other, with a fancy transition that gets repetitive and difficult to watch. You could mix all your scenes around and come out with the exact same video.

141 – Some of the sound effects didn’t match (see point #3), but other than that what a ridiculous theme. That pairing is crazy. Some of your lip sync in the beginning could be more interesting. Overall good job.

142 – This trailer was ok. Energy levels matched the audio well, sound effects were mostly on point. Your text at 0:52 was difficult to read in the short amount of time you gave to read it. It was too long, too fancy, and moved too much. You could have gotten away with one of those issues but not all three. The title screen at the end looked good. A lot of lip sync needs work. Reason I say this trailer is ok and not great is because much of the character interaction isn’t believable. The bit of Alucard and Walter going at each other towards the end were obviously cut from different scenes and didn’t share the same environment. See point #3.

143 – Great dramaction video. Loved your editing. You had great sync, but weren’t strict about it. You knew to let the footage breathe. This is an example of a video where I have no idea what’s going on in the footage, but the emotion conveyed by matching the visuals with the music pull me in and keep my attention. It's the only video this year that inspires me to look into the series. Really great job.

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by Shin-AMV » Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:38 pm

Rider4Z wrote:After our little debacle earlier I decided as an act of good faith, and a bribe to let us keep our nasty review thread as is, I went through all the videos one more time and wrote out real reviews. And I am so tired, I hope this was worth it. I dunno if I can do this shit every year.
Quoted Image converted to link:
http://i.amz.mshcdn.com/EWqJdmoYEshnlAA ... hadows.gif

Actually I'm glad I did this, it made me go back and change a few votes. And I just realized the Overwatch video isn't up for Best Technical and that makes me sad. It's easily the most technically sound video in the entire contest.
Spoiler :
READ FIRST: Because this is a professional editing competition I am going to treat each one of these entries as a professional critic. I will not be “nice” to spare your feelings. Nor will I be “mean” to hurt your feelings. Some videos I had more to say about than others. You will not see many uses of “a bit” or “sort of” to soften any negative words I may use. I will be honest and thorough and hopefully offer advice that makes sense (whether you choose to take that advice is all up to you, these are just my thoughts and my experiences). I expect each video to stand alone on its own without me having to rely on any prior knowledge of the subject matter. I expect to be taken in with an eye-catching opening and left with a feeling of satisfaction having been told a story. If you don’t want to hear negative feedback about your video DO NOT LOOK UP YOUR NUMBER. Every video can be improved in some way. If I go absolutely gaga over your video you’ll know.


1. There are a quite a number of videos that lack the basic storytelling concept of having a beginning, middle and end. What you use to define that beginning, middle and end doesn’t really matter. It could be a literal story or it can be a series of emotions. But any typical story, movie, song, play, etc. has a total of 3 arcs each containing a rise and fall, each one more intense than the last. Any more or any less in a story is VERY difficult to pull off and doesn’t always go over well no matter how much effort is put in to making them work.

2. I do not have the sharpest eye when it comes to visual quality. However, I have a very sharp eye for aspect ratios. So don’t expect many comments on that. Only if something is glaringly obvious will I point it out.

3. If something I say makes you think “Well, I just didn’t have the footage to make that work” that’s not my problem. It’s your project so it’s your job to make it work however you do it. Own it. Don’t make excuses for yourself. You’re a professional.

4. THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE STORY IS THE ENDING. Everything you do beforehand leads up to the ending. The ending is what you leave your audience with. It needs to be the strongest part and that includes the very last image you end on, which should always leave the eye in the center of the screen. Don’t ever leave people guessing if your video is over.

5. When I say theme I mean your video and audio combo and whatever point it is you’re trying to make. In other words “concept”. A strong theme will win out over perfectly technical execution almost every time.


020 – This one was really sweet and simple. Good quality, nice gentle pace. I particularly loved the Elsa/Jack pairings. Some of the sources seemed a little more used than others. Overall good job.

028 – I don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me in this video. The only thing that speaks to me is the literal lyric “Upside down”. Other than that I got nothing from it. Please see note #1.

037 – Honestly, I have no criticisms about this video. I absolutely love it. I’ve never seen the anime before but I have heard the song. And I was astounded by how well they match together. It’s like they were made for each other. There is so much lyrical sync but it’s not in your face I almost can’t stand it. Magnificent storytelling. Wonderful build up to a glorious finish and climax. Just lovely. On a technical stand point I think using a camera zoom/pan on every single static shot can become a cop out or a crutch. I understand they’re used to keep a sense of easiness flowing, but it’s okay to keep a little tension here and there, like you did at 0:54. Just beware of that thought in the future. Overall this is my favorite video in the entire contest.

038 – Very first thing I noticed is you have aspect ratio inconsistencies. I’m also confident that at least some of your original footage was not 1020p. Perhaps you chose to upscale the lower res footage you had to match the majority of the rest, but it’s obvious even to me and that’s not good. Footage quality needs to match. Either replace the lower quality footage or bring the bigger footage down. Now for your story. This combo was a nice change from the typical Naruto videos we see every year. The feelings came through okay but your editing is really clunky and that made it difficult to let myself fall into the story and characters emotionally. It’s clunky for two reasons, 1.) Your scene selection was all over the place. You brought in a lot of random characters and scenarios and I had no idea who they were or why they were supposed to be significant. 2.) My eyes kept jumping all over the screen during transitions and cuts. The more you make your audience work, the more you will pull them out of your story. AMVs and art in general is about what you feel. It’s okay to be challenging and thought provoking, but in order to do that you need to first pull in your audience – and that requires being visually and audibly attractive. The biggest tip I could give you about visuals is keep consistent focal points. If your subject is on the left side of the screen don’t cut to a scene where the subject is now in a different location. If you do, you create an unintentional tension and that then becomes a distraction and pulls the viewer out emotionally. Keep these things in mind when starting your next project.

039 – Right away, your aspect ratio is wrong. The footage looks anamorphic but it’s set at 16:9. The audio/video combo is good. Your editing style feels inconsistent. Editing to live action is a whole different beast compared to anime. I saw a couple AMV editing tropes that didn’t look right. The blurred image slides at 0:22 were very noticeable and not pretty. The fade to whites weren’t as glaring. And then there was a zoom out transition at 1:17, again very noticeable and not pretty. Those minor details aside some of the editing was very smooth and clean and the rest was clunky. Now when I say clunky I’m not saying bad. It all depends on your source footage and consistency. There was a lot of natural shaky camera in the footage so clunky editing potentially would work. As a whole? I don’t know, I’d have to see it to be sure. But if you’d rather stick with smooth AND clunky then you need to separate the two and be consistent so they it feels more connected to the song. The chorus “Running running running….” there’s a lot of potential energy. The first chorus you have Kenshin running around, but then the second there was no energy at all. I think you were going for showing Kenshin’s inner turmoil, but it’s not consistent with the first. I wasn’t able to emotionally connect with this video at all… as it is. I think if you keep these things in mind and tweak out some stuff but still keep the emotion you were going for you’d have something here. You have an eye for important scenes. It’s just the organization and consistency that needs work.

042 – Gonna abstain from critiquing this one. But I thought it was original overall. Audio quality was blaring tho.

044 – The technical aspects of this video are pretty solid, I’m getting tired of that weird red/green 3D effect though. Not just in yours but in general. Other than that this video is not very memorable. Nothing about it got me excited. Transitions were smooth, scene selection was shiny, but other than that there’s nothing about it that makes me care. It’s an action video but there was no drama or angst to pull me in emotionally. No personality, no character. It feels like you care more about the technical aspect than the meaning behind everything.

045 – Overall, this video has a great quality of storytelling to it. I’m just not 100% sold on the lead character. Obviously there’s a lot of lip syncing that needs to be tightened up, but besides that I’m just not sure who he’s singing to or why. He’s only on screen to sing. There’s nothing that expresses his significance or role in the story. And that makes me sad because there’s so much effort put into developing the environment and it looks great. I want to love it, I really do. But it’s just lacking that one crucial element to seal the deal.

046 – I’m gonna abstain from critiquing this one.

050 – I don’t understand the story being told here. The editing is clean cuz it’s all straight cuts, but the flow isn’t great. I don’t really have anything useful to say because I have no idea what your point was. See points #1 and #5.

051 – I’m gonna take a shot in the dark here and say this and 050 were edited by the same person. This video is more successful than the last. The melancholy cover of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun makes sense with Madoka. Your editing technique of straight cuts is basic. Nothing stands out awkwardly. But nothing is memorable either. Your theme is good but you could have pushed your exposition more to leave a stronger impact.

052 – This is terrific. The animation is so ugly haha. Ugly but also really good. All around this is a great edit and I don’t really have any criticisms for it. The only thing I didn’t like is the very last shot. It felt lazy. After such an epic display of energy and motion you should have left us with a nice and centered image. I picture a ping pong ball flying into the screen or just straight up into the air. The rest of the video is so good, don’t take the last image you leave us with for granted.

053 – Technically speaking this video is pretty flawless. Unfortunately everything is so fast and there’s so much going on that I have no idea what’s happening. I can tell there’s a story but what exactly I have no clue. I really liked the goofy break in the middle. If that hadn’t been there it would have been too much so smart move. Well edited but I’ll likely forget it.

054 – This one breaks my heart. I really liked the theme. It felt very dynamic and powerful. What hurts me is how it ended. You cut the second verse and chorus out which was fine, but then you cut the ending short and didn’t even fade the song out completely. Sloppy and disappointing. See point #4

060 – Lots of technical issues here. 1st I believe your frame rate is wrong. It’s at 29.97 and very jittery. Double check your source footage to see if it’s actually 23.976. If it is and you exported at 29.97 you inadvertently added extra frames into your video so certain frames hold out longer than they’re supposed to and makes it look clunky. See at 1:21 when wrath is rising into the air it’s not smooth. 2nd text is a very dangerous effect because it is EXTREMELY difficult to pull off well even for seasoned editors. It takes a very strong designer’s eye to know what colors to use, what fonts, placement, size, motion, etc. this text here is very amateurish. And putting text on top of scenes with characters is never a good idea. People want to look at the characters and if there is text elsewhere on the screen they get confused on where to look. Don’t make your audience work so hard. Give them one thing to focus on at a time so they don’t have to think. They less they have to think the more they get to *feel*, and an artist always wants to leave their audience having felt something. 3rd Your zooms and pulses are very distracting. I understand you wanted to give the video a little pizazz or flare, but your execution needs work. A lot of your zooms show a drop in video quality, obviously because it’s zoomed and does not look good. @ 2:43 – did you cut your audio here? It’s noticeable if you did. If you didn’t, shame on the musical artist. And opening sequence credits? No. Don’t ever do that again. Overall your story was all over the place, but 3:45 to the end was strong.

062 – Unfinished.

063 – Very strong theme. One of the strongest this year. The editing and flow of the video is clunky at times but the mood and storytelling made it worth it. The Gotham Knight footage should have been avoided simply because the animation quality is so high, while the majority of your footage is the lower American(Korean) standard. Adding Gotham Knight in there makes the quality difference that much more obvious. See point #3.

064 – Theme is strong. Lip sync is sloppy. Good character profile. Last shot was lazy. See point #4

065 – This is a rare case where I have no idea what’s going on but it doesn’t bother me because that’s obviously the point. The whole video is pretty flat because there’s no real rises or falls, but it still works as is. If it was a full 3 minutes I would have gotten bored. Under 2 minutes was just right, and thank you for adding the “Mission Complete” near the end so I knew it was over and wasn’t left guessing. Good job on this.

066 – Putting my knowledge of Clannad aside, this combination felt forced. The special effects added are distractingly obvious. An audience at a con with basic knowledge of the series will most likely find it funny though. Actually they probably wouldn’t need knowledge of Clannad at all because even they’ll be able to tell what was edited in so they’ll know to laugh at it.

067 – Overall this one is pretty cute all put together. However the theme/combo is weak. This guy has all these monster women after him, but the song is Dear Future Husband, so it should only be one girl after him the whole time. If the video was all about the women planning a wedding and just happen to be going for the same guy there would have been a much stronger connection between video and song. You chose the perfect scene to end on, but there should have been more of that throughout the video. See point #3.

070 – I wasn’t able to follow along with the details in the story but I was able to follow the emotion. The fade to blacks (or almost blacks) in the beginning were a little jarring just because there were so many of them. I thought the very last shot was clever. Good job.

071 – This one I appreciate more each time I watch it. I thought the animation choice was kitchy at first but there really is an epic story here. Editing is a bit rough, but your theme, scene selection and storytelling are all very strong.

072 – This is a very good trailer. The theme is excellent. The audio could have been made for Paranoia Agent. The only criticism I really have is I don’t like the execution of the lip synced scenes in the first half. All the lip sync choices in the second half were spot on. So fortunately you have a strong ending that I forget about it. I would go back and try to improve upon them. Tip: static images make for boring lip sync. It’s more difficult to make your characters move and talk at the same time, but it’s worth it if you can pull it off.

073 – I abstain from critiquing this one.

077 – This is fun. Song is super catchy. The editing is basic and clunky but it works with the source material. You might try adding some oversaturated transitions to give a little more flare. Much chrome.

078 – Editing is good, scene selection is very strong. There’s just soooo much of it. There is way too much going on. So many characters and little stories all over the place. I wasn’t able to follow along so I lost interest in your story. It’s good you know how to go over the top, now it’s time to pull it back and simplify.

079 - One of the strongest themes in the contest this year. Only criticism I have is the all the quick zooms got tedious. They fit the energy of the song but after the first chorus they just came to be expected so they were noticeable. Don’t let your effects be noticeable. Let them feel natural. Good job.

080 – This is a great example of scene selection to convey an emotional story. Really well done. I like the spontaneity in your cuts. I don’t want to say your editing technique is flawless, but I wouldn’t change what you did at all because I believe it adds to the angsty mood of the entire video. The only thing I didn’t like was how abrupt the last shot felt, even the audio felt like it cut off early. Other than that this is one of the best videos in the contest. Really good job.

081 – Aspect ratio is off. It should be 640x480 square pixels for fullscreen footage. 720x480 is slightly wider than it’s supposed to be. I know when you rip standard footage it says it’s 720x480 but that’s cuz it’s built for playback differently. Personally I keep it safe and export everything in square pixels. The second half of this video is stronger than the first. The first half is all mostly lip sync shoved in our face, but once you got away from that and started showing more than just Tamaki singing the video felt much more complete. It’s okay, could be stronger~

082 – Theme is weak. There’s good editing and scene selection but I didn’t understand what the video and the audio had to do with each other. There were a lot of different storylines put together and most were not resolved. The very beginning I was confused by the old woman. The lyrics followed her very precisely at first, but then the focus was taken off her and moved onto someone else and I didn’t notice any cues to change focus. She was just suddenly out of the picture. Wait, what? Who am I supposed to connect to?.... If you’re going to focus on so many people to convey the overall message of the lyrics there needs to be a much stronger connection. Otherwise it just gets confusing.

083 – Love seeing live action. It’s a different beast to edit with. That said there were some AMV editing tropes that were easily recognizable in this and that’s not good. I saw a blurred slide0:42 and a zoom out1:17 that were obviously added. Not pretty. The blurred slide at 2:31 was better, not great but better. I did see some zooms elsewhere that did work however. The oversaturated transitions worked ok cuz the source material has some of that look to it already. I LOVED the editing from 2:41 on. Great ending.

084 – I’m confused by this one. Great storytelling, great theme, great scene selection, I like the pixel effect you added throughout. What I don’t understand is the ending. Not even in a comical or ironic way. It makes no sense with the rest of the work you put into this.

085 – The way the video and audio go together is uncanny. I would say this is a grand slam except for two obvious problems. The first is your gender swapped lip sync in the beginning. See point #3. And second is your title and credit slate. They don’t match with the rest of the video at all. Your Marvel Studios parody logo at 0:32 is fantastic. But the font you chose for your title and credits doesn’t match Mob Psycho at all. I understand you were mimicking the original trailer font, but that font matched the visuals of Doctor Strange. Also, the title of your video is Doctor Psycho is it not? Why on earth does it say “Doctor Strange”? And why is the “Marvel Studios” logo suddenly in the picture? If you can fix these things you’ll have a much more solid project.

087 – This is a fun character profile. I didn’t pay much attention to the editing at all because it was just fun to watch. So that means your editing was successful. I wanna laugh at the jerks who keep failing to throw him off his game, and I also want to punch the guy for being so perfect. Only thing I don’t like is that last shot of him walking out the door. See point #4.

088 – Opening up your video with an unedited scene from your source is often not a good idea. It can serve as a crutch in introducing your story. Your theme is strong but your storytelling is lacking. See point #1.

089 – Well made. The gender swapped lip sync was unfortunate. I think the only thing I would have added was some “trailer text” just to give a stronger trailer feeling. But overall everything matched really well. I liked the adding of Anti Spiral at the end there.

093 – I’m guessing one point three one six is the duration?

102 – Solid theme. Interesting? Well I think it just depends on the person but I wasn’t amazed by it. All it does is make me want to eat frikkin pancakes. Your editing needs polishing, a lot of the crossfades weren’t pretty. And the add ins were obvious for the most part. Adventure time looks good. You ended on a good shot.

103 – It is really hard to critique this one being that it comes after 087, a video with the exact same theme and edited similarly. It’s a good character profile. Easy to follow. Editing wasn’t distracting in any way.

104 – Well edited but very low brow. Not really my kind of humor but still well made.

105 – Storytelling is ineffective. You took it too literally and took for granted your audience would understand what’s going on. The lip flap is very distracting. It suggests there is conversation going on there we should understand but we don’t. Simply adding a fade to black on sync does not make it interesting. You shouldn’t even be thinking about making your video look pretty if you don’t have a solid story for it to stand on. I want to critique this video but I can’t even finish watching it, the flashes and low light is too hard on my eyes.

108 – I have no interest in the subject matter but I understand the parody. I probably would have enjoyed it if it was ponies but that’s just me. Well edited.

109 – This was a clever theme. Storytelling was weak. See points #1 and #4. Your editing was good and clean.

110 – This song was difficult to appreciate because it’s so flat. Your editing was consistent all the way through, however the storytelling was just as flat as the song. There were no rises or falls, no energy change. Your last shot was good.

111 – This combination worked surprisingly well. It’s just a shame you didn’t have enough footage to not cut the song short. It feels more like part of an MEP than a stand alone video. Editing was great, it all flowed really well, great storytelling. But what the heck is up with that ending cut? So sloppy, shame on you.

112 – The joke is lost on me. I’m guessing there was a really sophisticated script or whatever the heck you call it to pull this off but I have no idea what it is.

113 – Your storytelling is rough and hard to follow. See point #1. You chose to use audio from the series and subtitle the lines for 2, but then the third line there was no audio at all and just the subtitle. While I find incorporating audio from the series risky even tho I’ve done it myself in the past, if you decide to try something out of the norm you need to be consistent. As is right now it looks like you had an idea but didn’t know how to execute it.

114 – Really good storytelling. I don’t really get the literal details but that doesn’t concern me because my emotions followed along just fine. However, the trope of adding a zoom to every single still shot just to keep a continuous sense of flow can actually hinder the emotion you’re trying to convey. Constant flow means constant ease making it relaxing making it boring. If you have exciting visuals to contrast against the easiness then it’s not as noticeable. It’s okay to add some angst to keep it interesting. But it is tricky to know when to zoom and when to let the scene sit. But when it’s done right you feel a big difference.

115 – I saw you removed the lip flap at 0:26 but the jaw was still moving. Your theme overall is strong. Your storytelling was okay but potentially could have been a lot better. Editing and quality was clean but your scene changes were clunky at times. This feels unfinished. More can be done with this to give it a real oomph.

117 – Theme is strong but execution feels unfinished. Your fade to blacks in the beginning were monotonous. They continued for over 50 seconds, more than enough time to become obvious. The storytelling was really good up until the ending. See point #1 and #4. I get the symbolism of the lyric you ended on, but the video as a whole has no conclusion. It ends unnaturally. I’ve never seen Psycho but see point #3. I liked the editing. You knew not to use typical amv tropes.

118 – Very strong theme. Elements from both sources match together very well. Lip sync needs work. Text work is poor. Best way to learn how to design text is to mimic/parody the original. You’ll learn different techniques to use in the future. A nice parody of the Marvel logo at 0:31 would have been really nice.

119 – Terrific theme. The visuals during the climax couldn’t have been a better match to the audio. Some of the zooms and masked transitions were obvious but other than that this was well done. I think adding some moments where you let the visuals breathe and relax more would have been beneficial because it would have given your intense moments that much more of a punch.

120 – This theme is surprisingly really good. Wonderful storytelling. Editing isn’t fancy but it’s not needed because the story is so good. Only thing is that odd filter you added. I understand why it’s there, and the timing both times was consistent so I “get it”. Don’t use that filter cuz it’s just not pretty. Try something else, try a combination of things. Maybe a low saturation with a lightened feathered edge.

121 – The theme and storytelling are average. Some of the crossfades could have been prettier. The zooms on the fast beats were rough but consistent. The ending was unsatisfying. It raised more questions than answers and did not leave me wanting to see the series. I can’t offer any suggestions on what to change because I don’t know the series.

123 – Theme and storytelling are equally weak. I have no idea what it is you’re trying to tell me. You go back and forth between the ages of the boy and the girl, there’s a lot of crying, there’s blood on their face and I don’t know why. See points #1 and #5.

124 – This is different. I’m not sure what I’d classify it as. A trailer? A tribute? Perhaps you have no interest in being put in a box at all. Either way this was edited well, both video and sound. I found it interesting, great storytelling. My only complaint is the ending. It’s abrupt and doesn’t round out the project right. I understand the narrative and it was the right move, but it’s too short and doesn’t satisfy.

125 – Theme is very strong. The song matches Mustang superbly. Overall your storytelling comes across well, but is clunky in areas. Your editing is also clunky at certain times and in others is really strong. I think this is either unfinished or was edited by 2 different people.

126 – Simple and to the point.

127 – This video is a lot of fun. Theme was okay but the editing and storytelling was good. Lyrics were heavy handed on the profanity. Wouldn’t bother me so much if the “n” word wasn’t so repetitive. Being white myself and that being a taboo word for my people I feel naturally excluded. But that’s just my sensitive ass.

128 – This video is fantastic. Storytelling and editing are superb. Theme is good but not the strongest in the competition. However the storytelling and editing are matched up with the audio amazingly. Best technical work in the contest this year. Wonderful job. (see what I did there?)

129 – I love this video so much until it ends. It’s too short. See point #1. If you can give the video one more arc it would be perfect. See point #3. If point #3 doesn’t apply, ignore.

130 – Aspect ratio is wrong. Or at least the Kenshin footage is and that’s a major problem considering it’s the bulk of your video. That aside, your theme is very strong, I appreciated your editing and scene selection. Great drama vid. Well done.

131 – Your theme is very clear. Editing is clunky, the puppet work in the opening sequence used repetitive movements that became obvious. You chose a difficult song to match energy with because of all the soloists and it shows in your scene selection. I see you doing your best to match lyrics but you got loud singers with calm scenes and they don’t mesh.

133 – Technically speaking you paid very close attention to matching various anime scenes together, movement is fluid and confident, color correction was well done. On an emotional level this video does nothing for me. The live action sequences feel forced. You could replace what the viewers are watching with anything and leave me with the exact same feeling, and that unfortunately makes this video fall short of other live action mixes like Creating Something Beautiful, We Live and Otaku Paradise.

134 - We’ll see what next year brings.

135 – Theme is okay. Your storytelling is clunky. It’s more important to get your point across than it is to have fancy editing. There are too many things going on before the first chorus even kicks in. You jump from character to character without introducing them properly. And we never see much of the environment they’re in. If you want to pull the audience into your story you need to establish a setting. Your opening has a few environmental shots but they don’t show me how they’re connected if at all. They look like they’re all from completely different worlds. Lock it down, imagine your viewer has no idea what your subject matter is about. After the intro it’s all character character character with no explanation as to what their relationship is with each other. Perhaps you were relying too heavily on lyric sync to get your point across. Clips need to connect to each other, otherwise you’re jumping around with no cohesiveness.

137 – I’m 22 seconds in and I’m already overloaded by information. I don’t have any idea what’s going on because everything is moving so fast. DON’T BE IN SUCH A RUSH. Take your time. Establish your setting, introduce your characters, get rid of lip flap. Chill with the camera motion. Oddly enough, I don’t mind the added sound effects. I think they were an interesting added twist. Storytelling is lazy. Each shot is character after character that don’t interact with each other, with a fancy transition that gets repetitive and difficult to watch. You could mix all your scenes around and come out with the exact same video.

141 – Some of the sound effects didn’t match (see point #3), but other than that what a ridiculous theme. That pairing is crazy. Some of your lip sync in the beginning could be more interesting. Overall good job.

142 – This trailer was ok. Energy levels matched the audio well, sound effects were mostly on point. Your text at 0:52 was difficult to read in the short amount of time you gave to read it. It was too long, too fancy, and moved too much. You could have gotten away with one of those issues but not all three. The title screen at the end looked good. A lot of lip sync needs work. Reason I say this trailer is ok and not great is because much of the character interaction isn’t believable. The bit of Alucard and Walter going at each other towards the end were obviously cut from different scenes and didn’t share the same environment. See point #3.

143 – Great dramaction video. Loved your editing. You had great sync, but weren’t strict about it. You knew to let the footage breathe. This is an example of a video where I have no idea what’s going on in the footage, but the emotion conveyed by matching the visuals with the music pull me in and keep my attention. It's the only video this year that inspires me to look into the series. Really great job.
:up: |:>

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by Obsidian Zero » Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:50 pm

I finally finished my reviews! Whew! If anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to PM me about it.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Svz ... sp=sharing
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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by Pysh » Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:10 am

Well... Someone guessed it right, it was my first attempt on making this kindof video but I failed so badly lol.

Please Don't Kill me...

I'm Sorry, I didn't think before submitting it. I won't do it again :| Obviously I was embarrassed on seeing the reviews and all but I'm open minded about those things. I just want to thank everyone who bothered to write a line or two on my video review and also I'm so Glad to have been a part of discussions among some Great Editors whose work I've always loved and whom I consider kindof Pro. I had no Idea that AWA could be this fun and I really loved it. I'll keep working... I'm trying to learn things in detail and I Hope I'll be able to create something better for Next Year's Contest obviously not that but something more normal, ha.

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by Mr Pilkington » Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:23 am

It's time for reveals? Already?

I made 13-012
Last edited by Mr Pilkington on Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by Rider4Z » Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:27 am

Pysh wrote:Well... Someone guessed it right, it was my first attempt on making this kindof video but I failed so badly lol.

Please Don't Kill me...
I'll let you choose your gif.

Super nice.
Spoiler :
Spoiler :

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by Pysh » Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:36 am

Rider4Z wrote: I'll let you choose your gif.
Who said anything about Quitting? I'll sure try sometime :) BTW... Thanks for that Pic ;)

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by AMV_4000 » Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:51 pm

Most of the videos were underwhelming, not many I would watch more than once for reasons other than judging. The videos I liked got nominated and so I voted for them. I've heard lots of complaints about the contest but I have very few other than the majority of videos (in my opinion) were not up to par for pro and this included my own. We're going to have to work harder and make better videos if we want a better contest, stop blaming others and just make your best video.


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