Sigh. I'd like to say this is a sad pm for me, but it's not.
Project Editor has been slowly dying since last year, and I feel bad for dragging you all along through my shitstorms. To be honest, several things led to what I'm about to say.
1) College Life/Jobs/IRL Junk : I just really don't have the time to coordinate this.
2) Dramaz : People are upset about the transition from MEP to Contest. I've gotten several very angry e-mails from several members about this, and many rude comments about it. This even was going on in the original format about slow compilations.
3) Bad Coordination : I was too lenient with deadlines. I failed, and I realize it. I failed as a coordinator for this, and I realize that.
So I'm doing this quickly, so I don't drag this out with long, drawn out drama and hate with other members here.
Project Editor is Cancelled for good. I will not have a resurrection of this, and I ask that none of you attempt to either. There's just too much drama, hate and emotion around this project, and it's pretty much done. It was a bad concept to start with, and it was even worsely executed.
Thanks to everyone sticking with me to the end, but it's done. Sorry for wasting your time and your energy.
I'm requesting both threads be deleted, and any comments about this need to be sent to me through PM. I don't want this brought up in any other threads, and I'd like to make this transition with as little pain as possible.
I also hope none of you hate me too much for doing this.
No no, no, no. two drops and some unsettledness doesn't warrant this. For goodness sake at least settle down for a bit and think this through before you go asking mods to delete the threads.