The point of this contest - despite what some people seem to think - isn't to inflate egos or pinpoint the superstars. It's to show that the program you use doesn't matter. I'm sure many people who entered worked very hard to spice up their vids to the point where it doesn't look like they could have made them in wmm. But if you check con results on average, there are many 'simple' videos that win - ones that could have been done in windows movie maker 1.0 (forget 2.0). Work on the concept first, worry about the eye candy second. And if all you care about is having a name, then attach yourself to an effect-knowing creator and pump him for tips on using Premiere and After Effects - or nab yourself a paint program and VirtualDub and do your own additions. Wmm only limits you as much as you let it - it's just a matter of what you're aiming for. Few people using Premiere *only* use Premiere, and despite the rules in this contest, the same is true for wmm users. Don't let anyone tell you you're out of luck because you missed what some seem to see as an 'easy win.' It's that sort of outlook that holds people under. Ignore it and do what you enjoy - if you enjoy the limelight, go see what works in the top 10 list and copycat it. If you enjoy making vids, get yourself a solid concept and chances are others will enjoy it as well.sayde wrote:Yeah. I hurts to know the truth sometimes.
But it's ok. I guess this means I'll just have to get REALLY REALLY good with WMM to compete in these contests. It might even mean I'll have to become the best at using WMM. Who knows. But it would be nice to say I at least won second place in an AMV contest using only windows movie maker. 8)
This sort of contest won't get you a 'name'. There aren't enough 'judges' watching it. What you need is a con where many people will see your video up close. That's the sort of thing that creates a name - being announced before the hardcore amv'rs who see contests as the final 'in' of editing. Look around and notice the new members who come by just to find a certain video he or she happened to see at a con. I doubt you'll find the judges of this contest coming around to spread your fame, even if you had entered and won. You didn't miss out on anything except the chance to participate in a rather unique (and somewhat private) compilation of videos using a single editing program - and free dvds for the winners, of course. ^.^
So don't feel bad and don't let anyone 'rip you a new one.' Figure out what you're doing this for and go for it. Nothing else matters.