To have such an assertion so quickly in your email is probably a bad thing... and it is even worse that this is forms the basis of your email. Here's my reaction: "Well... it isn't true", and then I'd click delete. It doesn't matter if it were true or not... no one would conciously side with a "corporation" and say "**** the fans!!". I am concerned too, which is why I'm bringing this up. I don't think a few dozen of emails like these would really change anything. An email like that doesn't play to our strengths.I have heard that the needs of AMVs and other fan-created content have been pushed aside for screenings by corporate sponsors. As an AMV editor, I find it reprehensible that Otakorp's priorities are this misguided.
Lets first analyze who we are. We are NOT an Otakon insider. We are NOT Otakon staff. The last thing we want to do is assume we understand the priorities to Otakon. This also means that we cannot comment on an Otakon that has yet to happen. This is simply not our strongpoint. As an (almost) anonymous online submitter, we might be seen as a /b/tard, a troll, or whatever. We shouldn't risk sounding like that.
I'm not saying that I know how to voice my own concerns. But from my view at least... an email like that would be easy for me (personally) to ignore.
That said, we should wait for the schedule to be released officially before we complain about the placement of the AMV Contest. People aren't idiots: if a bunch of self-proclaimed AMV editors suddenly sent in emails to the Chair, that will only put VicBond07 in a worse political position. (oh... Vic was really pushing for this AMV Overflow thingy, and now he's sicked a bunch of fans on me. Etc. etc. At least, thats what it will look like)
Its too early to jump the gun on this. We shouldn't be doing any actions based on insider information, especially if we want to be heard. We should wait for something official to be released on the Website that we would legitimately be concerned about. That would be the best time for our voices to be heard. In the best case, we'd be able to salvage this year's AMV Overflow.
If we jump the gun now, we'll lose that opportunity.