Fanime 2009 AMV Contest List of Entries + Rules

Announcement & discussion of Anime Music Video contests
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Re: Fanime Music Video Contest 2009 Rules.... AMV's Due May 5th

Post by KagatoAMV » Fri May 01, 2009 9:49 am

eaglemech_45 wrote:In the past I have had a theme but no one tried to use it. This year I'm enforcing the theme requirment. If I don’t get enough to make a contest and by contest and enough I mean that they need to be good AMV's and enough means that there is fair competition, then I'm going to have to cancel the contest. Even without the theme requirement across the board at many conventions they are cutting the AMV's out.
Wouldn't canceling the contest be a bit of an over reaction? If you don't get enough entries that all fit within your theme, couldn't you just have a "regular" AMV contest? AMVs are pretty much a theme in off themselves within the realm of fan generated artistic works.

Would you still be showing all the entries if you cancel the contest, or would Fanime simply not show any AMVs this year?

I guess it just seems a bit heavy handed to me.
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Re: Fanime Music Video Contest 2009 Rules.... AMV's Due May 5th

Post by MisterFurious » Mon May 04, 2009 11:54 am

eaglemech_45 wrote:If I don’t get enough to make a contest and by contest and enough I mean that they need to be good AMV's and enough means that there is fair competition, then I'm going to have to cancel the contest. Even without the theme requirement across the board at many conventions they are cutting the AMV's out.

Now a cancelation will only apply to this year and not be a for good kinda thing. Sometimes the economy and life catches up with people and they can’t make it "it happens". I cannot force you to participate and make AMV's like your life depended on it.

This will give me a chance to go to my higher ups in Fanime and DEMAND more money For PRIZES as well as advertising and so on. You, the entire AMV community make works of art. And like a Van Gough or Rembrandt you should be compensated aside from a dinky little plaque. You should have an award that you want to win, that you try and excel to achieve.

So, if I have to cancel I will. Yes I will be sad, I got W.I.A (San Diego chapter) *women in animation* to judge this years event as well as many students from Art Institute San Diego doing allot of the pre production After Effects Work. And now it looks like a may have to cancel them, but I don’t know there is still 5 Days left everyone could just be putting the final touch's on their entries.

I admire you wanting to stick to your guns. The idea of creating a theme for Fanime to differentiate it from other AMV contests is a noble one.

However, canceling the contest just because you cannot get enough quality entries that fit the theme is not the answer. Indeed, it is the worst thing you can do for the AMV fans who go to Fanime every year (note that I said "AMV fans", not "AMV creators"), and it will have a ripple effect that will hurt the entire convention in the long term.

Believe it or not, there are anime fans for whom the main event at a convention, the one they go to the con specifically to attend, is the AMV contest. The lines outside the main events rooms never lie. Over the years, I've been surprised at how many people at different conventions all over the country have said, "I'm only here for the AMV contest. I don't care about cosplay." These are the people who have already purchased a badge for Fanime, already made their hotel reservations, already made their travel plans. These people will be destroyed if the AMV contest is canceled, because they honestly don't care if the entries follow a particular theme. They just want to see a good show, and canceling the contest would deprive them of that. More importantly, in some cases, Fanime is the only convention they can attend. Do you think these fans will attend next year if that happens?

I would also feel bad for all the artists you have marshaled in getting this contest together. These people have donated their valuable time and energy to put together the best contest possible. Perhaps they, too, should have a say in whether the contest is canceled. I know if I put in a lot of hard work on something, I would want to see it shown, and if someone else decided that it not be seen, I would be reluctant to help the next time I was asked.

Canceling the AMV contest should never be an option. Too many attendees are expecting it, and they will make their disappointed voices heard to the con chairs. This would make it much more difficult for you to "DEMAND more money for PRIZES and advertising", assuming there even is a contest the following year. Keep in mind that Anime Expo lost two consecutive AMV coordinators because of errors that ruined the audience's enjoyment of the contest - they didn't cancel the contest, people were just upset how it turned out.

I beg you to reconsider this decision, Sean. Canceling the contest will hurt everyone - the attendees who wanted to see AMV's, regardless of whether they follow the theme, the artists who contributed their sweat to putting together a contest that didn't happen, attendance at next year's convention, and yes, the AMV creators, who only want their work to be seen (speaking for myself, the "dinky little plaque" is an award that I would be proud to win - I'm happy enough just to have my work screened for an appreciative audience).

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Re: Fanime Music Video Contest 2009 Rules.... AMV's Due May 5th

Post by Dragon/Roy » Mon May 04, 2009 10:05 pm

Just sent a email with my submissions

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Re: Fanime Music Video Contest 2009 Rules.... AMV's Due May 5th

Post by Ryvannis » Tue May 05, 2009 1:20 am

I'll be sending in my two latest works if it helps in the prevention of a canceled contest. Like Mister Furious said, your going to disappoint many and I'm sure despite your reason for wanting good entries; it's not going to kill you to put some low balls. Most fans that come to see the contest are people that post how awesome the badly (sorry if it's an offense to anyone) made AMVs with fansubs on YT are, so I doubt anyone would be upset regardless of the entries. I'll be coming this year again and I plan on seeing a AMV contest regardless. :up:

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Re: Fanime Music Video Contest 2009 Rules.... AMV's Due May 5th

Post by RolltheStampede » Tue May 05, 2009 8:37 am

Just submit everything to comedy. :lol:
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Re: Fanime Music Video Contest 2009 Rules.... AMV's Due May 5th

Post by anneke » Tue May 05, 2009 1:09 pm

I will be VERY disappointed if the AMV contest is cancelled this year. I know alot of people who go only for the AMV contest, and that it's the reason they are going. It's the main reason I go.

A theme should always be a 'SUGGESTION' not a requirement. I'm sorry but your ordering people to be creative based on your set of rules. Art does not come out of being directed to make art, but by being inspired to do so. You know how many AMV creators get people who come up to them with 'I've got this great idea for an AMV you must make' and what does the AMV creator do with such suggestions. Usually they run away in fear from the person who made the suggestion. Again art can't be created on command. Sure I could have made a mash up video but it would have been pointless as my heart would not have been into it. I rather submit videos that make me happy. Even if they don't make the finals, I look forward to them being shown on Stage Zero in the overflow time slot, which usually has a lot of people waiting to watch as well.

I also detest 'AMV HELL' type videos, as due alot of other people. So I refuse to make a video like such and subject an audience to nothing but that. I always liked the Fanime contest because the audience has always been amazing and respectful. A far better attention span then other conventions.

(Stop by for a different Video each month...)

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Re: Fanime Music Video Contest 2009 Rules.... AMV's Due May 5th

Post by Castor Troy » Tue May 05, 2009 1:16 pm

amv > cosplay

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Re: Fanime Music Video Contest 2009 Rules.... AMV's Due May 5th

Post by Rider4Z » Tue May 05, 2009 2:23 pm

Castor Troy wrote:amv > cosplay


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Re: Fanime Music Video Contest 2009 Rules.... AMV's Due May 5th

Post by MisterFurious » Tue May 05, 2009 2:29 pm

anneke wrote:I also detest 'AMV HELL' type videos, as due alot of other people. So I refuse to make a video like such and subject an audience to nothing but that.
Agreed wholeheartedly. 'AMV HELL' type videos are for people who don't have the patience nor the artistic wherewithal to put together a full-length video.

I used to tell prospective creators about my "35-second rule." If you can't carry your concept beyond the first 35 seconds of the song, don't bother, because it will fall flat and bore the audience. This was based on countless videos I had seen at contests that worked perfectly for the first 35 seconds, then devolved into what I call "clip-throwing", randomly throwing in clips that have nothing to do with the song, seemingly just to fill in gaps in the timeline. It always broke my heart, because I am always rooting for the AMV creator in question to do a good job.

I am glad to see that some contests have a minimum length requirement, but this hasn't prevented people from entering collections of single jokes that cannot be extended to a full-length song and calling it an "AMV." If I ever run a contest, these videos would get their own show as an exhibition, but would not be allowed in the final competition, because IMO, they don't fit the definition of an anime music video.

I have been asked in the past if I want to participate in these types of projects, but I have always refused. Anyone can slap together 30 seconds and make it work. If I am to participate in a collaborative project, I want to be challenged. The only way I would make a 30-second video is if it was a commercial parody, because even that has a beginning, middle, and end.

If I have offended anyone with this rant, I apologize, but this has always been my opinion.

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Re: Fanime Music Video Contest 2009 Rules.... AMV's Due May 5th

Post by MisterFurious » Tue May 05, 2009 2:30 pm

Rider4Z wrote:
Castor Troy wrote:amv > cosplay

Is that "Team America" math?


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