AWA Pro video discussion
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- Scintilla
- (for EXTREME)
- Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2003 8:47 pm
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Re: AWA Pro video discussion
Okay, so I've only watched a third of these so far, but here are my thoughts on those. Nothing has really wowed us so far, so I hope the other two thirds are better.
Watched this one first for the nostalgia factor. And it's actually pretty well-edited -- which makes it all the more infuriating that the video source is so limited. I mean, look at the name of the song: would it have killed the editor to throw in a few scenes from some other animé sources? In short, boring and pretty pointless aside from letting me hear that song again for the first time in many years.
Decently edited, good for a giggle here or there, but not outstanding.
More enjoyable than everyone else's comments would have led me to believe, but still not prime comedy material. In particular, the in-between segment should have been half the length after the first time it popped up.
Decently edited, a nice view of a series I haven't seen. But why the heck is it in Cinemascope? I mean, the characters don't look stretched, so I can only conclude that the editor took footage that was already widescreen and then letterboxed it some more. But the footage looked good enough that I doubt it was hardsubbed. So...?
Lol, English translations of Japanese songs. Nice action though, I only wish the footage had been lightened up a little to match the mood of the song. Also, Cyanna volunteers the following summary: "BOOM! Lost!"
... The title of the song is a pretty good description of what I feel right now. I can't say anything more specific about the editing than that it wasn't outstanding but it didn't suck, because I was too distracted by what was going on in the footage to be able to think more about it than that.
Between this and Koopiskeva's video from a few years back, I'm beginning to dislike Vienna Teng. And maybe this is a just a personal preference of mine, but I do feel that the video could have benefitted from a few fades to black and back in between scenes instead of just always fading from scene to scene. I think I got the story okay, but still not great.
Saw it already. Liked it; it's cute, it's well-edited, and the lip synch manages to avoid being too much (barely). And she's actually Norse, not Swedish, but close enough.
Oh, so THAT'S where all the explosions and people hitting each other went. This one's nice as background noise, but actually focusing on it didn't really do much for me. Probably because I couldn't really see a plot or a cohesive progression of scenes going on. But the synching was okay.
Okay, someone didn't buy the DVDs for Ouran or Code Geass (I was thinking this even *before* the TBS logo showed up), or the CD for this song. That said, though, the effects work was nice, and I'm sure this will get some sizable pops from the audience (and who am I to complain about shirtless bishounen?). Also, this should look better on the big screen where interlaced video will be displayed correctly -- I'm pretty sure some of those effects were applied interlaced, so it shows up as combing on my computer monitor.
Would I be dating myself to say that a good alternate title for this one would be "The Godzilla KILLS Everyone!!!"? Aside from the fact that it should have been widescreen, it's a pretty enjoyable character profile/action video.
What the hell did I just watch? It was well-edited, but a little disturbing to want to see again... and definitely not safe for an under-18 audience. Please, just try to tell me this wouldn't be R-rated (or higher) under the MPAA standards.
Well, that was a fun crossover, but shouldn't it have been widescreen? Also, I could swear I saw a popframe after the second "O-B-S-E-S-S-I-O-N". Naughty but fun. Would vote for.
I feel like I ought to be disturbed by this, but I'm not. Maybe it's because some of your voice actors clearly needed better microphones, plus better noise removal (it was noticeable when a new hiss would start up before someone had started speaking her line yet, or when it would cut out again at the end of a line)... and moving the voices around more in the soundstage probably would have helped make them more distinct so that the quieter voices would be easier to understand. That is, unless some of the babbling is in fact supposed to be incomprehensible. Oh yeah, and definitely not safe for the under-18 audience.
It's really too bad this is a live version of the song. Also, if you're going to use movie footage, her family name is "Shikinami" now, not "Soryu". But, it's nice to finally see a good comedy video pop up here.
Someone has far too much free time on their hands, not to mention a metric crapload of movies and some very, very bizarre music. It just doesn't do anything for me -- other than trying to pick out the few movies I can actually identify, it gets boring fast. Good to finally see someone using Avatar, though. Also, what on earth did any of that have to do with an apple tree?
If nobody's yet put this movie to "Every Breath You Take", someone totally should. Very suitably creepy. Also, I applaud whoever edited this's use of black space -- but maybe that's just a personal preference of mine.
Sorry guys, I can't do it. Not after what I saw last year and what others have been saying about these videos.
Watched this one first for the nostalgia factor. And it's actually pretty well-edited -- which makes it all the more infuriating that the video source is so limited. I mean, look at the name of the song: would it have killed the editor to throw in a few scenes from some other animé sources? In short, boring and pretty pointless aside from letting me hear that song again for the first time in many years.
Decently edited, good for a giggle here or there, but not outstanding.
More enjoyable than everyone else's comments would have led me to believe, but still not prime comedy material. In particular, the in-between segment should have been half the length after the first time it popped up.
Decently edited, a nice view of a series I haven't seen. But why the heck is it in Cinemascope? I mean, the characters don't look stretched, so I can only conclude that the editor took footage that was already widescreen and then letterboxed it some more. But the footage looked good enough that I doubt it was hardsubbed. So...?
Lol, English translations of Japanese songs. Nice action though, I only wish the footage had been lightened up a little to match the mood of the song. Also, Cyanna volunteers the following summary: "BOOM! Lost!"
... The title of the song is a pretty good description of what I feel right now. I can't say anything more specific about the editing than that it wasn't outstanding but it didn't suck, because I was too distracted by what was going on in the footage to be able to think more about it than that.
Between this and Koopiskeva's video from a few years back, I'm beginning to dislike Vienna Teng. And maybe this is a just a personal preference of mine, but I do feel that the video could have benefitted from a few fades to black and back in between scenes instead of just always fading from scene to scene. I think I got the story okay, but still not great.
Saw it already. Liked it; it's cute, it's well-edited, and the lip synch manages to avoid being too much (barely). And she's actually Norse, not Swedish, but close enough.
Oh, so THAT'S where all the explosions and people hitting each other went. This one's nice as background noise, but actually focusing on it didn't really do much for me. Probably because I couldn't really see a plot or a cohesive progression of scenes going on. But the synching was okay.
Okay, someone didn't buy the DVDs for Ouran or Code Geass (I was thinking this even *before* the TBS logo showed up), or the CD for this song. That said, though, the effects work was nice, and I'm sure this will get some sizable pops from the audience (and who am I to complain about shirtless bishounen?). Also, this should look better on the big screen where interlaced video will be displayed correctly -- I'm pretty sure some of those effects were applied interlaced, so it shows up as combing on my computer monitor.
Would I be dating myself to say that a good alternate title for this one would be "The Godzilla KILLS Everyone!!!"? Aside from the fact that it should have been widescreen, it's a pretty enjoyable character profile/action video.
What the hell did I just watch? It was well-edited, but a little disturbing to want to see again... and definitely not safe for an under-18 audience. Please, just try to tell me this wouldn't be R-rated (or higher) under the MPAA standards.
Well, that was a fun crossover, but shouldn't it have been widescreen? Also, I could swear I saw a popframe after the second "O-B-S-E-S-S-I-O-N". Naughty but fun. Would vote for.
I feel like I ought to be disturbed by this, but I'm not. Maybe it's because some of your voice actors clearly needed better microphones, plus better noise removal (it was noticeable when a new hiss would start up before someone had started speaking her line yet, or when it would cut out again at the end of a line)... and moving the voices around more in the soundstage probably would have helped make them more distinct so that the quieter voices would be easier to understand. That is, unless some of the babbling is in fact supposed to be incomprehensible. Oh yeah, and definitely not safe for the under-18 audience.
It's really too bad this is a live version of the song. Also, if you're going to use movie footage, her family name is "Shikinami" now, not "Soryu". But, it's nice to finally see a good comedy video pop up here.
Someone has far too much free time on their hands, not to mention a metric crapload of movies and some very, very bizarre music. It just doesn't do anything for me -- other than trying to pick out the few movies I can actually identify, it gets boring fast. Good to finally see someone using Avatar, though. Also, what on earth did any of that have to do with an apple tree?
If nobody's yet put this movie to "Every Breath You Take", someone totally should. Very suitably creepy. Also, I applaud whoever edited this's use of black space -- but maybe that's just a personal preference of mine.
Sorry guys, I can't do it. Not after what I saw last year and what others have been saying about these videos.
- Scintilla
- (for EXTREME)
- Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2003 8:47 pm
- Status: Quo
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Re: AWA Pro video discussion
And here are my thoughts on the other 39 of them.
The joke got old after a while. And more's the shame because the editor clearly knows a thing or two about editing.
This was more entertaining than #40, it's true, but... still, it's sad to see people using their editing talents for drivel like this. I guess people must really enjoy getting to watch and judge these videos every year.
Am I the only one who thought that last smile looked kind of creepy? Despite the fact that this video doesn't really make me want to run out and watch the animé, it's a breath of fresh air after those last two. I am going to kick myself if I haven't correctly guessed who made this video by the time I find out who it is. Also, good use of fades to/from black throughout the video -- but that may be just a personal preference of mine.
Um, what? Was that it?
... That really felt like it should have been longer, just going by how the song sounded. I mean, it was well-edited (the parts with all the accents near the end in particular), but there's nothing really to recommend it.
Surely I can't have been the only one thinking "Gott weiss ich nicht ein Engel sein"? Anyway, it's a well-edited abbreviated DN plot summary with epic music, and enjoyable, but in the past few years we've already had a whole bunch of other videos that do basically the same thing...
I'm not sure I understood the purpose of most of that compositing. Still a decent character profile, but still nothing wowing. Also, that music at the end sounded rather incongruous; that wasn't still the same song, was it? Oh yeah, and that title screen should have read "have known them".
Having seen Code Geass, I can say that Lelouch did in fact do all of those things. Still, you can't really call this an AMV; this kind of thing really belongs in SAST (assuming it will ever be brought back). Also, LAWWWWWWWW.
... Okay. I definitely saw some footage near the end that should have been widescreen. Amusing though. But still missing the wow factor we're looking for.
Is this song SUPPOSED to sound that distorted? This just might be my favourite non-animé video so far.
I'll start by saying that I'm pretty sure the grammatically correct way to convey this title would be "amor vincit somnum", since "somnus" is a second declension masculine noun. As for the video itself... it's so frustrating to see all these well-edited videos with such a crappy source. But I thank the editor for editing the song down to a reasonable length for the concept.
Another good-but-not-great video that still doesn't give me a compelling reason to watch the animé. Pleasant for use as background noise.
The editing is there, I can even say the mood synch is there, but I'm just not seeing the connection (which may be because I haven't ever seen Angel Beats!). Also, the music was so tinny that it was painful to listen to. Someone must not have bought the soundtrack.
What exactly was done to the audio? It doesn't sound like digital compression, but it sounds just lo-fi enough to sound like it actually did come from the late 80s/early 90s -- and in this case, the effect works well. Anyway, the pairing worked well enough, but you really have to have seen Avatar (or at least this trailer) to get why some of the scenes work. Good, but I've seen better trailer parodies.
Boring. I mean, I get that she never changes expressions, but that was just about the extent of the appeal here. Oh, and what was with the random sepia and old-time film effects in two places?
Uh, this song's really about sex, isn't it? The explosions and blood and such are nice to look at, but if there was an overarching plot, I missed it. (Again, I haven't seen this animé.)
Oh geez, where to start? First of all, the constant dirty overlay made it hard to make out some shots correctly. Secondly, what was with those white flashes on cymbal hits WITHOUT changing the shot underneath? If there had been some pattern to them, it wouldn't have been so bad; but these seemed inconsistent and arbitrarily used. And thirdly, those composites using the main character's eyes looked really cheap. Two of them required such a zoom-in that it looked unnatural, and a third had the sub-scene moving around oddly, like it wasn't following the motion of the eye underneath it well enough. In short, while the scene selections themselves seemed fine enough, the editing itself could use a lot of improvement -- in particular, the mis-timing at 1:30 was a real lost opportunity.
Um. So what, is the old film effect the "in" thing this year or something? Well, that video did a good job of creating a nervous, anxious, unstable mood (the constant camera-shaking helped) -- but the only problem was that it wasn't entertaining. It never managed to convince me that something bad was ACTUALLY going to happen, and it ended suddenly and with no sense of closure at all.
You know it's bad when I find myself shouting "KATTO CUT!" no less than four times throughout the video. Also, I feel like I should start taking a drink every time I see a video that has the old-timey film footage effect somewhere. Anyway, I think this editor has potential, but this one just wasn't entertaining enough. Sorry.
It's an enjoyable dance video, even if it's not funny (maybe because I wasn't paying attention to the words). Not much to say about it, this editor clearly knows what s/he's doing.
Saw it already. It's a fine action video (and thank you for using music that not everyone else making action videos this year is using), but now I feel like I no longer need to watch the movie.
Ooookay. Didn't miss a single synch opportunity here -- I like that. I'm not sure how this would fare before a crowd. And where do you people FIND this stuff?
Shouldn't that have been widescreen? Anyway, it's suitably depressing, but... well... I'm not sure it adds anything to the animated version.
Saw it already. I had higher hopes for this one, really -- too much of it didn't seem to fit the music at all. It was very sporadically funny at best. Also, I'm told that SSGWNBTD did this exact same video two years ago, and did it better.
Saw it already. The lack of lyric synch actually doesn't bother me (I know how ironic that sounds coming from me), maybe because what was happening on screen kept my interest well enough without it. I really have no complaints, other than that now I don't need to watch the movie.
The song carries this one, but even so, it's very amusing. Would nominate for best comedy.
All right! Finally, an AMV with the new Evangelion movies that's actually exciting to watch! Despite what everyone else has been saying, this didn't feel old to me, and it didn't remind me for a second of "Engel" -- in fact, I thought this video actually did a very good job of showing off the new movies, in so far as that it used footage that didn't look ANYTHING like the original series. I really like the use of Mari going all feral. Would vote for best action, definitely.
I don't know if we were supposed to laugh, but we totally did. No complaints here.
I'm not seeing the connection here. Didn't do anything for me.
What did I just watch? The footage was certainly pretty, but it felt too preachy to me. Still nice as background noise.
As soon as the vocals came in I had to start laughing. I'd love to know where the heck these DJs get all these vocal tracks -- I couldn't hear a trace of any of the rest of "Bedrock Anthem Give It Away" behind the vocals. Anyway, that was a fun video, even if some of the effects were a little much sometimes -- and "Scene Missing"??
Saw it already. I still like this video. In particular, the part where the girl slides along the catwalk to the piano glissando was quite inspired. Have to remember to nominate for best action.
Why did it feel like there wasn't very much actual editing going on here? I also feel like there was very little mood synch, if any. And again, I didn't see the connection, though perhaps that's because I was focusing too much on the visuals to be able to understand the words.
Okay, this clearly was edited by someone who speaks Russian, because I know I saw and heard "Hinako" in the first title screen bit. Sadly, this still isn't entertaining, and the last bit was just creepy.
God damn, that was random. But I think this video comes closer than any other I've seen so far to making me want to actually watch the animé... too bad it's non-animé. Still brought the laughs, in a WTFey kind of way. The crowd will probably like it.
This video doesn't know what it wants to be, methinks. On one hand, if it's supposed to be serious, then explain the beginning and the ending (don't think I didn't immediately know what that subliminal message frame said!). On the other, if it's supposed to be a comedy (and it DID make us laugh), then WHERE ARE THE RAINBOWS? WHERE ARE THE SPARKLES? WHERE IS THE GAY?
... but if the audience doesn't sing along when it's shown at the con, I will be disappoint.
Also, thank you to the editor for editing the song down to a manageable length for the concept.
Moving, I guess, but it's not doing it for me. Maybe there was too much standing around without much action in the first half of the video?
Was I the only one who liked this video? The split-screens don't bother me -- they're used fine and contribute to the overall effect. I still don't quite get the plotline though (another case in which I haven't seen the source).
Okay, THAT was a fine specimen of horror action editing... but how did this not get flagged for content? I mean, look at all thebones blood!
The joke got old after a while. And more's the shame because the editor clearly knows a thing or two about editing.
This was more entertaining than #40, it's true, but... still, it's sad to see people using their editing talents for drivel like this. I guess people must really enjoy getting to watch and judge these videos every year.
Am I the only one who thought that last smile looked kind of creepy? Despite the fact that this video doesn't really make me want to run out and watch the animé, it's a breath of fresh air after those last two. I am going to kick myself if I haven't correctly guessed who made this video by the time I find out who it is. Also, good use of fades to/from black throughout the video -- but that may be just a personal preference of mine.
Um, what? Was that it?
... That really felt like it should have been longer, just going by how the song sounded. I mean, it was well-edited (the parts with all the accents near the end in particular), but there's nothing really to recommend it.
Surely I can't have been the only one thinking "Gott weiss ich nicht ein Engel sein"? Anyway, it's a well-edited abbreviated DN plot summary with epic music, and enjoyable, but in the past few years we've already had a whole bunch of other videos that do basically the same thing...
I'm not sure I understood the purpose of most of that compositing. Still a decent character profile, but still nothing wowing. Also, that music at the end sounded rather incongruous; that wasn't still the same song, was it? Oh yeah, and that title screen should have read "have known them".
Having seen Code Geass, I can say that Lelouch did in fact do all of those things. Still, you can't really call this an AMV; this kind of thing really belongs in SAST (assuming it will ever be brought back). Also, LAWWWWWWWW.
... Okay. I definitely saw some footage near the end that should have been widescreen. Amusing though. But still missing the wow factor we're looking for.
Is this song SUPPOSED to sound that distorted? This just might be my favourite non-animé video so far.
I'll start by saying that I'm pretty sure the grammatically correct way to convey this title would be "amor vincit somnum", since "somnus" is a second declension masculine noun. As for the video itself... it's so frustrating to see all these well-edited videos with such a crappy source. But I thank the editor for editing the song down to a reasonable length for the concept.
Another good-but-not-great video that still doesn't give me a compelling reason to watch the animé. Pleasant for use as background noise.
The editing is there, I can even say the mood synch is there, but I'm just not seeing the connection (which may be because I haven't ever seen Angel Beats!). Also, the music was so tinny that it was painful to listen to. Someone must not have bought the soundtrack.
What exactly was done to the audio? It doesn't sound like digital compression, but it sounds just lo-fi enough to sound like it actually did come from the late 80s/early 90s -- and in this case, the effect works well. Anyway, the pairing worked well enough, but you really have to have seen Avatar (or at least this trailer) to get why some of the scenes work. Good, but I've seen better trailer parodies.
Boring. I mean, I get that she never changes expressions, but that was just about the extent of the appeal here. Oh, and what was with the random sepia and old-time film effects in two places?
Uh, this song's really about sex, isn't it? The explosions and blood and such are nice to look at, but if there was an overarching plot, I missed it. (Again, I haven't seen this animé.)
Oh geez, where to start? First of all, the constant dirty overlay made it hard to make out some shots correctly. Secondly, what was with those white flashes on cymbal hits WITHOUT changing the shot underneath? If there had been some pattern to them, it wouldn't have been so bad; but these seemed inconsistent and arbitrarily used. And thirdly, those composites using the main character's eyes looked really cheap. Two of them required such a zoom-in that it looked unnatural, and a third had the sub-scene moving around oddly, like it wasn't following the motion of the eye underneath it well enough. In short, while the scene selections themselves seemed fine enough, the editing itself could use a lot of improvement -- in particular, the mis-timing at 1:30 was a real lost opportunity.
Um. So what, is the old film effect the "in" thing this year or something? Well, that video did a good job of creating a nervous, anxious, unstable mood (the constant camera-shaking helped) -- but the only problem was that it wasn't entertaining. It never managed to convince me that something bad was ACTUALLY going to happen, and it ended suddenly and with no sense of closure at all.
You know it's bad when I find myself shouting "
It's an enjoyable dance video, even if it's not funny (maybe because I wasn't paying attention to the words). Not much to say about it, this editor clearly knows what s/he's doing.
Saw it already. It's a fine action video (and thank you for using music that not everyone else making action videos this year is using), but now I feel like I no longer need to watch the movie.
Ooookay. Didn't miss a single synch opportunity here -- I like that. I'm not sure how this would fare before a crowd. And where do you people FIND this stuff?
Shouldn't that have been widescreen? Anyway, it's suitably depressing, but... well... I'm not sure it adds anything to the animated version.
Saw it already. I had higher hopes for this one, really -- too much of it didn't seem to fit the music at all. It was very sporadically funny at best. Also, I'm told that SSGWNBTD did this exact same video two years ago, and did it better.
Saw it already. The lack of lyric synch actually doesn't bother me (I know how ironic that sounds coming from me), maybe because what was happening on screen kept my interest well enough without it. I really have no complaints, other than that now I don't need to watch the movie.
The song carries this one, but even so, it's very amusing. Would nominate for best comedy.
All right! Finally, an AMV with the new Evangelion movies that's actually exciting to watch! Despite what everyone else has been saying, this didn't feel old to me, and it didn't remind me for a second of "Engel" -- in fact, I thought this video actually did a very good job of showing off the new movies, in so far as that it used footage that didn't look ANYTHING like the original series. I really like the use of Mari going all feral. Would vote for best action, definitely.
I don't know if we were supposed to laugh, but we totally did. No complaints here.
I'm not seeing the connection here. Didn't do anything for me.
What did I just watch? The footage was certainly pretty, but it felt too preachy to me. Still nice as background noise.
As soon as the vocals came in I had to start laughing. I'd love to know where the heck these DJs get all these vocal tracks -- I couldn't hear a trace of any of the rest of "
Saw it already. I still like this video. In particular, the part where the girl slides along the catwalk to the piano glissando was quite inspired. Have to remember to nominate for best action.
Why did it feel like there wasn't very much actual editing going on here? I also feel like there was very little mood synch, if any. And again, I didn't see the connection, though perhaps that's because I was focusing too much on the visuals to be able to understand the words.
Okay, this clearly was edited by someone who speaks Russian, because I know I saw and heard "Hinako" in the first title screen bit. Sadly, this still isn't entertaining, and the last bit was just creepy.
God damn, that was random. But I think this video comes closer than any other I've seen so far to making me want to actually watch the animé... too bad it's non-animé. Still brought the laughs, in a WTFey kind of way. The crowd will probably like it.
This video doesn't know what it wants to be, methinks. On one hand, if it's supposed to be serious, then explain the beginning and the ending (don't think I didn't immediately know what that subliminal message frame said!). On the other, if it's supposed to be a comedy (and it DID make us laugh), then WHERE ARE THE RAINBOWS? WHERE ARE THE SPARKLES? WHERE IS THE GAY?
... but if the audience doesn't sing along when it's shown at the con, I will be disappoint.
Also, thank you to the editor for editing the song down to a manageable length for the concept.
Moving, I guess, but it's not doing it for me. Maybe there was too much standing around without much action in the first half of the video?
Was I the only one who liked this video? The split-screens don't bother me -- they're used fine and contribute to the overall effect. I still don't quite get the plotline though (another case in which I haven't seen the source).
Okay, THAT was a fine specimen of horror action editing... but how did this not get flagged for content? I mean, look at all the
- Castor Troy
- Ryan Molina, A.C.E
- Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2001 8:45 pm
- Status: Retired from AMVs
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Re: AWA Pro video discussion
I did video #60.
"You're ignoring everything, except what you want to hear.." - jbone
- CrackTheSky
- has trust issues
- Joined: Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:01 pm
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- Location: Chicago
Re: AWA Pro video discussion
Here are my thoughts thus far. I have been extremely harsh with my judgments, so I'm sorry if anyone gets offended. I have high standards, and I'm jaded. So sue me. Also, I don't feel like going into detailed accounts of how each video could have been better, so all my notes are succinct and to-the-point.
01 - Bored me. Editing was too slow, scene selection repetitive. 1.5/5
02 - Good lip sync, rest was really boring. Way too effing long. Didn't make me laugh. 2/5
03 - Decent storytelling. So-so editing. Terrible effects. 2.5/5
04 - Cool-looking, but ultimately pointless. Pretentious "artsiness". 2/5
05 - Dislike this editing style. Was too short to be considered developed. Didn't get a chance to become interesting. 2/5
06 - Effects were above-average, editing was pretty good...but really, how many different ways could there possibly be to make the exact same Death Note video? 2.5/5
07 - Grossly formulaic. 1/5
08 - Made me laugh. To-the-point. Great lip sync. 3.5/5
09 - Unfunny. Very poor editing and scene selection. 1/5
10 - Good storytelling, creepy vibe...solid all-around. 4/5
11 - Worst video yet. No sync, boring, repetitive scene selection...awful. 0.5/5
12 - Boring, static scene selection. No editing. 1/5
13 - Familiarity with the source seems necessary to understand the story. Some confusing scene selection given the nature of the song. Okay editing, but the video didn't do much for me. 2.5/5
14 - Most of the trailer's sounds didn't really match up with the editing. Poor lip sync. Could have been a perfect match, but overall it felt sloppy. 2.5/5
15 - Zero editing. Awful effects. No redeeming qualities. 0.5/5
16 - Editing doesn't match the music. Very formulaic. Uninteresting. 1/5
17 - Terrible effects, bad lip sync, and that overlay is just annoying. Uncreative, predictable editing. 0.5/5
18 - 1.5 points for the decent second half. 1 point for the cool film effect. Zero points for everything else. 2.5/5
19 - Half-assed lip "sync". Waaaaaayyy too static throughout. 1/5
20 - Very fun! Great editing, lotsa energy, I like it. Lip sync deifnitely could have used some work, but great video otherwise. I'd bet a large amount of money this is Ileia's video. 4/5
01 - Bored me. Editing was too slow, scene selection repetitive. 1.5/5
02 - Good lip sync, rest was really boring. Way too effing long. Didn't make me laugh. 2/5
03 - Decent storytelling. So-so editing. Terrible effects. 2.5/5
04 - Cool-looking, but ultimately pointless. Pretentious "artsiness". 2/5
05 - Dislike this editing style. Was too short to be considered developed. Didn't get a chance to become interesting. 2/5
06 - Effects were above-average, editing was pretty good...but really, how many different ways could there possibly be to make the exact same Death Note video? 2.5/5
07 - Grossly formulaic. 1/5
08 - Made me laugh. To-the-point. Great lip sync. 3.5/5
09 - Unfunny. Very poor editing and scene selection. 1/5
10 - Good storytelling, creepy vibe...solid all-around. 4/5
11 - Worst video yet. No sync, boring, repetitive scene selection...awful. 0.5/5
12 - Boring, static scene selection. No editing. 1/5
13 - Familiarity with the source seems necessary to understand the story. Some confusing scene selection given the nature of the song. Okay editing, but the video didn't do much for me. 2.5/5
14 - Most of the trailer's sounds didn't really match up with the editing. Poor lip sync. Could have been a perfect match, but overall it felt sloppy. 2.5/5
15 - Zero editing. Awful effects. No redeeming qualities. 0.5/5
16 - Editing doesn't match the music. Very formulaic. Uninteresting. 1/5
17 - Terrible effects, bad lip sync, and that overlay is just annoying. Uncreative, predictable editing. 0.5/5
18 - 1.5 points for the decent second half. 1 point for the cool film effect. Zero points for everything else. 2.5/5
19 - Half-assed lip "sync". Waaaaaayyy too static throughout. 1/5
20 - Very fun! Great editing, lotsa energy, I like it. Lip sync deifnitely could have used some work, but great video otherwise. I'd bet a large amount of money this is Ileia's video. 4/5
- SailorDeath
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Re: AWA Pro video discussion
Castor Troy wrote:I did video #60.
So did I, as well as NGSilver, Illeia and Brad. One of the best collaborative efforts IMO.
Gimme a minute, I'll make a cool one....
- godix
- a disturbed member
- Joined: Sat Aug 03, 2002 12:13 am
Re: AWA Pro video discussion
Hey now, don't forget me. I did those 5 frames at the end there. I slaved for hours on them.SailorDeath wrote:Castor Troy wrote:I did video #60.
So did I, as well as NGSilver, Illeia and Brad. One of the best collaborative efforts IMO.
- Nya-chan Production
- The :< point of view
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- Ileia
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- ngsilver
- The Old School Otaku
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Re: AWA Pro video discussion
I concur. Where was my magical touch in that? I don't remember even one frame of my part in that video. It was awesome. There was a dance routine and some great choreography. Was my awesomeness just not GOOD ENOUGH for this video? Hmm???Ileia wrote:I can't speak for this "Illeia", but I sure as hell had no part of it.
- Fall_Child42
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Re: AWA Pro video discussion
top videos for me,
Apple tree
The live action one with the three guys
The Godzilla one
The Cat shit one one (georgeous, and serious if you can get past the fact that they are bunnies)
The clap
The basquash one
The Aerosmith Sleeping with hinako one.
though I'm not sure which videos go in which category.
Apple tree
The live action one with the three guys
The Godzilla one
The Cat shit one one (georgeous, and serious if you can get past the fact that they are bunnies)
The clap
The basquash one
The Aerosmith Sleeping with hinako one.
though I'm not sure which videos go in which category.