AX2007 aftermath - The curse of Long Beach returns

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Post by dwchang » Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:14 pm

Nessephanie wrote:
Pwolf wrote:
MisterFurious wrote:Do we really need a legitimate reason to DQ Evanesence videos? Aren't there too many of them already?
Thanks for your support of editor's right to edit what they want.

Even if they're overdone, being disqualified from a contest for that reason, even as a joke is too stupid of thinking. "Lets just disqualify videos for using Naruto too!", and then where would Daniel be, huh? Think about Daniel for once.

<---is about 3 years late on the Naruto Train...

Actually the coordinator singled me out at the contest and said some pretty nice stuff so no worries. It was really...awkward :oops:

(but appreciated)
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Post by Inaaca » Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:17 pm

So everyone knows, James actually said that he wasn't quitting after all at the Sunday reshowing. I'd imagine that he'd hate to leave on such a bad note.

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Post by Castor Troy » Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:25 pm

When I said I was done with AX for good, I meant that I will not be paying for a badge to attend the con. Since James won't be retiring, I'll may send videos in, but since I won't be attending the con anymore, it won't matter what happens to my videos. I'll probably have someone proxy for me.

I'll still also attend the AX amv dinners, at least I don't need a badge for that.

I'll still support AX's AMV situation by sending in videos, but they're not gonna get a dime from me to attend and suffer through their lines.
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Post by pulsr » Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:15 pm

Yeah, I did not enjoy waiting in line (which was all ready a few hours behind schedule) and to find out that the videos weren't going to be shown. =/

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Post by Machine » Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:11 am

I went to AX in 2002 for the first and last time. The coolest thing I saw in the Theatre where they were suppose to have the contest was someone who threw a paper airplane into the projection screen and managed to pierce it. Coolest thing ever!

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Post by Pwolf » Tue Jul 03, 2007 8:40 am

Machine wrote:I went to AX in 2002 for the first and last time. The coolest thing I saw in the Theatre where they were suppose to have the contest was someone who threw a paper airplane into the projection screen and managed to pierce it. Coolest thing ever!
that was awesome


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Don't give up hope on AMV at AX yet...

Post by XStylus » Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:00 am

I had an extremely good conversation with the Programming division manager yesterday.

I conveyed grievances regarding the panel and about the outlook on AMV that AX is perceived to have at the public con-gripe session after the awards ceremony. I also later had a one-on-one with her and Michael Underwood (DigitalPanther) at the staff post-con party. There might be (and I hope it's simply just) some big misunderstandings on both our parts.

Regarding music rights for the panels: For C.Y.A. reasons, she wanted the rights waiver to be explicit and in a non-forgeable form. I relayed that the criteria for approval she wanted kept changing, and she needs to be explicit herself with what kind of waiver she wants. Around this point, Michael Underwood (who is a good friend of hers) jumped in and explained it shouldn't be an issue because their ASCAP license should cover the full con, including panels. Both of them will research it, and if that's the case, then that problem might get fixed. I will continue to follow up on this between now and the next con.

As for the event itself, it's not the music she's worried about with regards to legalities, its the footage. US companies are okay with it (unofficially, of course), Japanese companies are not, and she confirmed that there were two GOHs that took issue back in the day when winning AMVs were shown at closing ceremonies in view of the GOHs. She's been actively exploring avenues to legitimize it to the point where not only would they be proud to show the contest in front of their GOHs, but the prize could be something career building. She seemed to feel like she had a good angle on how to pursue this, but I forgot exactly what she said.

She seemed mildly insulted with the idea that her department was trying to kill AMV, and explained that that AMV was one of her favorite events when she initially started coming to expo. She doesn't want to kill it, she said she wants to bring it out of the shadows and give it legitimacy. :)

So, that's what I heard. One can take it at face value, or one can take a wait and see attitude (actions speak louder than words). If she was being honest with me (and I'm convinced she was), there's obviously a disconnect in understanding between programming and the AMV department (James and Katy) leaving them and us to assume the worst about AMV's future.

I think the problem in that area there is that it is intertwined with a very precarious minefield of ugly (and now quite public) con management politics that's still playing out. If you heard about the AX BoD meeting you know what I'm talking about. All I know is that I'm real good friends with people on both camps, and I'm running for the hills before I find myself in the middle of a Braveheart moment.
Last edited by XStylus on Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ngsilver » Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:17 am

Since when do you need to buy a badge to attend and enjoy a con? And more on that note, since when do you need to even bother with the con's event's to enjoy it? If it wasn't for the people I would have given up on so many different cons in the Midwest.

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Post by The Wired Knight » Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:58 am

Vlad G Pohnert wrote:So.. what happened on Sunday Morning?

Sunday morning went surprisingly well.

Despite the fact taht I was really expecting an emtpy theater (ala 2002) the Terrace theater was near packed (I don't know for certain since I was on the bottom floor and could not see the third balcony though I did see people walking around up there). So there was still a surprising turnout for the event.

That said,t eh vent went on fine from there though it felt a bit rushed due to the time alotted to teh contest. By this I mean that the videos were basicaly played one after another in rapid succession (not even a break between catagories) so while everything played fine it jsut felt a little too fast.

Really the only complaint I had has more to do with the way the convention (LBCC I mean, not AX) was acting. They would keep dividing lines and then say they wouldn't honor half of it, and they let everyone into teh theater well before they were supposed to, without setting aside space for creators (which James intended to be done and would informed them if the convention center staff had not prematurely acted).

So despite a series of disasters the contest actually ran pretty well on Sunday.

Anyway, back to the other topics at hand. As for as AX and AMVs go I'm not really all that discouraged. Wh? Because I'm used to the higher ups giving AMVs crap treatment, if that really bugged me to the point that I wouldn't submit I would have stopped submitting long ago. I'm in the blief that someone who wanted teh contest gone set up to steal the videos (why of all thigns would you steal discs anyway if appearently there would ahve to be a completely unguarded laptop involved in here somewhere)?

I do agree that James should probably have had more copies elsewhere and ready to go but oh well, hindsight and whatnot. I give him credit for doing a pretty good recovery on the problem after it happened. My personaly beef with AX this year lies towards other things (incredibly rude convention center staff and an awful layout when it comes to event locatiosn). Maybe I'd be more irritated if the resulting AMV Editor scramble for discs wasn't so amusing in and of itself.

As far as legal issues on the panel I still don't see how this holds water. If they were worried about the footage more than the music then odds are they wouldn't have harped on it so much; much less keep changint the format (I'm sorry but I can't see how it is an oversight to not mention that you want the guy to contact you personally when you've allready been exhcanging a series of e-mails.) As far as the footage goes thoguh, shouldn't AX be pretty covered on that front? They have to play a lot of things anyway and you would think their blanket of protection would go farther. AMVs showing footage from anime (imo) is technically no different than just showing the anime.

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Re: Don't give up hope on AMV at AX yet...

Post by Erinn » Tue Jul 03, 2007 12:33 pm

xstylus wrote:As for the event itself, it's not the music she's worried about with regards to legalities, its the footage. US companies are okay with it, Japanese companies are not, and she confirmed that there were two GOHs that took issue back in the day when winning AMVs were shown at closing ceremonies. She's been actively exploring avenues to legitimize it to the point where not only would they be proud to show the contest in front of their GOHs, but the prize could be something career building. She seemed to feel like she had a good angle on how to go about this, but I forgot exactly what she said.
I don't get it...if they're so angry about footage being used, then why does Japan even let America License it then? By licensing it, America has a right to sell it and even show it on TV...what's the difference if it's shown on TV or shown at a con? If they were so angry, they should have said stop showing episodes during the con too. We buy the DVDs, so therefore, we have a right to do what we want with it since it's basically ours. If they were so mad about America using footage from anime, how is that different from Japan itself using the same footage?

Besides, they should be happy, AMVs are one of the main other reasons how ppl get into other anime.


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