Ouch! ... Ugh! ... Wham! ... Bitch Slap & Butt-Bongo! Thank you Mr. Voorhees (you don’t have a brother named “Jason” do you?). Wait, you used to be in the military, right?
Criticism aside, you do bring up a valid issue and I “salute you” for being very vocal about it. I think everyone here so far has tried to address your opinion as much as I would so I’ll just expand on what I can. A lot of other points were also brought up so I will try to answer them as well.
Empath wrote:I mean, first off Voorheeszilla Studio indeed won the H-AMV contest with OMG, but to say you forgot because of a guest appearance is a little insulting. Even more insulting is that there was no clear runner up either, but whatever, the H-AMV contest is not what I had a problem with as it was still fun for all who came.
Ok, I’ll give you that, but there is nothing insulting about what I said. Hentai videos are never judged by us, only at the convention by the rabidly horny fans. It’s a completely spontaneous event so it totally escaped my mind to even bother to record what videos won. I was having fun watching. Besides, those results will be available on our website soon. I just post what I can because people want to know ASAP!
Trilaan wrote:I lost once again. Though who knows what might have happened had people actually been able to vote for my Zone of the Enders video, It was shown with all the others but left off the voting sheet due to a printing error...This wasn't the first time things got screwed up for me, though it was the first time the oversight was so glaring.
I didn’t notice your video was missing from the voting sheet. Those were printed out literally minutes before the contest. We didn’t expect so many people to show up for that screening, but if you are interested the audience voting break down was
#1) Code Monkey - 108
#2) Word Play - 87
#3) Dwarf Invasion - 84
Trilaan wrote:....I think they should host an AMV creator get-together. At least that way, for the more competitive creators, they can lose to more than just a face.I enjoyed the meeting of the creators the people at Nan Desu Kan gave a couple of years ago.
We actually had someone suggest to us that we need to make available a 24/hr AMV room for editors and fans to hang out and meet one another. This would depend on the hotel giving us a suite to use. I’ll see if we can do this next year.
JaddziaDax wrote:They don't claim the contest to be "perfect" or "better" than other contests, from what I can tell this contest is just different.
jubjub2 wrote:They have a tough job to do, and it's hard enough for them to try to get the contest run in an organized fashion (which they certainly did), much less try to appease all of the creators/fans. During the conversation, it really came across that they want to keep improving the contest and make it better for everyone, as well as adding new competitions/showcase opportunities for us editors.
You guys are absolutely right. A-kon has always been a “Fan-Oriented” convention. It’s pointless to be just another anime convention doing the same things everybody else is doing. That’s why every year we keep changing & experimenting with new ideas to keep you guys interested and to have FUN! Some of you showed interest in doing a MEP. I’m toying with the idea of creating a “theme” category. We want to offer more interesting prizes besides trophies and swag ~ i.e. people from the Art Institute saw some videos and wanted to offer scholarships as prizes (how cool is that!). It all comes down to logistics and money, what we “can” do and what we can “afford” to do.
Trilaan wrote:Did anyone ask why they didn't just remove hybrid categories and make separate ones for Comedy, Fun, Action, Horror, Drama, Romance? Or whether they had separated them in their own minds and simply made them hybrid to save on slides? Personally, I also think they may have put things into the wrong categories. At the very least I felt, for example, that the Lovely Complex Lollipop video was better suited for Comedy/Fun than Drama/Romance. I'm not saying any of the videos were put into a category that was completely wrong for it, just one that was...less right.
A-kon used to have separate categories but it made no sense to have so many from a financial point of view as it became more expensive to offer prizes/certificates/trophies/etc. for so many winners. During our reconstruction a couple of years ago it was decided that clustering these familiar categories would make for a better presentation. I think the reason some people felt confused was because videos were played in the order they were submitted. If we were to reorganize each cluster group of videos by playing all Drama videos followed by Romantic videos and all Fun videos followed by Comedy videos - the complaint about our category system would be redundant. This is just a way for us to organize and manage videos for a contest event. Plus I believe it creates a show that is far more surprising and engaging to watch.
We had twice as many Drama/Romance videos submitted as Action/Horror and Comedy/Fun “combined”. So if one year we get nothing but Drama/Romance videos, then that’s what we have to play. We also had more Fun (up beat) videos entered than pure comedy, which was nice to see.
** Why should Comedy & Fun be separate? They both make me smile, and since when is comedy not fun? **
TwilightChrono wrote:Again, congrats on everyone who participated. Sadly, my video didn't place, I just want to know what people thought about the video I entered, I believe I was in the Fanworks Contest, if I am not mistaken.
I remember this video felt a little long but it was extremely well edited. I don't know what the audience thought because my ears were still bleeding after it ended.