xstylus wrote:Castor Troy wrote:NightMistress85 wrote:
So are you going to share the magic number of total entries or are you going to make us play the guessing game?
I assume it's about equal to the amount of hair Troy loses.
It's equal to the number of hours of sleep lost in putting this show on. That includes the time spent over-engineering things plus the insomnia from worrying if anything will go wrong...
You're a trooper! I'll guess a conservative 174.
Vlad G Pohnert wrote:NightMistress85 wrote:xstylus wrote:
Actually, Drama caught up. It's only a scant few behind Rom/Sen now. But the real comeback kid was Action, as we got a crap-ton of entries for it in the flood.
So are you going to share the magic number of total entries or are you going to make us play the guessing game?
I'll make it easier for you.. It's between 1 and 1,000,000
Hmmm. Well in that case I think I'll change it to 999,997...give or take one or two
! Have fun with that, prescreeners