We have feedback panels and there's always Facebook (which I know they read).Hawkman324 wrote:Is there anything the editors can do? I don't want to complain at you as you seem to have the same viewpoint as most editors, but can we contact the con chair or someone else to politely express our thoughts on it? I'm surprised people don't wave that liability to blame Katsucon with their badge sign-up. That or the ability to label certain panels 13+ might be a better system.
Contacting the con chair directly might not be a good idea since that position is changing hands at the end of this con.
No convention can completely control what anyone does or sees when they enter the event so a waiver of the sort you're talking about is a sketchy proposition.
It's the same as saying, "You just might see some objectionable things during this event, some of which might trigger certain unwanted emotions or reactions, so we need you to agree that we won't be held liable."
That's a sure way for parents to not send their young teenage kids to these things, chaperoned or not.
We also can't account for emotional or mental disorders which is another can of worms altogether.
Anyway...we do exercise a rating system but for us to drop our rating to PG-13 would mean checking ID at the door, holding late screenings (possibly limited to one night since there's not enough time between Saturday night and Sunday morning to count votes, construct the award show, etc, never mind the attending editors are leaving and the majority of our audience is busy checking out).
As awareness of our presence grows, so does the exposure as well as the risk of the wrong person catching us at the wrong time and mucking things up for everyone.
I do NOT envy the con chair position at all.