Not required per se, but we'll pick one for the end of video review if one's not provided. Same resolution as the source vid with no cropping or resizing will give us the most flexibility.Scintilla wrote:I just got my FTP account e-mails, and this was part of what they said:
But <a href="">the rules</a> don't say anything about a thumbnail for SAST, just Professional.If this is a Pro or SAST contest video, please also include a representative thubmnail for inclusion on the judging disc as indicated in the detailed rules.
So, assuming SAST does in fact require them, what restrictions (resolution, format) are there on the thumbnails?
<b>Edit:</b> Also, the lack of SFTP support is a tad disappointing.
As for SFTP, not all hosting plans come with the same bells and whistles. Our priority was making sure we had sufficient storage and bandwidth to be able to support Pro iso downloads which forced concessions in other areas.