The Otakon 2009 thread

Announcement & discussion of Anime Music Video contests
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Re: Otakon 2009 AMV Contest Rules

Post by Adv1sor » Mon May 25, 2009 9:36 am

VicBond007 wrote:I'll take 2 hours of good Naruto videos over 4 hours of drawn-out pretentious crap.
That was going to be the title for my next AMV!

Oh well, off to Right Stuff to buy some Naruto...

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Re: Otakon 2009 AMV Contest Rules

Post by MisterFurious » Mon May 25, 2009 11:11 am

VicBond007 wrote:If it takes you longer than 6 minutes to get your point across, then you're better suited for a job in Congress, not video editing.
Funny you should say that. My wife thinks my avatar makes me look like "Senator Brad." Maybe you have something there.
VicBond007 wrote:And no, I'm not jabbing at Signal to Noise. It's a great video. I'm just saying that if I make an exception for one video, it applies to everything else.
I never thought that you were impugning my video, nor would I ever have expected an exception. I always accept contest rules. I simply feel that having such a short time limit deprives the Otakon audience of enjoying the occasional long-form video that actually happens to be good. To put it in a mathematical perspective, you're saying it's better for an audience to not be shown an amazing 7:00 minute video, just so they can see two 3:30 videos that may not be as good. You're choosing quantity over quality.

I also don't believe it's realisitic to theorize that the contest would have a flood of 7-minute videos if the restriction were lifted, forcing you to reduce the number of entries to fit within the time frame allowed by the convention. History has shown that it is very rare for videos that are that long are actually good. You might get one, perhaps even two, that are finals-worthy.

In the interest of full disclosure, AX does have a time limit, but it's 7:00 (I was able to get "Signal to Noise" under that limit by cutting the titles). They screen the AMV finalists at night as the last event in their main programming room, which is packed throughout the night, and they don't have a time limit, because they're the last event, and they don't have to worry about running over into a panel. In 1999, because of a technical problem, the AMV contest didn't start until 11:00 PM. The room remained packed until the contest was over sometime after 2:00 AM.
VicBond007 wrote:Ever watch Survivor on TV? They'll take a week's worth of multi-cam footage and knock it down to 41 minutes. That doesn't mean that there wasn't more worth showing, that just means that the editor had time constraints and had to make decisions as to what made it into the final product.
I also think the "Survivor" analogy is irrelevant. You're comparing an AMV creator to someone who edits for a living. The editors of "Survivor" have producers, directors, and a network to answer to. Indeed, trimming the footage to fit within the constraints of a broadcast hour is in their job description. AMV creators are trying to realize their own personal vision, and answer only to themselves.

Let the creators do what they do, and the show will take care of itself.

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Re: Otakon 2009 AMV Contest Rules

Post by VicBond007 » Mon May 25, 2009 11:46 am

Senator DeMoss makes a valid point, but for this year, what is done is done. I will look into experimenting with relaxing the time limit for next year. Suck it, pre-screeners :twisted:
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Re: Otakon 2009 AMV Contest Rules

Post by freya13 » Mon May 25, 2009 11:57 am

VicBond007 wrote: I will look into experimenting with relaxing the time limit for next year. Suck it, pre-screeners :twisted:
/dies...................... I know where you sleep at night :3 . I don't think (I hope and pray) that it will be TOO bad though. We're remembering to put breaks in the middle of screening catagories this year aren't we? >.<
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Re: Otakon 2009 AMV Contest Rules

Post by Scintilla » Mon May 25, 2009 1:25 pm

And speaking of pre-screeners, will the prescreenings be blind this year (in the interest of greater fairness)?
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Re: Otakon 2009 AMV Contest Rules

Post by VicBond007 » Mon May 25, 2009 1:48 pm

Scintilla wrote:And speaking of pre-screeners, will the prescreenings be blind this year (in the interest of greater fairness)?
The forms this year don't have the studio name on them, but if the creator put their studio name in the video itself, I am not blacking it out, nor holding it against them.
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Re: Otakon 2009 AMV Contest Rules

Post by Gamergirl89 » Mon May 25, 2009 3:42 pm

Another quick question, does video size matter? 'Cause I rendered my video out at 1280x720. Is that going to be a problem?

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Re: Otakon 2009 AMV Contest Rules

Post by VicBond007 » Mon May 25, 2009 5:50 pm

Gamergirl89 wrote:Another quick question, does video size matter? 'Cause I rendered my video out at 1280x720. Is that going to be a problem?
Any resolution is fine.
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Re: Otakon 2009 AMV Contest Rules

Post by Scintilla » Mon May 25, 2009 7:35 pm

I'm sorry I keep remembering new things to post in this thread, but can you add this contest to the contest list so we can list it for our videos' info pages?
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Re: Otakon 2009 AMV Contest Rules

Post by Parodic Productions » Mon May 25, 2009 8:53 pm

Bad news.

I might not have a new AMV this year.

I am burnt out. I have focused so much on making a special fx parody, I can't even see the humor in it anymore. Frankly, I think I'm burnt out of comedy altogether.

You know, I've been told to try different things besides comedy in order to avoid this situation, and did I listen? Lord no. I just went on and on, talking crap about myself like I have a million ideas. Truthfully, I've begun to outgrow this hobby. I love it, I like all the people that are a part of it, but I can't find anything fun about it anymore. It's like ever since I started working full-time and won that award two years ago, I just can't get myself motivated to this anymore.

And it's not like I'm an expert on this hobby either. I've never taken a single Computer Science course in my life. I don't know how to mask, I don't know how to de-interlace properly, I don't even know how to make my own website. I feel like a big phony. And I don't even bother learning any of this the right way; instead, I just find my way around it with photoshop and chroma keys.

But I love the community this hobby has brought me to. I love hanging out with the people at conventions, even if I'm usually too quiet to say anything or unable to contribute to the conversation. And I love going on these forums, even though I'm too afraid to type the wrong thing at times. I loved this hobby because I felt like I actually got a life.

And yet, here I am, complaining about my editor's block(?) after being absent from this board for over a year. Having taken no chance whatsoever to keep in contact with the people I met last year and the years before. I'm pathetic. I'm lazy. I'm envious of others. I don't have any close friends. I have horrible sleep patterns. I sit at this monitor every night and browse free manga sites and play stupid games over and over again. No wonder I'm so anti-social; I don't even want to be with me.

I've had a depressing day.

Well, sorry for ruining this topic with my little emo rant. I've just been exhausted this weekend trying to pull this amv off. And to come to this realization today has just been gut wrenching. I'm still going to try, even though I'm not going to put as much effort in it as I've been doing, but chances are I'll be coming up empty-handed this con. Hopefully, I can still hang out with some of you there even though I don't have a video.

Hope this post wasn't too much drama, I just needed to get this off my chest. Christ, I'm 25 and I'm like this.


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