Comedy is probably the most unpredictable category in terms of the constantly changing preferences of the viewers. What was funny last year may be "old meme" this time. Also, humor is an element that almost has to be inspired. No matter how random someone's idea may be, there's a number of people out there who will think it was well planned and clever. It's all a matter of aesthetics and hoping you can tap in to what the majority of viewers will find "LOLworthy."machina21 wrote:Comedy is hard, man.
And Upbeat...while a video needs the right song to the right video, it's mostly technique and timing that gets you over. It takes a great deal of ambition to accomplish half of what I've seen in some of these videos (sync, masking, keyframing, etc). You're almost competing with the song in terms of keeping the viewers' attention on your visuals. Stuff like "Magic Pad" and "Word Play" is tough to approach and that prospect scares some editors into other "easier" categories.
I sincerely hope, for the future of AMV contests all over, that more editors will find inspiration to create comedy and upbeat videos again, or at least take a chance and submit the videos they've been hiding from public view thinking their work "isn't good enough..."