Are you sure you're not acting as a front for Brad DeMoss? (Considering he's used Peter Gabriel songs in the past for his videos and still hasn't won anything for them yet at AWA? [unless I'm forgetting "Rhythm of the Heat"...] )machina21 wrote:Haha, that's excellent!Bakadeshi wrote:
Not just something, It was quite funny when Jiguro brought out the certificate, said something like "crap ima need a bigger award" tossed it away and 2 guys came walking on stage carrying what looked like a 2'x6' foot approximate award certificate with the words "big BIG Grand Prize" on it Good times, and congrats!
Thanks for the congrats.I hope the kids enjoyed it, I can't stand to watch it anymore sometimes, too tacky in some parts.
Don't worry about not standing to watch the video anymore - there were some videos that we VAT staffers were hoping that no one would ask for again. I don't know how many times we got asked to play "Something Fishy" during the weekend, but I can tell you it was way too many. I won't mind watching your video over and over again, at least for the time being. It was so much fun!
Bakadeshi, I gave you the "Divine Retribution" staff award for "Soul Groove" - I was so disappointed to see it lose out to Studio Hybrid at Otakon.... and I was thrilled to find out your video took the Best Action award from Studio Hybrid at AWA. Awesome - I'm glad to know that most editors still have decent taste in each other's videos.And before I forget, congratulations to you as well. I already gave my sentiments about your vid but i'll say it again:
Good shit