Rider4Z wrote:next year we need AMV103 - ALL SCRIPTING!!!
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Mass suicide at Anime Expo Panel!
Scripting is incredibly useful tool but holy hell, it's way more than enough to bore someone to tears. xD
Rider4Z wrote:next year we need AMV103 - ALL SCRIPTING!!!
Rider4Z wrote:thus weeding out the weak of heart! muaahahahaaaa
Roto-ing bubbles is very relaxing. They're very easy to doRadical_Yue wrote:But for now, let's go live to irriadin at the site of The Quickening Tournament. Hello, irriadin? Are you there? We can't see you through the wall of bubbles...
fixedirriadin wrote:Roto-ing bobbles is very relaxing. They're very easy to doRadical_Yue wrote:But for now, let's go live to irriadin at the site of The Quickening Tournament. Hello, irriadin? Are you there? We can't see you through the wall of bobbles...
YEEEEE i am not the only one.Radical_Yue wrote: For one, I did use the bluray remasters but I still had to clean them up a bit due to noise and such.
Bah! LAZY! Real editors take old crappy sources from poorly mastered DVDs and spend more time touching up the footage than they do editing the video, lol...milkmandan wrote:YEEEEE i am not the only one.Radical_Yue wrote: For one, I did use the bluray remasters but I still had to clean them up a bit due to noise and such.
Blu-ray remasters are the only reason why I even bothered to do my video last year.
l33tmeatwad wrote:Bah! LAZY! Real editors take old crappy sources from poorly mastered DVDs and spend more time touching up the footage than they do editing the video, lol...
True, but photoshop helpsCastor Troy wrote:You can't improve quality if it doesn't exist in the first place.