IF it helps, I personally thought you did a excellent job.eaglemech_45 wrote:Ok there has been quite some speculation as to weather I'm even capable of doing a good job on the Music Video Contest. Allot of people are even going so far as to say that they would like Scott Anime back. I would like to put this before you, do you think that when Scott did his first second or even third contest that they were a spectacle to behold. "Well maybe they were it was before my time" But with every show he didn’t he get better, and don’t think he had years that he didn’t get things right or computers crashed.
I'm not going to request that you bare with me while I work on things. This is a request I simply don't deserve. I realize that I have only been doing the bare Minimum and even doing a bad job at that.
So I'm Still Going to stay as the Head of AMV's Step Down as the head of Stage Zero and Move to second. And I’m going to spring clean my staff from people who don't do a damn thing to "and I’m very Proud to say this" Rob Miles. We have, even before Fanime Con 08 Started have been working on next year.
AMV's were a huge draw once. Like a mythical creature that you could only see on the big screen only once every now and then. But like most mythical creatures it's slowly fading away and has lost it's status as a CON staple. Well this coming year Rob Miles and I are Going to put AMV's back in the Spot Light right were it belongs. I Can’t give away to much as I still Need to talk a few companies but next year I suggest you find your best Suit and Tie or the Best dress you own You Might need it *wink, wink.
Thank you all for giving me your hard an honest opinion of how I’m doing. If I don't hear from you the AMV community then how will I learn?
i dun care about he nitty gritty details, but honestly, I enjoyed the show IMMENSELY, and that alone is enough to merit a job well done.
The competition was good, and over all the Event was enjoyable.
For your 2nd time, that is already very good.
Maybe certain things could've been better, but for the most part, in the things that mattered, you got it right.