AWA Pro video discussion

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Re: AWA Pro video discussion

Post by Kitsuner » Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:27 pm

Moonlight Soldier wrote:See that doesn't surprise me, because the category doesn't leave a lot of room for subjectivity. A category for videos about sleeping? Oh look, here's FOUR videos focused on sleeping.

Same as the adult category. While the description says something about a video for mature viewers or some such, most people associate that with hentai videos, thus all the videos marked as such got nominated in.

Kind of like that year there was the "best shinkai video" category. It doesn't leave a lot of room for interpretation, or vote splitting ;o Whereas you get categories like romance, drama, sentimental etc. and it becomes less obvious what belongs where for some people.
Which is why I pointed out that more people must have liked at least one of the sleeping/adult videos enough to feel it deserves an award than one would expect from reading the discussions.

Unless, of course, people didn't realize that they don't have to vote for a category if they don't like the videos eligible.
OtakuGray wrote:Sometimes anime can branch out to a younger audience and this is one of those times where you wish children would just go die.
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Re: AWA Pro video discussion

Post by Scintilla » Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:35 am

In my case, it's not so much actually liking any of the sleeping videos as wanting to troll the audience at the awards showing. I do think the reactions have potential to be pretty funny.
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Re: AWA Pro video discussion

Post by outlawed » Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:15 am

Pwolf wrote:If you look at my video, i don't think anyone got what I was trying to to do. For one, the editing wasn't good and two, i didn't do a good job of trying to show what I wanted. So not only do people not get what I'm trying to do, they probably don't care cause the editing sucks. That's not their fault, it's mine. Sure some people might get it but I'd prefer everyone understand it rather then some people.
BTW just thought I'd share this now. I thought your ACen video was pretty easy to understand. It was about a kid learning to pitch the heater higher and higher until he could send an appropriate message to the batter. Ozzie Guillen would approve!

Go SOX! ... cret080308
Guillen said, “I’m going to bring in my best guy and make sure he gets it done. That’s Major League Baseball. That’s baseball. That’s the baseball I grew up with. Not the (expletive) they play right now.”

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Re: AWA Pro video discussion

Post by Prodigi » Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:30 pm

2 years ago I entered but everyone knew what my video was.

Last year I entered at the last minute and most of my friends knew which my video was.

THIS year I've entered and initially only 2 people knew what my video was. So it's been awesome seeing the initial / honest feedback. And even one of the people who did know what the video was (but had only seen part of it before the comp) gave a 100% honest and constructive opinion on it. So <3

The other thing I love is that I was able to surprise people about which video mine is >.> There was at least one person who I figured would pick mine out easy but didn't call it. Win. Can't wait to see the results of the competition.

Pst, Moonie, can you text me again this year when you hear the results? Best thing ever waking up at 4am last year with a text saying "you won drama". >.>

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Re: AWA Pro video discussion

Post by Ileia » Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:51 pm

She's not going to AWA. D:
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Re: AWA Pro video discussion

Post by Sephiroth » Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:57 pm

Well since it didn't get nominated i did the riding bean vid. Glad some people liked it. Really i'm just grateful that i have work now.

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Re: AWA Pro video discussion

Post by Pwolf » Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:03 pm

Sephiroth wrote:Well since it didn't get nominated i did the riding bean vid. Glad some people liked it. Really i'm just grateful that i have work now.
I had a slight feeling that might have been yours actually >.>

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Re: AWA Pro video discussion

Post by zeiram_00 » Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:54 am

from what i can gather about my video:
6 positive
2 average
4 negative
2 unknown

my comments in parentheses
Spoiler :
godix - 3/5
illea - amuzing, group loved it (enough to nominate ???)
nya - reviews never completed???
sailor - 7/10
moonlight - fast forwarded
cenit - 2.5/5
burningleaves - longer than the initial heh thats pretty funny..
orig 9 feeling 4 editing 6 (its not suppose to be funny)
code - 3/5
ngsilver - 4/10 Generic Godzilla action video. Not much else I can say. Fast, action packed, but boring. (and the same thing can be said about your video that won last years AWA best non-anime that was just an upbeat rehash of the LA speed racer trailer)
pwolf - random people in a Godzilla video, distracting. I think if you are going to a Godzilla movie, you should be more creative then using a song with the work "fuck" in it every other line and random scenes of Godzilla shooting and fighting shit. (1 - people are actually the driving force in most Godzilla movies and 2 - if all you got out of the video was the word "fuck" come back when your mother allows you to be a part of the adult world)
scintilla - enjoyable
dr. dinosaur - top video
crackthescky - If this is a comedy video, it fails. If it's action, the very notion of using Godzilla films is too stupid to take seriously. 1/5 (obviously you don't get this niche part of the sci-fi world and judging from your reviews you only rate things highly if you or someone else you're a fan of made the video)
kitsuner - positive

"Well sir, I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." - Peter Griffin
F*ck #10, 35, and 55.
10 - i have problems with the movie and this video is just a mood recap with creepy-ish music (of poorly sounding quality)
35 - at best its a dance/upbeat video and works best as a short promo for the show but being a finalists for best overall really annoys the hell out of me
55 - 9 minutes of techno beat flash :roll: granted its high quality video scenes but the popularity of these types of videos really pisses me off. (and reading the other thread about the creator going off about someone posting negative comments about the video didn't help my feelings when seeing its spots among finalists)

and now to borrow a quote from the fantastic four;
"Flame on!"
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Re: AWA Pro video discussion

Post by CrackTheSky » Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:43 am

zeiram_00 wrote:crackthescky - If this is a comedy video, it fails. If it's action, the very notion of using Godzilla films is too stupid to take seriously. 1/5 (obviously you don't get this niche part of the sci-fi world and judging from your reviews you only rate things highly if you or someone else you're a fan of made the video)
How in the world is that even a valid judgment of my opinion, when this entire contest is judged BLIND?

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Re: AWA Pro video discussion

Post by Pwolf » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:26 am

CrackTheSky wrote:
zeiram_00 wrote:crackthescky - If this is a comedy video, it fails. If it's action, the very notion of using Godzilla films is too stupid to take seriously. 1/5 (obviously you don't get this niche part of the sci-fi world and judging from your reviews you only rate things highly if you or someone else you're a fan of made the video)
How in the world is that even a valid judgment of my opinion, when this entire contest is judged BLIND?
Also considering you rated my video poorly as well, his argument doesn't have any grounds to begin with.


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