There have been a few changes to the rules so please check them out before submitting to be sure your video qualifies.The AMV (Anime Music Video) contest takes place on Friday. Anime Music Videos consist of clips from one or more anime series or movies set to songs. They are made by fans because they have a passion for an anime/song combination that drives them to show that vision to audiences.
All of our contestants are fans just like you who have worked hard all year to create the videos we will be showing off Friday evening. There are many
awards that can be won.
Audience Categories:
◦Crowd Pleaser / Best in Show / Audience Fav
◦Best in Category (Four awards: Action, Drama, Comedy, Pro)
Judging Categories: (Voted on by our panel of Judges)
◦Best Produced
◦Judges’ Favorite
Additional Awards:
◦Creators' Choice (Voted on by the contestants)
◦Staff's Pick (AMV Staff pick their favorite entrie(s) )
Our Judges are:
Ed Hooper
Amy Horswill
Victoria Shapero
Lauren Cook
Mystery Judge (Every year we fill our fifth spot with a mystery person!)
Check out the AMV site:
Hope to see you there!
The most important change is that we have changed the soft deadline to November 1st and the hard deadline to December 1st. If the entry is not in my hands by midnight December 1st it will not be accepted.
If there are any questions there is now a comment section on our AMV site. You could also either post here or e-mail us at EDIT: Comment section broken, please e-mail instead!
Thak you for reading,
Mikal Saltveit
AMV Contest Coordinator
I am proud to announce our Finalists (not neccessarily in final order)
Time to Let it Go by Sean McPartland
Hell Jump by Yosef A Ghiassu
Dragonball Evolution by Ryan Molina
Beat of the Rising Sun by David Nguyen
Final Fantasy Heroes by Maya K. Williams
Explosive Soul by Mike Hernandez
Illusion Breaker by Jason Fiore
Running Desperado by Dean Seirafi
If everyone Cared no one would cry by Lindsay Maire Young
The Love of a Hero by Matthew Lewis
You're not Alone by Katherine Cullen
Princess of the Red Rose by Lark Isenberg
Over and Over by Tiffany Chase
Naruto's Hope by Mike Hernandez
Kiss Me by Edwin Hollowell
I Love the Anime World by John Galietta III
Be a Man Conrad by Miguel Melendez
Thunderbusted by Isaac Fischer
AMG in a Nutshell by Janet Lookabaugh (EDIT: Apologizes, this was a typo only on this forum, internally we notated it correclty)
Thunder Cats by Tiffany Chase
A Host's "Special" Kind of Girl by Jason Fiore
Your Own Miracle by Billy Taing
To the Future by Erin Nguyen
Curtain Call by John Galietta III
Tomo's Gonna STAAAAAND Out! by Janet Lookabaugh
Crimson Rhapsody by Victoria Galietta
Spinning Infinity by Kerry Potts
Building Steam by Nic Neidenbach
Congratulations to our Big Winners!
Audience Fav
Running Desperado
Best Produced
Curtain Call
Creators' Choice
Crimson Rhapsody
Staff's Pick
A Host's "Special" Kind of Girl
The full list of winners will be posted on our website soon. We will also be posting a more complete set of "rules" and directions.