The Otakon 2011 Thread

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The Otakon 2011 Thread

Post by VicBond007 » Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:47 pm

Pretty-much Finalists - Pending legal approval
Andre Marentette
Aquiline Studios (Cyanna)
Aquiline Studios (Scintilla)
Caught! Productions
Curry Mutton Pizza Productions
Erik Heckert
Hagaren Viper
Lucia Studios
Miracle Falcon
One-Winged Angel Productions
PixelBlended Studios
Re-Evolution Studios
Studio Hybrid
Team Avalon
Trinity Studios (LopezAMV)
Under The Box Productions

Those of you who've attended the contest in 2009/2010 know that while we are seating everybody, we play trivia cards like you would see played before movies (you know, BEFORE theaters realized they could sell the spots for MORE COMMERCIALS instead!). Well, thinking is hard, so this year I'm going to bribe you fine folks to come up with some new hotness. Details are here:

Overflow Info
The overflow block is 9AM-noon on Sunday in Video 1. Overflow will screen videos that did not make the final contest, with priority given to those entries that were created by editors attending Otakon. Disqualified videos will be pushed to the bottom of the playlist. Videos DQ'd for objectionable content won't be played at all. Troll videos will be played at overflow. Traditionally the playlist is arranged alphabetically-by-creator, and if you approach me during the event and tell me your studio name, I'll bump your video to the top of the list.

Creator's Badge Info
Anyone who submitted a video that does not get disqualified is eligible for 3 "creator's passes". These are not Otakon memberships so you still have to buy your badge. These passes allow you to skip the line for the AMV contest (and boy what a line it is) and allows you to sit in the better-than-good seats with two of your friends. TO PICK UP YOUR COOL-KID CARDS: go to AMV Ops (BCC 312) at any of the following times:
Friday 2:00-5:00pm
Friday 9:30-11:30pm
Saturday 11:00am-1:00pm

Iron Editor
Kiarrens is going up against reigning champ Christopher Brown. The theme is Vampires Suck. Scintilla will be hosting the event. It will be from 6:30-9:30PM in panel 1, wherever that is.

Rosario to Vampire 1-5
Trinity Blood 1-5
Hellsing Ultimate 5-7
Vampire Princess Miyu OVA 1-4
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

AMV Awards
AMV Contest winners will be announced/played during Iron Editor. Gundam models ahoy!

We received 139 "valid" entries this year. A valid entry, is one where we received both the video, AND the form. We received 146 forms total, but 7 videos either never got to me, or never finished uploading (And I don't mean a few seconds on the end. I'm talking 4 seconds worth of video uploaded and then abandoned). Said entry forms were deleted. Also, those of you who sent in a video, won a contest elsewhere, and then sent in a non-winning replacement video, your original entry form was deleted before this final count, so technically more than 139 video were processed. This count includes trolls and DQs.

DQ Video List - People who broke the rules. No creator seating passes offered; low priority on the Overflow playlist.
RavenFlames - TV station logos, english dub
Jordan Dougherty - subtitles
Retro Active ent - subtitles
Jasmine Marie Casey - subtitles
OMG it's a ninja pro - subtitles
zibbazabba905 - TV station logos
MagicFlier - TV logos
Ryan L. Hess - TV logos

Troll Video List - Not permitted in the final contest, but still will receive creator seating passes and screen-time during Overflow.
Brad DeMoss
LC Productions
CornDog VidVids (Haunter103)

Video Changelog (AKA: Why don't I get a confirmation e-mail the very minute my entry finished upload?!)
This year, as I did last year, I decided to log all of the changes that I made to submissions. This happens before you get the e-mail saying that your entry "tested fine for playback", meaning that in reality, it tested fine for playback AFTER I did stuff to it. I did this because while I rarely post on the .org anymore, I do lurk the contest forums and there are too many contest coordinators who take the "get video, play video, earn badge" approach to contest management. This is why Otakon doesn't get the "my video looked like crap" posts after the con. That, and hopefully this will explain why your 11PM-Sunday-night e-mails of "OMG DID MY VIDEO WORK FINE?!" went un-replied to ;) Just because I had to fix a video, doesn't REALLY mean it's 100% the creator's fault. A lot of it is just because "that's how things are stored nowadays" and they just need some fixinating to play properly on our setup. I'm only listing the entries that needed work done to them.

Marcus Williams 1:1 video in improperly flagged 720x480 mask. Cropped and scaled appropriately. Converted levels from 32-215 to 16-235 and encoded letterboxed mpeg2.
Ryan L. Hess 1:1 video inside a 1:1 720x480 frame. Cropped, scaled, and encoded mpeg2 from DV. DQ for logos.
ZIBBAZABBA905 1:1 video inside a 720x480 1:1 frame. Cropped and resized appropriately. Encoded mpeg2. DQ for logos.
Counterinsurgency 1:1 video inside a 1:1 720x480 frame. Deinterlaced, cropped, scaled, re-interlaced, re-encoded mpeg2. I GOT THIS.
HeroineJunkie47 1:1 video inside a 1:1 720x480 frame. Cropped, scaled, and encoded mpeg2 from avi.
Retro Active ent 1:1 video inside of a 1:1 720x480 frame. Cropped, scale, and encoded mpeg2 from avi. DQ for subtitles.
BitterSweet Temptations Studios 1:1 video inside of a 1:1 720x480 frame. Cropped, scaled, and encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from mp4.
xDreww 1:1 video inside of a 1:1 720x480 frame. Cropped, scaled, and encoded mpeg2 from mp4.
Bittersweet Temptations Studios 1:1 video inside of an improper 1:1 flagged 720x480 mask. Cropped and scaled appropriately. Encoded mpeg2 from wmv.
jubjub2 1:1 video inside of an improper 1:1 mask. Cropped and scaled appropriately. Encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from mp4.
Jordan Dougherty 4:3 video inside a 1024x576 mask. Cropped, scaled, and encoded mpeg2 from mp4. DQ for subtitles.
Otakugray Bubbly audio. E-mail sent. Encoded mpeg2.
SatoshiSakura Bubbly audio. E-mail sent. Received corrected version. Changed video levels to 16-235 from 0-255 and re-encoded mpeg2.
Kea Jade Changed aspect flag from 1:1 to 4:3 and encoded mpeg2 from wmv.
Under The Box Productions Effects push levels out of spec, but original footage is in-spec. Left levels alone.
Dokami Converted 1:1 mov to 4:3 mpeg2.
Corsair Converted levels from 0-255 to 16-235 and encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from 1:1 mp4.
Veebee Converted levels from 0-255 to 16-235 and encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from 1:1 mp4.
DreadfulBelle Productions Converted levels from 0-255 to 16-235 and re-encoded mpeg2.
Curry Mutton Pizza Productions Converted levels from 0-255 to 16-235 and re-encoded mpeg2.
Krigen Converted levels from 0-255 to 16-235 and re-encoded mpeg2.
Cousin Of Sparda Studios Converted levels from 0-255 to 16-235 and re-encoded mpeg2.
TweeTwee Converted levels from 0-255 to 16-235 and re-encoded mpeg2.
Dragon/Roy Converted levels from 0-255 to 16-235 and re-encoded mpeg2.
SSGWNBTD Converted levels from 0-255 to 16-235. Encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from 1:1 avi.
VivifxAMV Converted levels from 0-255 to 16-235. Video is 1:1 inside of a wrong 720x480 mask. Cropped, scaled, and encoded mpeg2 from mp4.
Lawrence Studios Converted levels from 16-255 to 16-235 and re-encoded properly letterboxed mpeg2.
Kireblue Converted levels from 32-215 to 16-235 and encoded mpeg2 from mp4.
Shi Yuan Kuang Converted levels from 32-215 to 16-235 and re-encoded mpeg2.
KajiPyro Productions Converted levels to 16-235 from 0-255 and re-encoded mpeg2.
BriNyaa Converted to mpeg2 from wmv.
Unexpected Swede Productions Converted to mpeg2.
Kotomo Converted to mpeg2.
Vendettachu Conglomerate Converted to mpeg2.
Freakinerd Converted to mpeg2.
BrainStorm Pictures Converted to mpeg2.
Shonen Jidai Converted video levels from 0-255 to 16-235 and encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from properly flagged 1:1 mp4.
Michael Hudak Converted video levels to 16-235 from 0-255 and re-encoded mpeg2.
irriadin Converted video levels to 16-235 from 0-255 and re-encoded mpeg2.
SammySamaProductions Converted video levels to 16-235 from 0-255 and re-encoded mpeg2.
Miracle Falcon Encoded 16:9 mpeg2 from 1:1 mp4.
aoisenshi Encoded 16:9 mpeg2 from 1:1 mp4. Cut ending.
Warlike Swans Encoded 16x9 mpeg2 from unflagged 720x480 mov.
PixelBlended Studios Encoded 4:3 mpeg2 from 1:1 flagged mp4.
Dreamscope Encoded 4:3 mpeg2 from improperly flagged (1:1) avi.
Ayu-shima Encoded 4:3 mpeg2 from improperly flagged mp4.
iKakaChan Encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from 1:1 mov.
ChosenExiled Encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from 1:1 mp4.
Kyssifur Encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from 1:1 mp4.
Neverend Encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from 1:1 mp4.
Pockying Encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from 1:1 wmv.
MagicFlier Encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from 1:1 wmv. DQ for logos.
Erik Heckert Encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from mov.
Ghet (Chaotic Bad Raptor) Encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from properly flagged 1:1 mp4. E-mail sent re: title sequence at end. Received corrected version and re-encoded.
BadWolf Encoded mpeg2 from dv.
John Testerman Encoded mpeg2 from m4v.
s0matic Encoded mpeg2 from mkv.
SpadeTech Studios Encoded mpeg2 from mkv.
Chris Diaz Encoded mpeg2 from mov
Dean Seirafi Encoded mpeg2 from mp4.
EimiJ7 Encoded mpeg2 from mp4.
Team Avalon Encoded mpeg2 from mp4.
jubblets Encoded mpeg2 from mp4.
Flame-X Encoded mpeg2 from mp4.
Caught! Productions Encoded mpeg2 from mp4. Normalized audio to -3db. Received and re-encoded censored version.
RavenFlames Encoded mpeg2 from mp4. DQ for CN logo/Dubbed audio.
SuperCritical Productions Encoded mpeg2 from properly letterboxed mp4.
Steve Gearhart Encoded mpeg2 from wmv.
CityLightSumerNights Encoded mpeg2 from wmv.
Otaku Madness Productions Encoded mpeg2 from wmv.
Jonathan Thorps Encoded mpeg2 from wmv.
Jasmine Marie Casey Encoded mpeg2 from wmv. Subtitles, e-mail sent. DQ for subs.
Ashlex in Pearl Encoded mpeg2 from wmv. Subtitles, E-mail sent. Received corrected version.
Lucia Studios Encoded mpeg2-PS from mpeg2-TS.
Jaeson Koszarsky Expanded levels from 32-215 to 16-235 and re-encoded mpeg2.
Statz Expanded video levels from 32-215 to 16-235 and encoded mpeg2.
Shin Expanded video levels from 32-215 to 16-235. Some effects are out of range but the footage is now in spec. Encoded mpeg2.
CuTi Studios FF footage is wrong aspect but Ouran is correct. Kept at 4:3. Encoded mpeg from .avi.
Mere Fixed letterbox border level (was 32 instead of 16) and encoded to mpeg2.
HikazePrincess Fixed letterbox level (was 32 instead of 16) and encoded mpeg2.
Brian Evans Flagged as 10:11 interlaced. Encoded mpeg2 at 4:3 progressive to match source.
AlexToba Logos, e-mail sent. Received corrected version. Encoded mpeg2 from avi.
Studio Hybrid mpeg2 was encoded at 16x9. Re-encoded as 4x3 letterboxed.
Sorceress Edea muxed m2v and ac3.
Ramen Noodle Productions Re-encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from wrong-aspect 4:3 mpeg2.
RADX888 Removed lead-in and re-encoded mpeg2.
ZarakiMew Shrunk video levels and encoded mpeg2 from mpeg1. Subtitles. E-mail sent. Received corrected version. Changed video levels from 0-255 to 16-235 and re-encoded mpeg2.
Kazemon15 Source is 16x9 1:1 inside a 720x480 1:1 frame. Cropped and scaled properly. Encoded mpeg2. Won at Katsucon.
Andre Marentette Source mpeg2 was 16x9. Re-encoded as letterboxed 4x3 mpeg2.
AnnaZoey Source uses hyper-white. Reduced upper limit contrast to 235. Re-encoded 4:3 letterboxed mpeg2 from 16:9 flagged mpeg2.
OMG it's a ninja pro Subtitles. E-mail sent. Converted to mpeg2. DQ for subs.
Brad DeMoss Victory elsewhere. DQ.
Tech Crew Never Dies Productions Video as 1:1 (720x405) inside a 720x480 frame flagged as 1:1. Cropped and resized accordingly. Shrunk video to proper levels. Encoded mpeg2.
Strawberry Kiss Video is 1:1 inside of a 1:1 720x480 frame. Cropped and resized appropriately. Shrunk video to proper levels.
VDaySnowstorm Video is 4x3 video inside of an interlaced 1280x720 mask. Video ends at 1:33 but continues playing for 2 more minutes. Cropped video, unfolded fields, resized to 720x480, re-interlaced. Encoded mpeg2 from .wmv.
Ner0 Video was 1280x768 with black masking on top and bottom. Cropped masking to 720p and encoded mpeg2.
WizardOfCeles Wrong aspect. Encoded letterboxed mpeg2 from improperly flagged 4:3 mpeg. Converted video levels from 0-255 to 16-235.
Hagaren Viper Wrong aspect. Encoded mpeg2 as 4:3.
Project Air Wrong aspect. Unfolded fields, resized to 4:3, re-interlaced, converted levels from 0-255 to 16-235 and re-encoded mpeg2.
Screaming Insomniacs Wrong aspect. Unfolded fields, resized, re-interlaced, and re-encoded mpeg2.
Adv1sor Wrong aspect. Re-encoded mpeg2.
Psygirl21 Wrong flag. Re-flagged and re-encoded 4:3 mpeg2. Bad fields. Fixed.
moonbunnychan Wrong video levels (0-255). Some footage is wrong aspect, did not fix. Encoded new mpeg2.
Kiarrens Wrong video levels (0-255). Footage is wrong aspect (1:1 in 720x480 frame) but overlays are correct. Aspect untouched. Re-encoded mpeg2.
Samcyxk Wrong video levels (0-255). Re-encoded mpeg2.
Th3g3ck0 Wrong video levels (32-215). Re-encoded mpeg2..

What's Next?
Otakon's lawyer will be evaluating the entries (though I don't see anything that could even remotely be an issue this year) and then the list will be final-final. Then, next stop: Otakon.

Old News
'Sup folks. The rules are going live shortly and we're ready to accept submissions for the Otakon 2011 contest. You can view the rules here: ... rules.html
Or on the Otakon site.

Please don't be afraid to submit your video this year. We DO have a new head of programming and he SEEMS to be much more receptive to fan-related-issues so we shouldn't have a repeat of last year's last-minute mess.

I'll answer questions in this thread. If you break the submission server, please let me know ASAP. It seemed way too easy to set up this year >.>
Last edited by VicBond007 on Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:17 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: The Otakon 2011 Thread

Post by CodeZTM » Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:52 pm

Oh goodie! Something else to make a submission to work on. :D

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Re: The Otakon 2011 Thread

Post by Cyanna » Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:52 pm

It's the same weekend as Anime NEXT again. |:>

I know Pete was on your case about this last year and that you were considering an exception. He's sleeping right now so you might get hit with all this again over AIM. :P

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Re: The Otakon 2011 Thread

Post by VicBond007 » Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:12 pm

Cyanna wrote:It's the same weekend as Anime NEXT again. |:>

I know Pete was on your case about this last year and that you were considering an exception. He's sleeping right now so you might get hit with all this again over AIM. :P
Well, when I wrote the rules, there was nothing on the .org calendar. Exception made. AnimeNext 2011 victories don't count as trolling. I'll try to get the rules updated on the Otakon site, shortly.
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Re: The Otakon 2011 Thread

Post by CorpseGoddess » Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:26 pm

When you say "First Place" (in reference to the trolling rule), does that mean for the entered contest as a whole, or best in its given category?

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Re: The Otakon 2011 Thread

Post by Davis 51 » Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:03 pm

June...oh crap I need to really start it really that time already?!

welp time to get cracking :awesome:

Going for Sentimental/Romance this year...hoping to do something very very different from my usual drama/parody cycle.
Under The Box Productions is my studio.
My youtube page is:

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Re: The Otakon 2011 Thread

Post by kiarrens » Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:04 pm

Glad to see that the deadline is WAY after AB. :D If neither of my vids for that win anything, I'll definitely submit one for this year!
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Re: The Otakon 2011 Thread

Post by VicBond007 » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:54 pm

CorpseGoddess wrote:When you say "First Place" (in reference to the trolling rule), does that mean for the entered contest as a whole, or best in its given category?
Both, actually. I say "First place" as opposed to "best" because there are a lot of awards out there that tend to be specifically tailored to give recognition to a certain video, like "Best Gurren Lagaan video done in the correct aspect ratio". So, if your victory can be considered as "I took first place in the ________ category" or "I won best in show at _________" then it's a troll video at that point as far as I'm concerned.

You can still enter your video before it wins something. Hell, you can enter it after it wins something too, it'll just get flagged as a troll and get bumped to overflow. If you enter a video early and it does win before the trolling deadline, you can submit a replacement video so long as it's sent in before the deadline, and I'll just delete the first video and your first submission form. A few people had to do that last year.
"With free bagels we can live like Kings!...Kings who have to pay for their own castle in order to get the free bagels!" - Omar Jenkins

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Re: The Otakon 2011 Thread

Post by kiarrens » Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:07 pm

Looks like you're getting a comedy from me, as soon as I re-encode it into 720x480 MPEG2.

Bwahahaha. haha. ha. *ahem*
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Re: The Otakon 2011 Thread

Post by irriadin » Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:40 pm

Kinda insane that there is only about 1.5 months to go for the deadline. I have a LOT of work to do.


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