2011 Contests and Deadlines:
Rule sheets and so forth are online now at AWA's website.
EDIT: All deadlines have passed. Any questions? Ask Daric or Patrick. Or leave a message here. See you at AWA!
This is a courtesy FYI. The official rules may be completely different.Other than the due dates (see main contest page for those dates), changes will also include the address to send discs, the site to register videos, and information about the Masters contest.
The new registration site will be at http://contest.otakuvideo.com once it is up and running. The Masters contest rules will more than likely be the same as previous years when Masters was running. The new address to physically send videos is:
Patrick Bohnet
C/O : AWA Masters/Pro/Expo Contest
2955 Lula Lane
Kennesaw, GA 30144
the email addresses for both technical and general contest questions are still the same:
General Questions: videoart@awa-con.com
Technical Questions: vattechnical@awa-con.com
There also may be some technical changes to the traditional long form of the rules from previous years (e.g. resolutions that will be accepted) so keep an eye on the site for when those rules are posted.
x2Pwolf wrote:Daric, what ever happened to sending out previous awards? Are you still going to do that or can I have someone pick up mine at AWA for me?