Sangawa Project III Anime Music Video Contest
The following are the contractual rules for Sangawa Project's Anime Music Video Contest. All videos submitted for the purpose of entry into the contest are subject to the following terms and conditions.
The AMV Contest award categories are as follows:
- The Top 3 videos as selected by the audience of Sangawa Project's AMV Contest;
- The Top 3 videos as selected by a pre-selected judging staff; and
- The Coordinator's Choice Award, selected by the contest coordinator of Sangawa Project's AMV Contest.
- Best Nostalgic Anime Music Video: Based on feedback from last year's contest, and in the spirit of the Sangawa Project, this category is to award a qualifying submission that prominently features anime from 2002 or before (10 years prior to Sangawa Project). The coordinator and the judges will confer and pick out the one video that will be given this award.
If the overall submissions' play time is larger than can fit in the appropriate contest time slot, cuts will unfortunately be made. Keep in mind that video selection for the finals will be determined on qualities such as technical aspects, effectiveness of the video and general execution. You do not need to attend the convention to enter the contest, although it is highly encouraged.
- All videos must be received by June 24, 2012.
- As this is an anime music video contest, the majority (approximately 51% or more) of your video must contain Japanese anime or Japanese videogame-related media (that originated in Japan). It is encouraged that the video submitted be a proper music-based video, but we will not require it.
- There is a time limit of 30 seconds minimum and 6 minutes maximum. Anything beyond 6 minutes may be acceptable at the AMV Contest Coordinators' discretion only.
- You may submit a maximum of three videos. It is encouraged that you provide some variety in your video entries, but it is not required.
- Qualifying AMV Contest video entries must have been created after May 1, 2011. Any qualifying video entry that has won awards during the submission period up to the convention will still be allowed to enter. In order to provide freshness to the contest, videos that were previously submitted to past Tekkoshocon or KuroKiiro Festival AMV contests are excluded from entry in the Sangawa Project AMV contest.
- No watermarks in the video will be allowed. This includes the DivX logo, any television station bugs & logos, AMV studio logos, etc.
- No video will be accepted with "hard subtitles" (subtitles permanently overlaid on video), nor will we accept videos from bootleg or fansub releases with these subtitles. The only EXCEPTION to this rule is if you create your own subtitles as an actual part of the anime music video.
- Because of the nature of the video judging, Sangawa Project Staff are allowed to enter music videos, unless they are participating in judging of the AMV contest.
We accept any type of music video entry, from all ages to 18+. Because the convention is carded and fully restricted to ages 18 and over, extreme content will be allowed in our main contest showing. The definition of "extreme content" for this contest includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Language
- Excessive violence (well known example can be seen in Berserk)
- Innuendo or other situational humor that could be considered offensive
- Strong sexual situations (not graphic)
- Non-sexual brief nudity
Following is a list of content not allowed in this main contest showing:
- Videos with graphic sexual acts will not be allowed. We are not "porn-con", so don't send it here.
- There is NO PEDOPHILIA ALLOWED. Just because the box and the disclaimers say that s/he is legal does not mean s/he is. Please, do not submit anything that has visually identifiable underaged girls or boys performing sexual or perverted acts.
- Any content that is deemed to be illegal in the United States is also not allowed into the contest. Just because it’s animated does not excuse it from certain laws that may govern what can be shown in the United States.
The following video formats are the only formats that will be accepted for submission to the contest, in order from most preferred to least:
- H.264 MP4 format (.mp4)
- MPEG-2 Video with MPEG-II Layer Audio (.mpeg, .mpg)
- DivX / XviD in AVI format (.avi) encoded at the highest quality possible (Quantizer 1 is most preferred)
- Quicktime format (acceptable, but not recommended)
- Windows Media format (acceptable, but not recommended)
Any file format not mentioned above will not be considered and immediately disqualified. This includes MPEG-1, Real Media, or the use of any codec other than DivX or XviD. If all fails, contact the Contest Coordinator and we can try to work out an acceptable solution.
It is preferable to use a frame rate of 29.976 or 23.976 as all videos will be played on a NTSC projector. All other frame rates will be converted to the preferred ones.
In order to submit a video for possible entry, an e-mail must be sent to with the following information for each video submitted:
- Video Title
- Source Used (if more than 3 list as "Various")
- Song Title (if more than 2 list as "Various")
- Music Artist (if more than 2 list as "Various")
- Aspect Ratio of the video (usually "4:3" or "16:9", however you may request on the form that you will leave it up to the AMV Department Staff to put the video into the proper Aspect Ratio.)
- Type of video (Even though we are not using categories in voting, this will assist us in arranging the programming properly. Types normally include action, drama, romance, comedy, upbeat, dance, parody, or some other one-word description.)
Along with the video(s) information, please provide the following in your e-mail:
- Your name
- Your email address
- Your physical mailing address
- (Optional) A phone number you can be reached. It is only used if other means of contact are exhausted.
If you wish to send your entry by postal mail, please indicate as such in your e-mail and an address will be provided. Please include a copy of the submission form in the mailer. If sending by mail, videos must be on a data disk (DVD or CD-R). Any other media will not be accepted. Also, do not author your videos as VOB-format DVD playback files. Please burn the actual files onto a CD-R or DVD+R/DVD-R Data Disc.
If you wish to have your video retrieved by electronic means (either by FTP or by file- or video-sharing site), please provide a link either with the submission information e-mail or shortly thereafter. Note that we only take the file formats above and we will not accept links to YouTube or other Flash-based movie player sites. If you need assistance or advice with this, please let us know.
Any video that does not follow the guidelines and rules above WILL BE CONSIDERED DISQUALIFIED AND NOT BE ENTERED INTO THE CONTEST. The contest coordinator will review requests for exceptions, but all coordinator's decisions and judging methods are FINAL.
The board of Tekkoshocon Inc. and Sangawa Project's Administration Staff reserve the right to prohibit from convention viewing any video submission entered into the contest for any reason. All submissions become the property of Tekkoshocon, Inc. and/or its assigns, and will not be returned to the submitter -- Please do not send in your only copy of your video submission.
All submissions may be used for display and promotional purposes. All videos entered will be considered to be cleared for this purpose.