I'm looking for lists of contest winners from previous AWAs. I'm in the process of going through the old awards, and while we have some records, we don't have a lot. I know the list has been posted here and via the mailing list every year for at least the last 8 years, so I was hoping you could help me out.
I would be very grateful to anyone who could post links to threads with previous Anime Weekend Atlanta contest winners. Also, if you were a winner at a previous year and never got your award, please reply here and let me know. I'm going to need to start gathering mailing addresses for folks, which I imagine have changed over the years.
My first goal is to get all the Pro contest trophies mailed out. I currently have...
- 2011; Best Artistic Endeavor, Best Video, Best Drama
- 2010; Best Horror, Best Action, Best Storytelling
- 2009; Best Drama
- 2006; Best Horror, Best Trailer, Best Character Profile
- 2004; Best Action, Best Horror, Best Character Profile
- 2002: Pro: Best Sentimental, Best Action, Dance Music Video Contest, no label (?)
- 2001: Best sentimental
Scott Danzig: Bat Dance; Best Lip Syncing (no year marked)
It seems this forum lacks a "send message" capability, so unless someone has a better idea, I will post my email address here a little later.
And yes, the first batch I mail out will also include the trophies from this year. Planning on first shipment later this week. I know it's been 2 1/2 months, and I'm sorry for the delay. Now that my Master's semester is finally done, I've got no excuse to keep procrastinating on it. At least until next semester starts...so I need this info before that happens!

Thanks in advance!
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