Hello AMVORG !
This year to obtain the King’s Crown of the last year, you should need to give everything you have ! The 9th edition was awesome, i expect this year it's gonna be the same, mainly for the 10th edition !
The fight will last exactly 72 hours,
From August 9th 8:00 PM UTC+2 ‘til August 12th 23:59 PM UTC+2.
https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/g ... slab&csz=1
Judges :
Cmoididi / Hayden / Shadox
Rules :
- Your AMV should be 1 minute 50 seconds minimum (intro/outro excluded)
- Every footages are allowed, EVERY ! ANIME, VIDEO GAMES AND MOVIES.
The possibilities are infinite to win against your opponent !
- You can participate on your own or as a group, like always.
The choice is yours, but pick your partners wisely.
- Use only the songs provided in the packs for the AMV.
You can use anything for the intro/outro.
- You gonna send a ddl of your video to SHADOX by private message (Discord, Skype, Forum etc...)
Because the other jury will be not there until the end of the event.
Songs :
The songs will be available on August 9th 8:00 PM UTC+2.
This year we chosen to make 3 music packs with 25 songs each (75 songs then).
- Pack Cmoididi
- Pack Hayden
- Pack Shadox
In these packs, different styles of music will be available for all to enjoy.
Ranking :
- Coliseum (everyone is invited)
- Elite Squad (only MEP's will be ranked)
- Last Warriors (only SOLO's will be ranked)
Please register on this topic to sign up for the IC !
You still can register even after the event started.
FORUM IS HERE : http://eden-team.forumactif.org/t2462-s ... orks-rules
https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/g ... slab&csz=1