Hello editors,
It is that time of the year again! We are proud to announce for Kawaii Kon 2019: the 14th annual Video Art (VA) Contest; the return of our special category contest, Varied Theme Contest (VTC); and Video Medley (VM) Showcase for Kawaii Kon 2019.
VAST VA Rules, Short Version
For full explanations of the Main VA Contest, VTC, and WM, please see the long version of the rules
http://kawaiikon.com/events/vast/vast-r ... uidelines/)
Who can enter?
The contest is open to all participants. Although it is strongly encouraged participants in the contest be attendees, attendance is not a requirement for entry. The staffers and judges of VAST will not be able to participate, however other Kawaii Kon staffers are free to enter. Please read and understand all the rules listed below.
What can I enter?
Original production video art is welcome and encouraged. Live action and/or self-animated works (by computer or otherwise) are also welcome, but may be judged separately if warranted by the number of entries submitted. The only exclusion is for videos that have been sent to previous Kawaii Kon contests or entered into other VAST showcases in the same year. These videos are ineligible for competition in the VAST contests.
Where can I enter?
The only way to enter the VAST Contests is via internet by either through public file transfer sites not requiring memberships to download or your own web hosting site. No hand-in entries will be accepted at the convention.
When can I enter?
Entries will be accepted now until Friday, February 15, 2019 @ 11:59 pm HST.
Winners will be announced at the conclusion of the KK VAST Video Art Contest on Saturday, April 6, 2019.
Why do I enter?
To see your video on the big screen in front of a live audience and for the chance to win recognition and fortune! Okay well, not fortune, but if you are one of the winners, you can “win some wood”! Additional prizes and awards may be awarded at the discretion of the VAST Department. All prizes and awards have a negligible cash value.
How do I enter?
Make a video, fill in the entry form, enter it and make sure it gets to us by the entry deadline. Preferred format is MP4/ MKV - other formats will also be accepted. Although your entries will be judged in their original submitted format, they will be converted to MP4/MKV on this end for display / archiving purposes. For the most control over how your video is displayed, it is suggested that you do your own MP4/MKV conversion work.
Please post questions below in this thread or email the VAST Department at
Do not be afraid to ask!
Thank you for participating in the contest again!
Kelly Ann Webb
Kawaii Kon VAST Executive Officer