Yaoi-con 2002 - Deadline Sept. 6th

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Yaoi-con 2002 - Deadline Sept. 6th

Post by anneke » Thu Aug 08, 2002 12:26 pm

Just a reminder that the Yaoi-con 2002 AMV contest deadline is Sept. 6th.

The theme of this years contest is "Friendship Eternal". However this is Friendship between boys, or groups of boys.

See the web site for more details: www.yaoicon.com

Submit, even if you can't attend. Due to the specific theme of the convention the could use all the entries they get.

*I don't run the contest, I just enter it. But I really like the convention and want them to have a good contest.

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Re: Yaoi-con 2002 - Deadline Sept. 6th

Post by AbsoluteDestiny » Thu Aug 08, 2002 12:30 pm

anneke wrote:The theme of this years contest is "Friendship Eternal". However this is Friendship between boys, or groups of boys.
No shit :lol:

I'll remind Tomj

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Re: Yaoi-con 2002 - Deadline Sept. 20 ! (changed)

Post by alatri » Tue Aug 20, 2002 2:53 pm

Actually... :)

I've decided to extend the deadline. I was originally giving the buffer space because I needed to gather the "technical" judges in for review time, but since I've managed to get a small group all local, we won't have to have that buffer.

The new deadline is going to be "postmarked by September 20th." that should still give me enough review time to go over the tapes and make sure the quality will work with emergency "send me a new copy!" time if they for some reason don't work. :)

I haven't gotten the changes up on the website yet, but it should be up there soon (within the week). I was also going to do some tweaking to the rules to make it clear that the theme doesn't *have* to be followed -- it's just there as a guide for things we'd like to get in. :) We don't require the videos to be 'yaoi' -- otherwise we *really* wouldn't get a lot! ;-p So the theme is there to show what sort of videos we *would* like to see. :)

Thanks for bringing the subject up, Anneke! :)

--Larissa ^..^
Yaoi-Con AMV Coordinator

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Post by anneke » Tue Aug 20, 2002 3:38 pm

You may not want to move the deadline. I would keep it where it is, and then extend it if you have room for more videos. From what I've seen and people I've talked to there should be more videos this year then last, easily.

Ofcourse this gives me time to redo one of my entries.


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20th is fine

Post by alatri » Tue Aug 20, 2002 4:57 pm

I've only gotten a couple of "not sure" emails about submissions, so I'm not sure how many we might get (it's always a "wait and see" thing!).

However, in all honesty, I may not be able to get around to the videos much sooner than the 20th -- I'm also working on the Doujinshi Anthology, and I'm up against a *much* tighter deadline on it since we have to get them to the publishers before the con. ;-)

So I might as well extend the extra time on to the AMV artists as well. :) Tweaking time <grin>.

I think the new deadline is enough time before the convention. And I'd rather not cut anybody off who really *needs* the time. So it makes it more fair to everybody to just annouce that the submission deadline has been bumped back. :)

-- Larissa ^..^
Y-Con AMV Coordinator


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