I'm sorry about the site layout right now, it's still completely under construction, and I hope to have it (partially) finished by the end of the week or sometime next week. In the meantime, feel free to check out the AMV Contest.
I look forward to seeing everyone enter a video!

EDIT: Entrant List
This list is the updated list of who has submitted to the contest:
Controversy Studios (L. Garner) - No One Knows
Slacker Studios - Irrelevant (Things Go Unnoticed)
Club Baby Seal - U Wonda Why They Call U Bitch
The Maan - Memories in the Mirror
Muddapunka - Shinji's Reflection
Tom Christensen - NGE - Come Sail Away
AMV Akatsuki Productions - Let Go Naruto
Black Flame Productions - It’s In Kyo's Blood
gODIX - Memories of Pain
Controversy Studios (The Perfect Soldier) - Epic Memories
Jysbena - Kenshin's Black Sunday
Matthew Elefanty - Eternal Pain
Jade_Eyed_Angel - (Kohaku's) Innocent Memories
Controversy Studios (Crzy_Tetsuo) - Starting Over
Club Baby Seal - One and Only
Shelton - Impossible Love
OwNeD_Productions - We Are One
Dan Jakubisin - Chihiro's Moment
Dark intentions inc. - Driven By Tomorrow's Choices
Streamliner Studios - Girls Who Like Girls
Ashley Mary - Only Hope: A Tribute to Tomoyo
Jysbena - Inuyasha- Circle
Starwind/Hawking Productions - Fighting For Your Love
Streamliner Studios - A History of US Presidents
Muddapunka - Vamp Techno
lilgumba - Emcee Sak
gODIX - Boobies!
CLR - Anime Store
Starwind/Hawking Productions - Outlaw Star Trek TNG Hero
Kingdom Of Tolono - To Be Strong
Slacker Studios - 99 Orchestrations
The Maan - Techno Bass Booster a.k.a. Overloader
Shelton - Transformed At Last
kenshin3162000 - Bring the Violence
OwNeD_Productions - Let's Do This Now!
MechaTC - Hyuuga Neji - Session of Fate
Anamorphic Productions - Delirium
Chao Studios - Kingdom Hearts II Trailer
Dan Jakubisin - Hunted
Baka Deshi Productions - I'm not Left Handed
ssjvackar - FF9 – divx
Charlie Wakeling - School Project
AMV Akatsuki Productions - AMV Project Naruto
Sunrise Studios - Anime Castaway
Mike Larsen - Not Always Alone
Kanup - Special Openings
Joe-El - Enter SandBOY
Matthew Elefanty - Legend of Kyoto