Some more "obscure" Russian bands that I connect personally the most with.
I tend to list Russian songs generally because I have a closer personal connection with the language.
With translated lyric bits
DDT - Ty ne odin (You're Not Alone)
Translated from Russian wrote:When the rain pours
When in your eyes - light
Of the cars passing by on the road
And noone is there
And it seems that's the end,
Gasoline and oxygen at zero
And she's with someone else
But know this: you're not alone
Akvarium - 25 k 10 (25 to 10)
Translated from Russian wrote:
I'm an engineer
For a hundred a month
And more I will never receive
I'm 25,
And I still don't know
What it is I want or believe
And I don't see
A particular cause
To be proud of the things I've done
But if I could ever
Choose my own fate,
I would choose the same one
Pilot - Kotoryi Den'... (How many days...)
Translated from Russian wrote:
How many days stolen from life
I spend locked out before the wooden door
I look off proudly at the fence's cracks,
And spend the rest of time asleep
I am no longer bothered by the birdies,
I just don't give a fuck for them, as all
I do not want to keep on singing
And I won't sing this anymore
Delfin - Ona (She)
Translated from Russian wrote:
I guess one's life should be invested in someone
But then for what - that's unclear anyway
But maybe then it will bring joy
In certain moments becoming pleasant
And then you can argue with death
Moving yourself to the back of the line
Not preparing yourself for it, but preparing it for yourself
Treating her like a father does his daughter
Kirpichi - Den'gi (Money)
Translated from Russian wrote:The black day has come for my piggy bank
Yo dude at the base - do you take empty bottles?
Sometimes you can't even borrow anywhere, and that really sucks
Accurate words: financial ass
I'd love to find me a rich chick
But all the women need cash - what's the point?
It's hard to think like that when you got a hole in your pocket
I'm just an honest man - I NEED SOME FUCKING MONEY
(okay the last one's a bit of a stretch

The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…