So trying something a little different here. Haven't made any AMVs for awhile now, but I do a lot of dance nowadays. Aside from teaching Salsa, I've been learning Popping for the past year (Animated Popping mostly; I haven't worked on too much Boogaloo if anyone here knows what it is). I thought it might be interesting to do some Popping to AMVs? Or something. Anyway, I thought it would be good to video myself for self-critiques (I can already see a ton I need to work on, so no need to point out what's wrong). So that said, there's a lot I can improve with this, but I thought I would put it here and see if people want more? (and yes, my space here is very small. Apologies as I didn't use it well, and I'm waaaaay too close to my phone at one point and took awhile to realize it, so I'm cut off and you can't see a chunk of what I'm doing

If there's a video you want me to do this with, feel free to request. Will do a better job next time! (video is unlisted just for you guys)