HMV's managment team consists of 3 monkeis on crack and a dead frog in a jar.ithaqua wrote:HMV still suprises me with what they carry sometimes. Except that one in Metrotown mall in Vancouver. I don't what the hell is up with that particular store.
Amazon is good, I like going directly to label online stores, like waxploitation and Positron.
I went in there several times and saw a mark down bin full of new, unopened, or japanese imported cd's. The japanese ones were unopened and in engilsh ... they jsut had a peice of paper over the spine with japanese writing.
But anyways i went through this bin and found "Soilworks - Natural Born Chaos" and "OLP - happiness ..." I never saw the soilworks one on the other shelves, but i found OLP with the rest of the OLP cd's ... the same cd i pullled out of the discount bin was on teh shelves for about 26 bucks ... in the discound bin it was marked down to 10.99. Before i found "NIN - The downward spiral" in their mark down bin as well ... it was in for $16, on the normal shelves it was $31 ... fucking idiots ... if you mark soemthing down, mark all of it down, not just a few copies.
Plus their DVD's are ridiclious ... most of them are about $52 each ... at elast for Anime they are ... live action is a bit mroe tollerable.